AiBoard: The ultimate IoT automation board for Rock-Pi & Raspberry Pi. Seamlessly control sensors, actuators & smart systems
AI computer assistant with natural language requests entry. Any action to perform on computer.
Automated retail system using RFID and sensors for seamless shopping experiences.
An automated tag recording system for cloth retailer that prevents shoplifting, and help the shop know the trendy clothes for better display
We use an Arduino to build an autonomous "follow me" cooler that connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth and uses GPS to navigate.
A robotic arm that uses Google's Coral Edge TPU USB Accelerator to run object detection and recognition of different recycling materials.
Track your face using OpenCV's facial recognition.
Android application monitoring system for GreenHouse, several sensors for reading data and send to application.
A touchless automatic motion sensor trash can.
AI-powered autonomous checkout system for retail stores.
This can separate dry waste and wet waste successfully.
Easily connect and control Raspberry Pi using Amazon Echo.
Traffic Light Information System that lets the driver know at which speed he needs to drive in order to pass the green light.
Christmas is near!
A medicine vending machine to store and give doses via medicine bottles and alert patients at prescribed times.
Control and monitor the home environment using Android app with advanced features such as voice command, scheduling, home preparing itself.
Project is Moved to Web Link :
WLAN configuration at runtime on the ESP8266/ESP32 web interface for Arduino.
Automate everything with Arduino!
Java game Flappy bird on Arduino platforms.
This device detects the presence of your hand and automatically release a specific amount of Hand-wash / Sanitizer to your hand.
A try to simulate the automation of modern manufacturing technologies specially the robotic arms that used in all fields of manufacturing.
The will gimbal a rocket motor back and forth to keep you rocket upright.
Create a digital inventory of your trading/collectible cards using Lego and a Raspberry Pi.