The Heart monitoring system is the most common management system to detect heart attacks and expected heart failure, before the ECG
Necessity is the mother of all inventions. Disinfection Robot "Hanthx-x2" is a low-cost robot.
Wash your hands often with 🧼 and 💧 for at least 20 seconds listening to an epic song that made you forget about time.
Social distancing is one of the important things to observe in this pandemic. This device will help you maintain it smartly
Here to make an automatic Coronavirus COVID 19 Live Data Tracker using ESP8266 Web Server with widget. Data reporting in the webpage from W
A custom built autonomous micro UAV, running the Ardupilot firmware for social distancing analysis and mask wearing using deep learning.
A hands-free steriliser that can be deployed in regions without access to mains electricity, using the same principles as a solar oven.
The COVID Counter is used to track the number of customers within a store at any given time due to the capacity limits of the pandemic.
Automated device for BVM (Bag Valve Mask) to make a low cost exceptions ventilators
A shared mobility ecosystem that allows safe use of public vehicles
This project will alert the local government authorities or the local police whenever a home quarantine patient steps out of his/her house.
University of Granada and Huelva have designed together this ventilator so that more hospitals can combat this situation of pandemic.
This mask was created with the Lilypad Protosnap Plus board and Arduino coding. It has 6 colorful LEDs that blink the shape of a smile.
Time to be happy all togheter with friends or parents, but, remember anti-Covid rules, change frequently air in room to avoid risk!!!
Biometrics Monitoring platform for pre and post COVID-19 patients based on the Arduino MRK 1010.
This a portable UV-C sterilization box. When the box is closed a UV-C light turns on and sends a picture to the cloud for storage.
Due to COVID-19 workplaces need to be disinfected at regular intervals and using chemicals for this process wastes a lot of resources.
InfectoBar is mask detection controlled boom barrier that prevents people not following safety norms from into public places.
Anti-COVID Aid is an composite automatic Personal Protective Equipment dresser, soap/sanitizer and water dispenser and hand dryer.
An integration of hardware, software and applications to help alert, connect, control and reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Project created with computer vision technology to minimize in political elections the spread of the COVID-19 disease that shook the world
Due to Covid-19, we all have learnt the importance of washing hands but some continue to neglect it because of work.
A physical indicator showing the latest update on the daily number of new COVID19 cases.
A prototype developed for the people have breathing comfort while use to protect covid-19, because the masks difficult the breath.