Minimalistic Emergency ventilator with fine control over BPM, tidal volume and flow rate, with a digital interface.
The smart tunnel prevents further outspread of COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2. It can disinfect a person fully in a time span of just 15 seconds.
An easily constructed USB-powered pulse oximeter device that can be built for around $25 and features an OLED display.
Interface a 16x2 Liquid Crystal Display with Arduino Uno. Here we just use 4 wires.
UV-C / heat, Arduino-controlled, face-mask disinfecting device for Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). #COVID19DetectProtect
How to make an oximeter sensor to measure heartbeat and oxygen saturation in blood, using a few components that any maker already has.
This is a anti face touch alarm cap that doesnt allows to touch your face.. this is a trainer cap to not to touch our face!!!
An easy way to make a hand-washing timer, using Arduino.
We can measure body temperature without contact with this device.
A medicine vending machine to store and give doses via medicine bottles and alert patients at prescribed times.
Building a digital stethoscope under $1. Using AI for diagnosing respiratory symptoms, and empowering doctors via telemedicine for COVID19.
This Coronavirus Doorbell will detect people with high fever outside your home.
This small project shows the current data of coronavirus outbreak of different countries in realtime on a 2.4 inch TFT.
Emergêncy hospital Ventilator project to combat the COVID-19 Healy Crisis. Together we are stronger and together we will win💪 👉🌈.
This accessory can be attached to most hand sanitizer/soap dispensers to make them Completely Automatic and Hands-Free!
A cheap, safe and effective way to prevent the spread of coronavirus. It only costs $11 to build, and it could save lives of many people,
This device detects the presence of your hand and automatically release a specific amount of Hand-wash / Sanitizer to your hand.
I have designed a non-invasive new transducer that serves as a respiration sensor, and read it to analyze the state of people's health.
Raspberry Pi-powered hardware that notifies you when guests arrive and lets you talk to them on your phone through internet calls.
How to Make Blood Oxygen & Body Temperature Measurement with MAX30102 Pulse Oximeter using Arduino
This project does two functions one it's a live updator and trigger the buzzer if the no of cases increases 500 people for like 10min.
AI device for mass fever screening.
This doorbell can operate without touch the switch.
A Smart & Affordable Automatic Contactless Temperature Checkup and Mask Detection Kiosk using Facial Landmarking and Deep Learning.