My dear friend wanted to make a mini greenhouse. So he need to measure humidity and temperature. He knows plants necessity and should increase humidity if it is necessary.
Pcb is manufactured by PCBWAY. Pcb quality is excellent. I ordered pcb and stencil together. Thanks to PCBWAY for high quality pcbS and stencil.
Ultrasonic humidifier is a piezo that runs at 115KHz.
Pi Pico generates 6 channel pwm nearly 115KHz. Pwm output is driven by mosfet driver that named ixtn602. This mosfet driver has 2 channels. So 3 mosfet driver runs 6 Humidifier piezo block. Humidifier piezo block contains irf3710 mosfet, 330uH inductor and 100nF cap.
A Pi Pico pwm output drives four paralelled mosfet driver. Every channel controls 4 Humidifier piezo.
System controls 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 or 24 piezos by software configuration.
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