As we are seeing difficulties facing by the disable persons around us some of issues like movement inability, hearing inability, seeing/looking inability. They need assistance/help from the people around them like with friends, neighbors, strangers, relatives, etc. It is very difficult for them to find assistance support all the time due to everyone busy schedule. In that case the disable person feel very difficult and looking for the assistance which is heart touching thing for us. There are many issues facing by the impaired in various aspects in entertainment, sports, travelling, exam writing, reading, excising, etc. With the Build2gether Inclusive Innovation Challenge I would like to help them in swimming category by designing a "Smart dress changing cabana".
Dress changing Cabana is very useful for the swimmer to change the dress. Generally the cabana has doors/curtains to close/open, hair dryer, cloth washing machine/drier, etc for human convenience. In that case the cabana should be useful for all type of category people like kids, elders, impaired persons, etc. So I am planning to build a "Swimming Pool Smart Dress Changing Cabana" with Build2gether Inclusive Innovation Challenge hardware.
Software:Initially the code was generated in the TINKERCAD by simulation once the Simulation are correct then the code is copied and uploaded to the Arduino UNO via Arduino IDE. The TINKERCAD is similar to Fritzing, if are new to Arduino IDE follow here The useful person sensor or PIR will sense the human presence so those two can be used in the current project. In the current project cabana their are door, light, fan, LED indicator, Person sensor, are controlled by the C/C++ coding.
Hardware:The Arduino UNO, Useful Person sensor, Servo motor, RGB LED, PIR Sensor, Relays, Touch/Button Sensor are used in the circuit. Which will help in detecting person, automated in door OPEN/CLOSE. It will help to all kind of people when they are holding objects in their hands in any place like in hotels, hospitals, industries, households, resorts, etc.
Working:The working of cabana with simulated circuit diagram is shown in the below video.
After simulation the circuit is designed on the PCB to interface the selected Sensors, actuators the final video is shown in below.
When no person enter after detection it will wait for 15 sec and automatically close without any once involvement. during this 15 sec the person can press the touch button to close and continue the dressing.
Conclusion:The current project help the Physically challenged people, kids, elder people when they are not able to OPEN/CLOSE door because it will be very difficult for them to walk by them selves. This cabana door will help in many places like in hospitals, old age homes, public toilets, schools, hospitals, offices, amusement parks, beaches, etc places.