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Balázs Simon
Published © LGPL

Robot Arm Controlled Through Ethernet

Build and control a simple robot arm from anywhere in the world!

IntermediateFull instructions provided6 hours25,591

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino 101
Arduino 101
Android device
Android device
Robot Arm
You can use any other robot arm, but you might need to adjust the code if your robot arm is too different
Metal Gear Micro Servo

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
WIZnet S2E Configuration Tool
WIZnet S2E Configuration Tool
Android Studio
Android Studio


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The circuit of the robot arm

At the moment the system uses two separate power sources. One from the USB port of the Arduino and another 5V source that is used for moving the servos.


Arduino Web Editor

You can use Arduino Web Editor to access and directly upload the Arduino code of my project

Arduino and Android code


Balázs Simon

Balázs Simon

12 projects • 86 followers
