Use to build a smart food dispenser for your pet controlled directly from your phone.
Custom pet feeders are in different sizes and controlled via Internet; set timers to feed your pets automatically later at any time.
Automatic catapult for throwing pet food (dog, cat, chicken, etc.), balls and more!
Conception of connected bird feeders, able to alert if the seed tank is empty and analyses its use by birds.
With this simple Arduino project you can feed your pet using a remote control.
This is a homemade automatic cat feeder instruction. Simple to use and easy to build, no special tools or materials are needed.
A simple automatic station to feed your pet when you are on vacation.
RFID Enabled Pet Feeding Bowl. One or many pets ID them and schedule and weigh their food.
Set the feeding time and feed your birds without considering the time by using a DS3231 module. Display date, time and temperature as well.
Automated pet food dispenser to feed our pets when we are not at home by using an IoT device.
Use Alexa to control your Raspberry Powered Cat Feeder.
I created an automated dog feeder using the NodeMCU Lua DevKit that can feed the dog using either a: amazon dash button, pebble watch, phone
This project shows a small demonstration of automatic pet feeding using ultrasonic sensors and pet recognition AI.
Automatic fish feeding machine built with MSP430.
Remote semi-automatic feeding machine using Particle Photon & Blynk.
A DIY Automatic Fish Feeder With Companion App
Feed your pets remotely or on a schedule using the idIoTware Shield.
Pet feeder!
Ever forgot to feed your pet? No worries, now you can do so with the click of a button.
Feed Toto is an Arduino-controlled pet feeder. Meal size and schedule can be set via an Android app and/or Alexa.
Feed the poultry in quotidian routine to condition them - sensory preconditioning - to improve egg production and hatching process.
Cheap and easy way to feed the dog from anywhere via your phone.
A DIY Feeder for a cat, dog, or anything you have there. It is based on the popular ESP8266. So it can be integrated with almost anything.
Zero to hero in voice controlled IoT home automation using Alexa, AWS IoT, and Raspberry Pi — with troubleshooting and privacy info.