* WiFi IR Blaster by Buddy Crotty
* Use an ESP8266 module or dev board to receive HTTP GET request
* and then send IR codes to an attached IR LED based on those requests.
* This works best with another web server acting as a front end that
* sends cURL requests based on which buttons are pressed.
* cURL format: http://ESP8266/IRcode
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
const char* ssid = "AP_SSID";
const char* password = "AP_Pass";
MDNSResponder mdns;
int khz = 38; // 38kHz carrier frequency for both NEC and Samsung
IRsend irsend(4); //an IR led is connected to GPIO4 (pin D2 on NodeMCU)
// Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Power"
unsigned int irTVpwr[] = {4650,4250, 700,1550, 650,1550, 700,1550, 650,450, 650,500, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 550,1700, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,1700, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600}; // SAMSUNG E0E040BF
// Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Source"
unsigned int irTVsrc[] = {4600,4300, 700,1550, 650,1550, 650,1600, 650,450, 650,450, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 550,550, 600,1650, 550,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,1650, 550,1700, 550,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 550}; // SAMSUNG E0E0807F
// Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Mute"
unsigned int irTVmute[] = {4650,4250, 700,1550, 650,1550, 700,1550, 650,450, 650,500, 600,500, 600,500, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600}; // SAMSUNG E0E0F00F
// Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Volume Down"
unsigned int irTVvdn[] = {4650,4250, 700,1550, 650,1550, 700,1550, 650,450, 650,450, 650,450, 600,550, 550,550, 600,1650, 550,1650, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550}; // SAMSUNG E0E0D02F
// Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Volume Up"
unsigned int irTVvup[] = {4600,4300, 650,1600, 650,1550, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 550,1700, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600}; // SAMSUNG E0E0E01F
// Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Channel Up"
unsigned int irTVchup[] = {4650,4250, 700,1550, 650,1600, 650,1550, 650,500, 600,500, 600,500, 650,500, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,550, 550,550, 550,1650, 600,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600}; // SAMSUNG E0E048B7
// Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Channel Down"
unsigned int irTVchdn[] = {4600,4350, 650,1550, 650,1600, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,1700, 550,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 550,550, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600,1650, 550}; // SAMSUNG E0E008F7
// Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Power"
unsigned int irRECpwr[] = {9050,4350, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,500, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,500, 600}; // NEC 4B36D32C
// Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Power On"
unsigned int irRECpwrON[] = {9000,4400, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,1600, 600,500, 650,1600, 600,1600, 600,500, 650,1600, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,550, 600,500, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,500, 600,500, 650,500, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,1600, 600,1600, 600,1600, 650}; // NEC 4BB620DF
// Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Power Off"
unsigned int irRECpwrOFF[] = {9000,4400, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,550, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 550,1700, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,1650, 550}; // NEC 4B36E21D
// Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Mute"
unsigned int irRECmute[] = {9000,4400, 650,450, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,500, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,500, 600,500, 600,500, 650,500, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600}; // NEC 4BB6A05F
// Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Volume Down"
unsigned int irRECvdn[] = {9150,4250, 750,350, 700,1550, 700,400, 700,450, 650,1550, 700,450, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,500, 600,500, 650,500, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600}; // NEC 4BB6C03F
// Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Volume Up"
unsigned int irRECvup[] = {9050,4400, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,500, 600,550, 600,500, 600,550, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1600, 600}; // NEC 4BB640BF
// Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Source CBL/SAT"
unsigned int irRECsrc[] = {8950,4450, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,500, 600,500, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,550, 600,500, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600}; // NEC 4BB6708F
// Create an instance of the server
// specify the port to listen on as an argument
WiFiServer server(80);
void setup() {
// Connect to WiFi network
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi Connected");
// Start the server
Serial.println("HTTP Server Started");
// Print the IP address
Serial.print("IP Address: ");
if (mdns.begin("IRBlasterLR", WiFi.localIP())) {
Serial.println("MDNS Responder Started");
void loop() {
// Check if a client has connected
WiFiClient client = server.available();
if (!client) {
// Wait until the client sends some data
Serial.println("new client");
// Read the first line of the request
String req = client.readStringUntil('\r');
// Match the request
if (req.indexOf("/irTVpwr") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irTVpwr, sizeof(irTVpwr) / sizeof(irTVpwr[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irTVpwr sent");
else if (req.indexOf("/irTVsrc") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irTVsrc, sizeof(irTVsrc) / sizeof(irTVsrc[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irTVsrc sent");
else if (req.indexOf("/irTVmute") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irTVmute, sizeof(irTVmute) / sizeof(irTVmute[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irTVmute sent");
else if (req.indexOf("/irTVvdn") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irTVvdn, sizeof(irTVvdn) / sizeof(irTVvdn[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irTVvdn sent");
else if (req.indexOf("/irTVvup") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irTVvup, sizeof(irTVvup) / sizeof(irTVvup[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irTVvup sent");
else if (req.indexOf("/irTVchup") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irTVchup, sizeof(irTVchup) / sizeof(irTVchup[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irTVchup sent");
else if (req.indexOf("/irTVchdn") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irTVchdn, sizeof(irTVchdn) / sizeof(irTVchdn[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irTVchdn sent");
else if (req.indexOf("/irALLpwr") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irRECpwrON, sizeof(irRECpwrON) / sizeof(irRECpwrON[0]), khz);
irsend.sendRaw(irTVpwr, sizeof(irTVpwr) / sizeof(irTVpwr[0]), khz);
irsend.sendRaw(irRECsrc, sizeof(irRECsrc) / sizeof(irRECsrc[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irALLpwr sent");
else if (req.indexOf("/irRECpwr") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irRECpwr, sizeof(irRECpwr) / sizeof(irRECpwr[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irRECpwr sent");
else if (req.indexOf("/irRECpwrON") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irRECpwrON, sizeof(irRECpwrON) / sizeof(irRECpwrON[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irRECpwrON sent");
else if (req.indexOf("/irRECpwrOFF") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irRECpwrOFF, sizeof(irRECpwrOFF) / sizeof(irRECpwrOFF[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irRECpwrOFF sent");
else if (req.indexOf("/irRECmute") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irRECmute, sizeof(irRECmute) / sizeof(irRECmute[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irRECmute sent");
else if (req.indexOf("/irRECvdn") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irRECvdn, sizeof(irRECvdn) / sizeof(irRECvdn[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irRECvdn sent");
else if (req.indexOf("/irRECvup") != -1){
irsend.sendRaw(irRECvup, sizeof(irRECvup) / sizeof(irRECvup[0]), khz);
Serial.println("IRreq irRECvup sent");
else {
Serial.println("invalid request");
// Send the response to the client
client.print("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n");
Serial.println("Client Disconnected");
// The client will actually be disconnected
// when the function returns and 'client' object is detroyed