DIY Temperature and Humidity Meter with XIAO ESP32C6 and Zigbee Integration for HomeAssistant!!!
Take readings from the DHT11 Temperature/Humidity sensor and see them from the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor.
This tutorial will show you how to use DHT11 with Arduino.
Create your own DIY virtual alike NEST thermostat to set and control the temperature of your home wherever you are from your desired device.
Using MQTT, NodeMCU, DHT22, RaspberryPi and IoT MQTT Panel to monitor temperature and humidity.
How to connect DHT11 Sensor with Arduino UNO - Read Temperature and Humidity Data
Monitor the Temperature and Humidity on any internet-connected device and also upload that data to ThingSpeak IoT Analytics.
Learn how to create a simple weather station using the DHT11 sensor and Wemos D1 Board based on ESP8266 chip with IOStash IoT PaaS.
WiFi weather station with sending data on line and graphical rendering of them.
In this project, I've interfaced DHT11 with Arduino and then sending data of DHT11 which is humidity and temperature to phpmyadmin database.
Simple project to measure temperature (with two sensors) and humidity, and send them to the terminal (monitor) and also to a LCD display.
I built an Arduino Weather Station. It uses a DHT 11 (it will also work with DHT21 DHT22).
On the display is printed temperature (celsius) and humidity (%) with a DHT11. When it's raining the LED lights up. You need a rain sensor!
Easy tu torial on how to send a simple text + send sensor values, here used DHT11 as example.
An LCD1602 alarm clock that includes many of the other LCD1602 clocks found on maker sites.
A smart humidity sensor that uses outdoor temperature to determine the ideal indoor humidity and inform the user about the room's comfort.
Display for DHT11 (temperature and humidity). Temperature: Grad Celsius and Fahrenheit (possible).
Crested geckos require a specific environment with a balance for temperature and humidity, Arduino can help automate this.
I need a quick and simple temp/humidity monitor for a baby room to post and monitor through a dashboard.
An IoT bird feeder which tweets when the lovely birds are landing and eating.
How to build an humidity and temperature meter with time display from an old voltage meter casing.
Weather Station With Arduino/Genuino, ESP8266, BMP180, DHT22 and Thingspeak.
Experimental studies would assert the possibility that PM10 may act as a “carrier” for the spreading of the viral infection of COVID-19.
With Arduino + OLED and LCD