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Track your water consumption and save money with Dusch-o-meter, the smart device for eco-friendly showers.


Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Water Flow Sensor

Software apps and online services

Maker service
IFTTT Maker service
ThingSpeak API
ThingSpeak API


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Wiring Schematic



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// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <ThingSpeak.h>

#define END_SHOWER_TIMEOUT 5 * 60 // 5 minutes.
#define WATER_LIMIT 150.0 // water limit after which notification is triggered.

const int Output_Pin = D2; // The sensor Pulses are incoming here.

// Global variables for fetching and calculating water flow values from the sensor.
volatile int Pulse_Count = 0;
unsigned int Liter_per_hour;
unsigned long Current_Time, Loop_Time;

double used_water = 0;         // Amount of water used during showering.
unsigned long off_counter = 0; // if no water is flowing increment until specified timeout to detect shower process ending.
bool already_pushed = false;   // bool to detect if data
bool limit_exceeded = false;   // if exceeding water limit detected.

TCPClient client;

// API Keys for ThingsPeak --> here go your own API key and channel.
unsigned long channelNr = 31461;
const char *writeapikey = "LD79EOAAWRVYF04Y";

void setup()
    pinMode(Output_Pin, INPUT);
    attachInterrupt(D2, Detect_Rising_Edge, FALLING);

    Current_Time = millis();
    Loop_Time = Current_Time;
    // initialize thingSpeak tcpClient

// calculates the amount of water used within 1s in liters
// return: consumed water in liters for 1s.
double calc_used_water_1s(unsigned int act_consumption)
    return (double)act_consumption / 3600;

// after some minutes with no water flowing publish data to server and reset water counter, reset limit exceeded.
void reset_and_store_data()
    ThingSpeak.writeField(channelNr, 1, (int)used_water, writeapikey); // vielleicht benachrichtigung ueber Abschluss.
    Particle.publish("Showering_Data_pushed", String(used_water));
    already_pushed = true;
    limit_exceeded = false;
    used_water = 0;

void loop()
    Current_Time = millis();
    if (Current_Time >= (Loop_Time + 1000)) // only calculate water flow rate every 1s
        Loop_Time = Current_Time;
        Liter_per_hour = (Pulse_Count * 60 / 6.6); // Pulse_count == anz Pulse/s [Hz],  7.5 constant, 60 scaling to l/h
        // add used water to the amount of total used water.

        // Print the amount of water that was used up until now.
        Particle.publish("Used_water", String(used_water));

        // add used water to session water counter.
        used_water += calc_used_water_1s(Liter_per_hour);

        if (Pulse_Count > 0) // Pulse count only gets reset if Water is really flowing.
            // add used water to the amount of total used water.
            Particle.publish("Rate:", String(Liter_per_hour));
            Pulse_Count = 0;

            // set already_pushed to false to push showering stats to cloud.
            already_pushed = false;
            // Reset off_time when measurement is started.
            off_counter = 0;
        // no water flowing.
            // off counter measures the time in seconds that the shower is not working.
            if (already_pushed == false && off_counter < END_SHOWER_TIMEOUT)
                Particle.publish("off_counter", String(off_counter));
            else if (already_pushed == false && off_counter >= END_SHOWER_TIMEOUT)
                // after timeout push used water to cloud and reset variables for next showering session

    // Send notification if consumed water is over defined limit (default 150l)
    if (used_water >= WATER_LIMIT && limit_exceeded == false) // good limit 150l
        Particle.publish("Water_limit_reached", String(used_water)); // publish IFTTT message.
        limit_exceeded = true;

// ISR when rising edge is detected.
void Detect_Rising_Edge()


Daniel Fritz
1 project • 2 followers
Raphael Andree
0 projects • 2 followers
Janfabian Fabriczek
7 projects • 6 followers
Embedded Software Expert @ Festo SE & Co. KG; Lecturer IoT Ecosystems @ Hochschule Esslingen
Dionysios Satikidis
17 projects • 32 followers
Dev. Experience Platforms Guy at Mercedes-Benz Lecturer IoT Ecosystems & Applied AI at Brunel Univ. and Univ. of Applied Sciences Esslingen.


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