This project took its inspiration from Limor Fried's "Wave Bubble", a portable RF jammer. This project is based on the popular ESP8266 WiFI deauth project on GitHub, and the Palmiga Multi Ribbon Shoe on Thingiverse. We have modified the shoe to hold a Feather Huzzah and a battery pack.
Wi-Fi DeauthingAs devices become more and more connected, the need for understanding security is becoming more vital.
In older Wi-Fi 802.11 protocols, there is a known vulnerability that allows you to perform a deauthentication attack. You can learn more about it here.
CADTo make your own, start by tracing your foot onto graph paper. Take the longest and widest point and use those dimensions to figure out how much you should scale the original model. The original model is 233 millimeters long and 96 millimeters wide. Record the factor that you scale each by, as you will need this information to scale the tray.
You will need to print an unmirrored version of the tray and shoe, and a mirrored version.
Initial visualizations and prototypes were sketched from 2D to 3D in Morphi on an iPad.
Uploading the Code to the HUZZAHCode can be uploaded through either the Arduino IDE or the ESP tool . You can find instructions on uploading the code here.
FAQ- Have you tried it?
So it *may* have been tested on a personal Wi-Fi network
- Why would you want to disrupt Wi-Fi? This just seems criminal, is there any way this could be used in a positive way?
The whole point of this is to learn about network security, and how to protect yourself from network weaknesses.