Let's be honest, there have been times where you forgot to give your dog water. This WiFi dog bowl will help to solve that problem using a LinkIt Smart Duo and some household items!
Step 1: Parts1) Dog Bowl
2) LinkIt Smart Duo
3) Foil
4) 1M Ohm resistor
5) Wire
Step 2: ProgramThis part is easy, download the code from my site https://funguypro.net. Download the Blynk app, get your auth token, add it to the code, and then upload it to the board.
You will also need to setup the bridge in the LinkIt server configuration manager.
Step 3: WireThis is super easy also, just put a 1M Ohm resistor between pins 2 and 3 and connect pin 3 to the bowl.
Step 4: SensorTape the aluminum foil in place, then attach everything else on to it.
Step 5: TestSlowly pour water into it. The values should rise; if they don't, then you will need to edit the min/max values in the code.