This project allow you to Control your parking door via IOT.
Assume you can open your parking door very simple by your phone just by one click ;-) (over Internet or Local Network)
With this project any phone devices can be a remote for parking Door.
At First Step I implemented this project on local Network (Home Network) after that I decide extend it to internet, that means everywhere if I access to the internet I can control my Home parking door over Internet.(so you can forget limitation of remote board).I cover both local network and internet.
Note: If you want deploy this project over the internet you need static IP address or you need a cloud Service Like Azure or Vm or ….
I cant Access to the Azure L (because of sansation …) so I prepare a vm on the internet and ….
Note: This Project Implemented Completely with Microsoft Platforms (I love Microsoft platforms)
You need a program for control raspberry pi (.NetCore)
You need a mobile app to send commands to the raspberry pi (Xamarin Forms)
You need a service on internet for commutation between mobile app and raspberry pi (If you want extend this project over internet) (.NetCore Web API)
Ok Lest Start
- Install Windows 10 Iot on your Raspberry Pi
- Develop Program for Raspberry pi For Execute Commands (I’m a.net Developer so I develop this program with.net Core).net Core is a cross Platform! So just develop with it and Publish program for win-arm, I used MQTT for communication between raspberry pi and other devices
- Develop Mobile App for send Commands To The Raspberry pi, I developed Mobile App with Xamarin Forms (Xamarin Forms Is a cross platform That support (android, ios, uwp, ….))
- Develop Web Api for commutation between mobile app and raspberry pi, I developed this Api with.netCore
You need a simple Logical circuit for remote like this
You Must Put This Module Near The Parking At Home And Connect it to the Raspberry Pi with Cable.
Connect Your Parking Remote To The Raspberry
Connect Your Raspberry To your Access Point (ADSL Modem) With LAN or WIFI
Connect Your Phone To The Access Point And Send Commands to the raspberry with phone APP
Step5:(If you want extend this project over internet)
As I Saied before I have a Vm On the cloud so I developed a service that call my vm every each 5 second
And server Save The Client IP Address.
With this technic, Server Always Know Your IP Address.
Note: You Must Enable Nat in your Adsl Modem! (Port Forwarding)
Note: Security Is Most Important Part. In this Project I Used Some Cryptography In Communication And TLS For Web Api And ….
Still I'm working on the security part...
I Put All Of Codes in GitHub But For Security Reason I had to remove some Parts of Code.
https://github.com/AlirezaP/APSmartHome.APCoreDevice (For Raspberry PI)
https://github.com/AlirezaP/APSmartHome.APIService (Web API)
https://github.com/AlirezaP/APSmartHome.MobileApp (Mobile)