If you managed to get a Pi Zero then you have noticed it is crazy tiny and it works well for low-er use CPU programs, one of which is Repetier-Server. Repetier-Server is a bridge between you Repetier-Firmware controlled 3D Printer and your web browser. The setup is easy; you will need the fallowing to get started:
1) Raspberry Pi Zero
2) OTG USB HUB or OTG adapter and USB HUB
3) Power cable
4) USB Ethernet or WiFi adapter
5) SD card with Raspbian image
Step 1: Open Putty (or any other SSH client) and connect to your PiEnter the fallowing commands to install the server:
1) wget http://download.repetier.com/files/server/debian-a... -O repetier_armel.deb
2) sudo dpkg -i repetier_armel.deb
3) sudo service RepetierServer start
It's done!
Step 2: Open Server and your done!The server address will be by default '[ipaddress]:3344'.