This app makes meetings with strangers safer through sharing their exposure to high risk areas and also alerts when about to enter one.
It detects the no of people entering a mall and if the value exceeds the threshold, then concerned staff is alerted to stop corona virus.
This project is a device that is used to dispense sanitizer without any physical contact with the device.
KriCo is a container, that offers 24/7 grocery shopping and can be deployed easily in a global crisis.
Automatic Standalone Smart hand Sanitizer has a bigger role to play in shops, malls and inside the car.
Arduino Mega that sends three different rules to the TFT display for the language chosen by the user. There are six languages available: Ita
Stay Safe and Disinfect with Cooper: Cheap, Washable Gloves Lined in Antimicrobial Copper.
The visor seeks a good compromise between lowest cost, easiest manufacture and compact shipping, while retaining great wearer comfort.
Hardware and platform capable of measuring the rate of crowding in places favorable to the proliferation of Covid-19, such as markets.
Estimating distance using RSSI. Remind people to stay away from each other
I look inward and I came up with a seasonal solution that can serve four users at a time and can be operated manually or automatically
Heat at 56C kills the COVID 19 at around 10000 units per 15 min. Using this we can create a fully reusable gloves to avoid the disposables.
It's time to make parties with friends, but, in our pandemic era, remember to stay with health and safety. Happy XMas 2021
hPass is an infection control and public health app helpingessential services to re-open post COVID-19
This is a computer vision program that teaches you to keep your hands away from your face, thereby limiting the risk of getting COVID.
Ready to assemble isolation cabins and coffins
Covid19 response - just helping elderly people to have access to their spiritual life using technology (ZOOM and Arduino+GSM).
Autonomous Air Sanitization Machine filter airborne COVID-19 particles and provide virus free air using UV light disinfection process.
This projects alert a person whenever the person switches off the led light. It alert the person to sanitize and wear mask for prevention.
This project alerts you that you should put a mask when you go outside from home or office.
With this simple tutorial you transform your Agrumino Lemon into a nice infrared and no touch thermometer.
People need a robot pet when they are in lockdown.
piCounter, a social distance controller, will process the signals it receives from the ultrasonic sensors on it and count the people inside.