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Simulating industrial processes such as the assembly of a car's body does not necessarily have to be expensive. The factory can be cheaply build with Fischertechnik parts (a construction toy, originating from Germany). Arduino is the perfect platform to automate the sophisticated robots.
There are two industrial robots. The robot on the left hand side simulates welding whereas the robot on the right hand side picks up the bonnet and places it on the car's body. Moreover, there is a CNC milling machine that simulates shaping the bonnet. The body is moved to the next station by the assembly line.
Controllers- Fischertechnik's TX Controller
- Arduino Mega
- Arduino Micro
The welding robot is controlled by Fischertechniks TX Controller. Being the most sophisticated robot, the 4-axis assembly robot is controlled by an Arduino Mega. For more information about this controller, check out the video below. Finally, the Arduino Micro handles the assembly line.
All three controllers communicate via the I2C bus. This lets the robots interact with each other and enables smooth workflows.
#include <l293d.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include <Wire.h>
/*Controller Setup*******************************************************
Pin mapping Arduino Mega Shield
// constants describing the pin mapping of the L293 chip
// const unint8_t[3] "motor_name" = {chip_enable, input1, input2};
const uint8_t M1[3] = {8, 45, 43};
const uint8_t M2[3] = {9, 40, 38};
const uint8_t M3[3] = {7, 41, 30};
const uint8_t M4[3] = {10, 36, 32};
const uint8_t M5[3] = {6, 48, 46};
const uint8_t M6[3] = {11, 26, 24};
const uint8_t M7[3] = {5, 44, 28};
const uint8_t M8[3] = {4, 42, 34};
// Pin mapping of digital I/O pins
const uint8_t D1 = 16;
const uint8_t D2 = 35;
const uint8_t D3 = 37;
const uint8_t D4 = 39;
const uint8_t D5 = 23;
const uint8_t D6 = 3; // Interrupt 1
const uint8_t D7 = 2; // Interrupt 0
const uint8_t D8 = 14;
const uint8_t D9 = 15;
const uint8_t D10 = 19; // Interrupt 4
const uint8_t D11 = 18; // Interrupt 5
const uint8_t D12 = 17;
// Pin mapping of analog I/O pins
const uint8_t a1 = A1;
const uint8_t a2 = A4;
const uint8_t a3 = A5;
const uint8_t a4 = A7;
const uint8_t a5 = A0;
const uint8_t a6 = A2;
const uint8_t a7 = A3;
const uint8_t a8 = A6;
const uint8_t a9 = A11;
const uint8_t a10 = A10;
const uint8_t a11 = A9;
const uint8_t a12 = A8;
const uint8_t a13 = A12;
const uint8_t a14 = A13;
// Pin mapping extension board
int exDataPin = 25;
int exClockPin = 33;
int exLatchPin = 29;
int exOEPin = 27;
int exLEDgreen = 47;
int exLEDred = 49;
/*Machine Setup**********************************************************
maschinenspezifische Variablen und Konstanten
l293d motorAxis1(0);
l293d motorAxis2(0);
l293d motorAxis3(0);
Servo servoAxis5;
l293d vakuum(0);
l293d laser(0);
l293d millingAxisX(0);
l293d millingMachine(0);
// declare limit switch variables
const uint8_t limitSwitch1 = a10;
const uint8_t limitSwitch2 = D9;
const uint8_t limitSwitch3 = D8;
const uint8_t limitSwitchMillingX = D5;
// declare counter Pin variables
const uint8_t counter1Pin = D11;
const uint8_t counter2Pin = D6;
const uint8_t counter3Pin = D7;
const uint8_t counterMillingXPin = D10;
// declare dimensions [Millimeter]
const float l1_0 = 15; // horizontaler Abstand von Drehpunkt zum Mittelpunkt der Achse 2 (X-Y)
const float l1_1 = 103.5; // vertikaler Abstand vom Punkt (0|0|0) zum Mittlepunkt der Achse 2 (nur Z)
const float l2 = 150;
const float l3 = 142.5;
const float l5 = 60;
const float l6 = 30;
const float l_tool = 5;
// declare minimum / maximum range
const float rangeAxis1[2] = { -160.0, 0};
const float rangeAxis2[2] = { 30.0, 110.0};
const float rangeAxis3[2] = { 45.0, 140.0};
const float rangeAxis3s[2] = { 0.0, 80.0};
const float rangeAxis5[2] = {0.0 , 180.0};
const float degree2encoder = 23.978; // Impulse / Grad (Drehscheibe)
const float degree2impulse = 1.256;
const float pi = 3.14159;
const float rad2deg = 180 / pi;
const float deg2rad = 1 / rad2deg;
/*Program Setup**********************************************************
enthaelt globale programmspezifische Variablen
int i2c_befehl = 0;
int i2c_status = 0;
// Interrupt
volatile int posA1, posA2, posA3, posA5;
volatile int posMX = 0;
int directA1 = 1, directA2 = 1, directA3 = 1, directMX = 1;
int clearPos1 = 1 , clearPos2 = 1, clearPos3 = 1, clearPosMX = 1;
// Geschwindigkeitssteuerung Motoren
uint8_t speedA1 = 140;
uint8_t speedA2 = 160;
uint8_t speedA3 = 130;
// Geschwindigkeitssteuerung Servo
int servoA5ot, servoA5nt;
// Debounce
volatile unsigned int dbotMX = 0;
volatile unsigned int dbntMX = 0;
// Winkel
float q1, q2, q3s, q3, q4, q5, q5s; // q2s: Stellwinkel fuer Achse 2
// Positionsdatenbank
float posLib[][3] =
{ -150.0, -92.0, 144.0},
{ -202.0, -114.0, 18.0}, // Werkstueckaufnahme
{ -190.0, -92.0, 55.0},
{ -177.0, -40.0, 55.0}, // Laser
{ -177.0, -40.0, 55.0},
{ -150.0, 65.0, 66.0}, // Fraese
{ -33.0, 229.0, 100.0},
{ -30.0, 229.0, 80.0}, // Montage
// ISR
// ISR Achse 1
void counterA1()
posA1 = (posA1 + directA1) * clearPos1;
// ISR Achse 2
void counterA2()
posA2 = (posA2 + directA2) * clearPos2;
// ISR Achse 3
void counterA3()
posA3 = (posA3 + directA3) * clearPos3;
// ISR Milling Axis X
void counterMX()
dbntMX = millis();
if ((dbntMX - dbotMX) > 1)
posMX = (posMX + directMX);
dbotMX = dbntMX;
posMX *= clearPosMX;
bool pos(l293d & axis_ref, int limitSwitch, int currentPos, int & clearPos_ref, int & directAxis_ref, int target, int motorSpeed)
if (target == 0)
if (digitalRead(limitSwitch) == 0)
clearPos_ref = 0;
return false;
clearPos_ref = 1;
return true;
else if (target == currentPos)
// remove in order to keep measureing: directAxis_ref = 0;
return true;
else if (target > currentPos)
directAxis_ref = 1;
return false;
else if (target < currentPos)
directAxis_ref = -1;
return false;
int pos1(int target, int motorspeed)
int currentPos = posA1;
return pos(motorAxis1, limitSwitch1, currentPos, clearPos1, directA1, target, motorspeed);
int pos2(int target, int motorspeed)
int currentPos = posA2;
return pos(motorAxis2, limitSwitch2, currentPos, clearPos2, directA2, target, motorspeed);
int pos3(int target, int motorspeed)
int currentPos = posA3;
return pos(motorAxis3, limitSwitch3, currentPos, clearPos3, directA3, target, motorspeed);
int posMillingX(int target, int motorspeed)
int currentPos = posMX;
return pos(millingAxisX, limitSwitchMillingX, currentPos, clearPosMX, directMX, target, motorspeed);
// Achssteuerung
// auf Achsteuerung soll NICHT von auen zugegriffen werden, nur ber die moveJ Befehle
int axis1(float angle, int motorspeed)
/* Definition Achse 1:
Nullpunkt bei q1 = 0
Arbeitsbereich einseitig fr q1 <= 0
// Pruefe ob der Winkel im gueltigen Arbeitsbereich der Maschine liegt
if (angle < rangeAxis1[0] || angle > rangeAxis1[1])
errorDisplay(301, 1);
return 1;
int impulse = (angle * -1) * degree2encoder;
return pos1(impulse, motorspeed);
int axis2(float angle, int motorspeed)
// Pruefe ob der Winkel im gueltigen Arbeitsbereich der Maschine liegt
if (angle < rangeAxis2[0] || angle > rangeAxis2[1])
errorDisplay(301, 2);
return 1;
// Umrechnung von Zielwinkel in Maschinenwinkel, Multiplikation mit der Encoderkonstante
int impulse = (-71 + (180 - angle)) * degree2encoder;
return pos2(impulse, motorspeed);
int axis3(float angle, float rq2, int motorspeed)
/* Randbediengungen Achse 3
Stellwinkel: der vom Roboter gestellte Winkel der Achse 3
q3: Winkel zwischgen l2 und l3:
q3 = (180-q2) - q3s
q3s = 180 - q2 - q3
1) q3s: (180-q2) - q3s > 60, damit Bewegung gueltig ist.
2) q3s: 0 < q3s < 80
Bei Fehler 1) Bewegung unterbrechen
Bei Fehler 2) Bewegung abbrechen
// Pruefe ob der Zielwinkel im gueltigen Arbeitsbereich der Maschine liegt (Bedingung 1 und 2)
q3s = 180 - rq2 - angle;
if (q3s < rangeAxis3s[0] || q3s > rangeAxis3s[1] || angle < rangeAxis3[0] || angle > rangeAxis3[1])
errorDisplay(301, 3);
return 1;
// Umrechnung von Zielwinkel in Maschinenwinkel, Multiplikation mit der Encoderkonstante
// Pruefe in Echtzeit, ob der Winkel zwischen l2 und l3 > 80 ist (Bedinung 1)
// lq2 und lq3 enthalten Winkel in Echtzeit
float lq2 = (109.0 - (posA2 / degree2encoder));
int lq3s = posA3 / degree2encoder;
if ((180 - lq2 - lq3s) < rangeAxis3[0] || (180 - lq2 - lq3s) > rangeAxis3[1])
errorDisplay(302, 3);
return 0;
int impulse = q3s * degree2encoder;
return pos3(impulse, motorspeed);
int axis5(int angle, int servospeed)
// variable posA5 enthaelt Winkel in Grad
// servospeed: Zeit in ms
if (angle < rangeAxis5[0] || angle > rangeAxis5[1])
errorDisplay(301, 5);
return 1;
if (servospeed == 0)
posA5 = q5s + 140 + (posA1 / degree2encoder * -1);
return 1;
else {
servoA5nt = millis();
if ((servoA5nt - servoA5ot) > servospeed)
servoA5ot = servoA5nt;
if (angle > posA5)
else if (angle < posA5)
return 1;
return 0;
void referencePoint()
int refP = 0;
while (!refP)
refP = pos1(0, speedA1);
refP &= pos2(0, speedA2);
refP &= pos3(0, speedA3);
refP &= axis5(140, 15);
void errorDisplay(int errorCode, int detail)
/* Fehler Codes
- 301: Ungueltige Bewegungsanfrage Achse
- 302: Konflikt mit anderer Achse
- 100: Unbekannter Fehler
switch (errorCode)
case 301:
Serial.print("301: Ungueltige Bewegungsanfrage Achse ");
case 302:
Serial.print("302: Konflikt mit anderer Achse - Achse ");
Serial.println("100: Unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten");
/*Inverse Kinematic******************************************************
errechnet aus Zielpunkt mit Vektor (ggf. inklusive Werkzeug die Stell-
winkel des Roboters
- alpha: Winkel des Werkzeugs auf Element
- targetPoint: Zielpunkt des TCPs am Objekt
- int toolParameter: Index fr die Auswahl passender Paramter aus einer
- Darstellung als Array
- Datentyp: float
- eventueller vierter Index enthlt die Laenge des Vektors
- Zielvektor errechnen: x1 = 0
x2 = 0
x3 = -1
- Inverse Kinematik nach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s2x4QsD3uM
Vorbereitung: Maschinendaten laden und vect_5toTool berechnen
q1: vect_0to5 = vect_0toPoint - vect_5toTool
q1 = atan (vect_0to5[1]/vect0to5[0])
q3: vect_2to5 = vect_0to5 - vect_0to2
(cos q1 * l1_0)
= vect_0to5 - (sin qi * l1_0)
(l1_1 )
beliebiges Dreieck l2, l3, |vect_2to5|, q3 ueber Kosinussatz:
q3 = acos (l3^2 + l2^2 - |vect_2to5|^2) / (2*l3*l2)
q2: beliebiges Dreieck l2, l3, |vect_2to5|, q2 ueber Kosinussatz:
q2' = acos (|vect_2to5|^2 + l2^2 - l3^2) / (2*|vect_2to5|*l2)
q2'' = asin (vect_2to5[2] / |vect_2to5|)
q2 = q2' + q2''
q5: beta = q1
alpha = Zielwinkel (alpha)
q5 = 180 - alpha -beta
void inverseKinematic(float alpha, float targetPoint[])
// Errechne Zielvektor
float unit_vect_5toTool[4];
float vect_5toTool[4];
// Automatische Ausrichtung nach unten
unit_vect_5toTool[0] = 0;
unit_vect_5toTool[1] = 0;
unit_vect_5toTool[2] = -1;
vect_5toTool[3] = 1; //sqrt (pow(vect_5toTool[0], 2) + pow(vect_5toTool[1], 2) + pow(vect_5toTool[2], 2));
// Verlaengere Zielvektor auf Abmessungen des Roboters
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
vect_5toTool[i] = unit_vect_5toTool[i] * (l5 + l6 + l_tool);
// Berechne vect_0to5
float vect_0to5[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
vect_0to5[i] = targetPoint[i] - vect_5toTool[i];
// Berechne q1
// q1 = atan (vect_0to5[0] / vect_0to5[1]) * rad2deg; // nur wenn vect_0to5[1] > 0
// cos-1(y/hyp_0to5)
q1 = acos (vect_0to5[1] / sqrt(pow(vect_0to5[0], 2) + pow(vect_0to5[1], 2))) * rad2deg;
if (vect_0to5[0] < 0)
q1 *= -1;
// Berechne vect_2to5
float vect_2to5[4];
vect_2to5[0] = vect_0to5[0] - (sin(q1 * deg2rad) * l1_0);
vect_2to5[1] = vect_0to5[1] - (cos(q1 * deg2rad) * l1_0);
vect_2to5[2] = vect_0to5[2] - l1_1;
vect_2to5[3] = sqrt (pow(vect_2to5[0], 2) + pow(vect_2to5[1], 2) + pow(vect_2to5[2], 2));
// Berechne q3
q3 = acos((pow(l3, 2) + pow(l2, 2) - pow(vect_2to5[3], 2)) / (2 * l3 * l2)) * rad2deg;
// Berechne q2
float q2_1, q2_2;
q2_1 = acos((pow(vect_2to5[3], 2) + pow(l2, 2) - pow(l3, 2)) / (2 * vect_2to5[3] * l2)) * rad2deg;
q2_2 = atan(vect_2to5[2] / vect_2to5[3]) * rad2deg;
q2 = q2_1 + q2_2;
// Berechne q5
q5s = alpha;
q5 = q5s + q1 + 140;
void moveJ(float alpha, float targetPoint[])
inverseKinematic(alpha, targetPoint);
bool i = false;
while (i == false)
i = axis1(q1, speedA1);
i &= axis2(q2, speedA2);
i &= axis3(q3, q2, speedA3);
i &= axis5(q5, 0);
void moveP(float alpha, float targetPoint[])
inverseKinematic(0.0, targetPoint);
bool i = false;
while (i == false)
i = axis1(q1, speedA1);
i &= axis5(q5, 0);
i = false;
while (i == false)
i = axis2(q2, speedA2);
i &= axis3(q3, q2, speedA3);
/*void moveP2P(float startingPoint[], float targetPoint[], float resolution)
// berechne Fahrtvektor
float vect_s2t[4];
vect_s2t[0] = targetPoint[0] - startingPoint[0];
vect_s2t[1] = targetPoint[1] - startingPoint[1];
vect_s2t[2] = targetPoint[2] - startingPoint[2];
vect_s2t[3] = sqrt(pow(vect_s2t[0], 2) + pow(vect_s2t[1], 2) + pow(vect_s2t[2], 2));
// Fahre zum Startpunkt (sofern noch nicht geschehen)
float vect_nxt[3];
for (float i = 0; i < (vect_s2t[3] - resolution); i += resolution)
vect_nxt[0] = startingPoint[0] + (i / vect_s2t[3]) * vect_s2t[0];
vect_nxt[1] = startingPoint[1] + (i / vect_s2t[3]) * vect_s2t[1];
vect_nxt[2] = startingPoint[2] + (i / vect_s2t[3]) * vect_s2t[2];
moveJ(alpha, vect_nxt, l_tool);
// Sonstige Unterprogramme
void fraese()
for (int i = 50; i < 255; i++)
while (!posMillingX(34, 255)) {}
while (!axis5(q5 - 25, 35)) {}
while (!axis5(q5 + 25, 35)) {}
while (!axis5(q5, 35)) {}
while (!posMillingX(0, 255)) {}
for (int i = 255; i > 0; i--)
void referenzfahrt(int befehl)
i2c_befehl = 0;
i2c_status = 0;
Serial.println("Referenzfahrt: Programm gestartet");
while (!posMillingX(0, 255)) {}
Serial.println("Referenzfahrt: Programm beendet");
i2c_status = befehl;
void vorbereitung(int befehl)
i2c_befehl = 0;
Serial.println("Vorbereitung: Programm gestartet");
// Aufnahme
moveJ(90.0, posLib[0]);
moveJ(90.0, posLib[1]);
moveJ(90.0, posLib[2]);
// Laser
moveJ(0.0, posLib[3]);
while (!axis5(q5 - 30, 20)) {}
while (!axis5(q5 + 30, 20)) {}
while (!axis5(q5, 20)) {}
// Fraese
moveJ(00.0, posLib[5]);
// Referenzpunkt
Serial.println("Vorbereitung: Programm beendet");
i2c_status = befehl;
void montage(int befehl)
i2c_befehl = 0;
Serial.println("Montage: Programm gestartet");
moveJ(0.0, posLib[6]);
moveJ(-2.0, posLib[7]);
Serial.println("Montage: Programm beendet");
i2c_status = befehl;
void setup()
// Serial
// I2C setup:
Wire.begin(0x44); // join i2c bus with address 0x33
Wire.onReceive(receiveEvent); // Reaktion auf Befehl
Wire.onRequest(requestEvent); // Reaktion auf Anfrage
// Motorinitialisierung
motorAxis1.setMotor(M8[0], M8[1], M8[2]);
motorAxis2.setMotor(M6[0], M6[1], M6[2]);
motorAxis3.setMotor(M5[0], M5[1], M5[2]);
vakuum.setMotor(M4[0], M4[1], M4[2]);
millingAxisX.setMotor(M1[0], M1[1], M1[2]);
millingMachine.setMotor(M2[0], M2[1], M2[2]);
laser.setMotor(M7[0], M7[1], M7[2]);
pinMode(limitSwitch1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(limitSwitch2, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(limitSwitch3, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(limitSwitchMillingX, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(counter1Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(counter2Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(counter3Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(counterMillingXPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(counter1Pin), counterA1, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(counter2Pin), counterA2, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(counter3Pin), counterA3, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(counterMillingXPin), counterMX, CHANGE);
void loop()
switch (i2c_befehl)
case 20:
case 21:
case 22:
/* I2C
function that executes whenever data is received from master
this function is registered as an event
void receiveEvent(int howMany) {
while (1 < Wire.available()) { // loop through all but the last
char c = Wire.read(); // receive byte as a character
int x = Wire.read(); // receive byte as an integer
i2c_befehl = x;
void requestEvent() {