The capability of reading sensor status information from other Bluetooth or wifi enabled devices. The Other vital informations...
This project is a WordNum clock being a hybrid of a Wordclock and a digital clock using 100 addressible RGB LED's controlled by a Microbit.
Using the XIAO ESP32C6 and a relay with Zigbee to control a single-color LED strip in HomeAssistant💡
Made a small DIY Pong Game console from scratch.
I am introducing a clock radio today. The special thing is that an AZ-Touch with a 2.4 inch or 2.8 inch touchscreen is used.
Using machine learning to analyze the movement of ants to influence the G-code and printing an object with clay, to codesign with nature.
In this project, I’ll show you how to build a motorized rotary table for 3D scanning.
Add a splash of color to your workspace or living area with this simple cylindrical mood light!
A LED cube with an automatic color change is to be built.
An interactive robot that anyone can make! Otto is very easy to 3D print and assemble, walks, dances, makes sounds and avoids obstacles.
"Otto DIY with steroids" + Bluetooth + APP + switch + touch sensors + strength + sound detection...
The making of a large 3D printer (400x400x400 mm) for a college project.
Using this design and Autodesk Remake, you have a 3D scanner for under $30.
Blast your enemies from a safe distance!
It uses a 3D printed robot arm from free resources with my code to recognise the human moves and control the arm
How to make an Arduino based Wireless / Gesture Control robotic hand / arm.
What's scarier than a pair of Uncanny Eyes? Five pairs of Uncanny Eyes mounted on skulls and controllable to make everyone scream.
Tito is a Bi-ped, dancing DIY robot, derivative from Zowi and Bob. Basically has been adapted to a standard Arduino UNO board.
Learn how to create a customizable smart watch using the a TinyDuino, TInyScreen, and a BLE shield.
The Critter is a simple Arduino walking robot that is fully 3D printed.
This is a mostly printed 3D Printer very suitable for a hobbyist. It's an easy and cheap way to get into 3D printing.
A romantic project for Valentine's Day - a 3D printed sunflower that opens and closes in reaction to light. Have a Sunny Valentine!
It's a BLDC motor based jet turbine.
Throw a real-life ball to catch Pokémon in Pokémon Go.