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This is a very simple project as far as the hardware is concerned, but with the software, we have very demanding work. On the Arduino Uno directly place the Arduino TFT LCD Touch Screen display. The program is inserted into the Arduino Uno.
How "Flappy Bird" worksThe "flappy" object is located in a fixed position on the X-axis while actions are performed by moving the Y-axis.
All descriptions will be illustrated in the original Java IDE or Greenfoot projects. All the same love of the Arduino TFT display.
When you touch the keys or the display object, Flappy moves to -10 px Y-axis. Obstacles appear. Flappy either gets in contact with an obstacle or exits from the world which is dictated by the edges of the screen display. The game is stopped when Flappy stops and the message "GAME OVER" and an achieved score are displayed.
Of course, the touch display can be printed and messages such as team name or message, press.
#include <SPFD5408_Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <SPFD5408_Adafruit_TFTLCD.h>
#include <SPFD5408_TouchScreen.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#define LCD_CS A3
#define LCD_CD A2
#define LCD_WR A1
#define LCD_RD A0
#define LCD_RESET A4
#define BLACK 0x0000
#define BLUE 0x001F
#define RED 0xF800
#define GREEN 0x07E0
#define CYAN 0x07FF
#define MAGENTA 0xF81F
#define YELLOW 0xFFE0
#define WHITE 0xFFFF
#define SENSIBILITY 300
#define MINPRESSURE 10
#define MAXPRESSURE 1000
#define YP A1
#define XM A2
#define YM 7
#define XP 6
#define TS_MINX 600
#define TS_MINY 900
#define TS_MAXX 965
#define TS_MAXY 140
TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, SENSIBILITY);
int wing;
int fx, fy, fallRate;
int pillarPos, gapPos;
int score;
int highScore = 0;
bool running = false;
bool crashed = false;
bool scrPress = false;
long nextDrawLoopRunTime;
void setup() {
tft.setCursor (55, 50);
tft.setTextSize (3);
tft.setCursor (85, 85);
tft.setTextSize (2);
tft.setCursor (55, 120);
tft.setTextSize (2);
void loop(void) {
if (millis() > nextDrawLoopRunTime ) {
nextDrawLoopRunTime += 50;
TSPoint p = ts.getPoint();
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
if (p.z > MINPRESSURE && p.z < MAXPRESSURE) {
if (!running) {
// clear text & start scrolling
running = true;
// fly up
fallRate = -11;
scrPress = true;
else if (p.z == 0 && scrPress) {
scrPress = false;
TSPoint waitOneTouch(boolean showMessage) {
uint8_t save = 0;
if (showMessage) {
save = tft.getRotation();
tft.setCursor (180, 200);
tft.setTextSize (1);
tft.println("Ceka taster!!!");
TSPoint p;
do {
p= ts.getPoint();
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
} while((p.z < MINPRESSURE )|| (p.z > MAXPRESSURE));
if (showMessage) {
return p;
void drawBorder () {
uint16_t width = tft.width() - 1;
uint16_t height = tft.height() - 1;
uint8_t border = 10;
tft.fillRect(border, border, (width - border * 2), (height - border * 2), WHITE);
void drawFlappy(int x, int y) {
// Upper & lower body
tft.fillRect(x+2, y+8, 2, 10, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+4, y+6, 2, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+6, y+4, 2, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+8, y+2, 4, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+12, y, 12, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+24, y+2, 2, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+26, y+4, 2, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+28, y+6, 2, 6, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+10, y+22, 10, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+4, y+18, 2, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+6, y+20, 4, 2, BLACK);
// Body fill
tft.fillRect(x+12, y+2, 6, 2, YELLOW);
tft.fillRect(x+8, y+4, 8, 2, YELLOW);
tft.fillRect(x+6, y+6, 10, 2, YELLOW);
tft.fillRect(x+4, y+8, 12, 2, YELLOW);
tft.fillRect(x+4, y+10, 14, 2, YELLOW);
tft.fillRect(x+4, y+12, 16, 2, YELLOW);
tft.fillRect(x+4, y+14, 14, 2, YELLOW);
tft.fillRect(x+4, y+16, 12, 2, YELLOW);
tft.fillRect(x+6, y+18, 12, 2, YELLOW);
tft.fillRect(x+10, y+20, 10, 2, YELLOW);
// Eye
tft.fillRect(x+18, y+2, 2, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+16, y+4, 2, 6, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+18, y+10, 2, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+18, y+4, 2, 6, WHITE);
tft.fillRect(x+20, y+2, 4, 10, WHITE);
tft.fillRect(x+24, y+4, 2, 8, WHITE);
tft.fillRect(x+26, y+6, 2, 6, WHITE);
tft.fillRect(x+24, y+6, 2, 4, BLACK);
// Beak
tft.fillRect(x+20, y+12, 12, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+18, y+14, 2, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+20, y+14, 12, 2, RED);
tft.fillRect(x+32, y+14, 2, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+16, y+16, 2, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+18, y+16, 2, 2, RED);
tft.fillRect(x+20, y+16, 12, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+18, y+18, 2, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+20, y+18, 10, 2, RED);
tft.fillRect(x+30, y+18, 2, 2, BLACK);
tft.fillRect(x+20, y+20, 10, 2, BLACK);
void startGame() {
int fx=50;
int fy=125;
int fallRate=1;
int pillarPos = 320;
int gapPos = 60;
bool crashed = false;
int score = 0;
int ty = 230;
for (int tx = 0; tx <= 300; tx +=20) {
tft.fillTriangle(tx,ty, tx+10,ty, tx,ty+10, GREEN);
tft.fillTriangle(tx+10,ty+10, tx+10,ty, tx,ty+10, YELLOW);
tft.fillTriangle(tx+10,ty, tx+20,ty, tx+10,ty+10, YELLOW);
tft.fillTriangle(tx+20,ty+10, tx+20,ty, tx+10,ty+10, GREEN);
void drawPillar(int x, int gap) {
tft.fillRect(x+2, 2, 46, gap-4, GREEN);
tft.fillRect(x+2, gap+92, 46, 136-gap, GREEN);
tft.drawRect(x, gap+90, 50, 140-gap, BLACK);
tft.drawRect(x+1,gap+91 ,48, 138-gap, BLACK);
void clearPillar(int x, int gap) {
tft.fillRect(x+45, 0, 5, gap, BLUE);
tft.fillRect(x+45, gap+90, 5, 140-gap, BLUE);
void clearFlappy(int x, int y) {
tft.fillRect(x, y, 34, 24, BLUE);
void checkCollision() {
// Collision with ground
if (fy > 206) crashed = true;
// Collision with pillar
if (fx + 34 > pillarPos && fx < pillarPos + 50)
if (fy < gapPos || fy + 24 > gapPos + 90)
crashed = true;
if (crashed) {
tft.setCursor(75, 75);
tft.print("Game Over!");
tft.setCursor(75, 125);
tft.setCursor(220, 125);
// stop animation
running = false;
// delay to stop any last minute clicks from restarting immediately
void drawLoop() {
// clear moving items
clearPillar(pillarPos, gapPos);
clearFlappy(fx, fy);
// move items
if (running) {
fy += fallRate;
pillarPos -=5;
if (pillarPos == 0) {
else if (pillarPos < -50) {
pillarPos = 320;
gapPos = random(20, 120);
// draw moving items & animate
drawPillar(pillarPos, gapPos);
drawFlappy(fx, fy);