So almost two years ago, I made this 3D printed jet engine
It was not exactly a Jet Engine but a Loud Hair Dryer or a Blower!
Now its time to upgrade that project, so I modeled a new jet engine in fusion 360 and made this-
Materials Requiredthese are the things that we need for our built
3D Printed parts-
- Nozzle
- Compressor
- Motor Holder
- Turbine
- Bush
Normal parts-
- BLDC Motor
- Arduino Nano
- NRF24
- Custom PCBs (Provided by JLCPCB) you can check them out for high-quality PCBs samples for a cheap and economic price.
- Capacitors 10uf
- Analog joystick
Thanks, for providing the parts for this project! you can check them out if you want electronics components for a low price.
AssemblyWatch the video -
after assembly, I just mounted the JET on my work table with screws and that is the basic setup that we need for now.
last time I did this with paper tape so id says this is pretty safe.
Electronics Hookupnow we just need to hook the receiver setup with our JET set up according to this schematic...
check out my previous post about Transmitter and Reciever setup-
CODEUpload the Transmitter code to Transmitter PCB and Reciever Code to Reciever's PCB. if you don't have this setup, just hook a Potentiometer with Arduino and upload the knob sketch to control the speed of BLDC MOTOR!
TEST RUNand as you can see, our setup is working...
it's loud and great.
Leave a comment if you guys run into any problem!