This is a demo project for the Pmod TC1 made by Digilent. The temperature of the air is measured and displayed on the Serial monitor. To control the Pmod, an Arduino UNO is used, which also sends the data to the computer. To communicate with the peripheral device, SPI communication protocol is used, which is made simpler by the usage of the Adaruit_MAX31855 Arduino Library. Data is displayed one measurement in a line, temperature in °C. To measure the temperature, connect the thermocouple wire from the package of the Pmod TC1 to the respective terminals.
As the Pmod is not 5V tolerant, Pmod LVLSHFT is used to convert the voltage level of the signals. The direction switches should be switched towards the Pmod in the case of signals SCK and CS, and towards the Arduino in the case of the MISO signal.
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