It seems that writer Dean R. Koontz was right and Coronavirus pandemic is spreading at high speed.
Using airports method, scan your home visitors body temperature as soon as they ring the bell using IR remote temperature. If body temperature is normal ring the bell, otherwise an alarm will appear.
- // IR Temp sensor SDA A4 SCL A5
- // 7 Seg Display Clock D12 DIO D9
- // Buzzer GND and D4
- // Button GND and D3
- // MP3 Player
Libraries required
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_MLX90614.h>
#include <TM1637Display.h>
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
Main loop code explained // read button
buttonValue = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if (buttonValue == LOW) {
// button has been pressed
beep(); // Play a beep
// determines object temperature
// manual adjustment to temp reading
// send temperature to the 7 segment display
display.showNumberDec(bodyTemperature, false,4);
// Play mp3 doorbell sound
// compare temperature with high fever in celsius
if (bodyTemperature>38) {
Serial.println("High fever");
// play mp3 alert sound
// delay until next push button reading
} // button pressed
IR thermometer theoryEverything that has mass emits energy in the form of heat. Since there is heat being emitted by any object or person, an infrared thermometer can use the difference between the IR rays coming off of the person and the surrounding environment to determine temperature of the person itself.
The IR thermometer works by focusing light that is coming from the object in the form of IR rays and funneling that light into a thermopile. In the thermopile IR radiation is turned into heat, which is then turned to electricity, which is then measured.
The entire process starts with a doorbell button pressed. At that point, a hidden IR thermometer measures body temperature, the temperature is displayed in the 7 segment display screen and compared with standard fever temperatures. If visitor body has no temperature, the doorbell will ring, otherwise an alarm will alert you about a potentially infected visitor.
Coronavirus infected people have fever and fever can be easily measured but you have to consider that there are asymptomatic infected people and incubation periods.
DemoFusion 360 Case
Case was created with Fusion 360 and the files can be downloaded at Thingiverse
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