Continuous monitoring of environmental Parameters is necessary for various different applications for example. Different Chemicals require exclusive storage conditions and if these environmental conditions are not maintained properly it could lead to major hazardous accidents. So this environment monitoring platform is able to realize the integrated monitoring and management in such areas as Oil refineries, Fertilizer plants, Pesticide plants Specialty Chemical plants etc., where the temperature and humidity and various other environmental parameters must be continuously monitored. The data on environmental parameters will be collected by using a pressure sensor and thermistor. Collected data about the following environmental parameters can be accessed remotely, i.e., the data is sent through the IOT gateway over the Wi-Fi to the cloud. Social media Chat Bot can be created to acquire the data from the sensor and present it to the user in a message form, responding to the user's commands. The client can access data from a remote distance over a wireless connection
Published February 22, 2023
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