In our project, we enable the AI to learn from provided texts, allowing it to automatically write code and execute tasks to control myCobot.
KureBasArm is a robotic arm that can movable from mobile phone manually or by sensors from your phone. You can record and play your movement
3-channel EMG allows to control individual fingers with very little delay.
A maze navigation case that integrates digital twin with computer vision, using Matlab simulation to validate the robot’s motion results.
Polar drawing machine built with fischertechnik and Arduino. Thanks to a G-code interpreter, it can draw any bitmap or vector graphics.
Robot arm and its controller.
A robotic arm made from easily available materials that can record and replay positions.
How to make an Arduino based Wireless / Gesture Control robotic hand / arm.
A try to simulate the automation of modern manufacturing technologies specially the robotic arms that used in all fields of manufacturing.
5 DOF robotic arm using an Arduino Yun, Blynk app as the control interface and Matlab to implement the forward kinematics.
Introducing MARK 1, the programmable Arduino Robot Arm. But, that's not all, this Robot Arm can be controlled by Hand Gestures. Here's How..
Created an Android app to control the LittleArm Arduino robot through Bluetooth.
It is about a robotic arm of 3dof + 1 controlled by arduino and visual basic that plays tic tac toe game against a human player.
This project will show you how to make a robotic arm using four servos (I only focus on coding, I don't have any 3D files to share).
An easy method to control the stepper motor driven EEZYBOT MK2 robotic arm using a CNC shield and an Arduino Uno.
Control your robotic arm remotelly using an ESP8266 WiFi module, from a simple html interface!
A different view towards hydraulic system. This is a hydraulic system which is punched with electronics.
The LittleArm 2C is a 3D printed, Bluetooth-controlled, Arduino robot arm designed for STEM
Make a simple robotic arm which has master - slave control, and can record and play the moves.
This is a low cost robotic arm with 6 axis that you can build with analog servo motors. (I personally used digital servos from hitec).
In this tutorial we will get data from a MPU6050 Gyroscope and control a Servo motor according to the movement of MPU6050.
Build and control a simple robot arm from anywhere in the world!
Robot arms are awesome! In this tutorial we explore how to control one of them using a Nunchuk and an Arduino Mega.