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Liz - Blitz City DIY
Published © GPL3+

Circuit Python IR Remote for Apple TV

IR remote to use with Apple TV (gen. 3) to clone functionality of original remote. Coded with Circuit Python.

BeginnerFull instructions provided5 hours2,300
Circuit Python IR Remote for Apple TV

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Adafruit Feather M0 Basic Proto - ATSAMD21 Cortex M0
IR receiver (generic)
Super-bright 5mm IR LED - 940nm
2 x 2032 Coin Cell Battery Holder - 6V output with On/Off switch

Software apps and online services

IDLE (Python 3.6)


Read more


Schematic for IR Remote with Feather m0

Wiring schematic for IR remote


Circuit Python Apple TV IR Remote

Circuit Python code for the Apple TV IR Remote


Liz - Blitz City DIY
6 projects • 75 followers
\\ DIY-er on a quest to gather and share knowledge. She/her.
