Build a line-following Arduino car with IR sensors! Perfect for robotics enthusiasts. Dive into automation with this hands-on project.
A connected universal remote.
How to interface an IR sensor with an Arduino Uno.
Get the speed of your die-cast toy car!
This Coronavirus Doorbell will detect people with high fever outside your home.
This is a Maze Solving Robot which uses the LSRB Algorithm to solve the Maze.
My first project combines everyone's favorite robot with everyone's favorite tinkering platform. Hope you like it!
Line Follower Robot follows a black line.
A cheap beam break sensor utilising a reflector panel instead of a transmitter / receiver setup. Capable of handling long distances.
Full procedure with theory explaining the concept behind a line follower robot
Control your Lego® Power Functions motors using your micro:bit, an infrared LED and MakeCode.
Control your AC from across the room or across the world
Using Raspberry Pi 4 to drive MLX90640 IR Thermal Camera var I2C interface in order to detect calorific objects.
With this simple Arduino project you can feed your pet using a remote control.
Ever want to monitor your home but don't want to buy a $100 1080p webcam? Well I did, and you can too!
Use LCD Screen to Display Received Code through Remote on LCD and assign Different Character
This project is used to measure temperature by Infrared thermometer automatically and inform result by speaker. It also comment your result
Tutorial on how to building an IR Bridge with the SmartThings ThingShield
Learn how to make a simple line follower robot by using Arduino and very basic electronic components. It is a fully autonomous robot.
We make several projects on various platforms and we always need the codes of any appliance, console, etc just by using an Arduino.
Authenticate with the veins in your palm.
Grab an Arduino and turn it into a Power Point pointer using an IR sensor and your TV remote.
Wirelessly Scan your temperature viewed using mobile phone thru Bluetooth. Place the device and view the temperature from a distance.
The Broadlink RM1 that I acquired over the years stopped connecting to my WiFi, so I decided to hack the unit to use an ESP8266.