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Kevin Gagnon
Published © GPL3+

An ATtiny85 Deep Dive: Lesson 1 - Programming an AVR

For beginner Arduino programmers wanting to learn other AVR chips. The relative simplicity of the ATtiny85 is a great place to start!

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An ATtiny85 Deep Dive: Lesson 1 - Programming an AVR

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Microchip ATtiny85
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Different colors will work best. Red - Error, Green - Programming, Blue - Heartbeat, and any other color for the one experiment we'll run to make sure everything is working as we expect.
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 330 ohm

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


Breadboard Wiring for using the ArduinoISP Sketch

Breadboard Wiring for the Neo-Blink.ino example



Example Sketch for Lesson 1
// Neo-Blink.ino
// Author:  Kevin Gagnon
// Origin: ATTiny85 - A Deep Dive Series - Lesson 1: Programming an AVR
// Purpose: Make an LED connected to PB1 blink at a specific rate
void setup() 
   //Set PB1/Pin 6 as an output
   DDRB  = B00000010;      
   //Configure Timer/Counter1 Control Register 1 (TCCR1)
   TCCR1 = B10011111;      
   //Set LED blink rate
   OCR1C = 100;            
void loop() 
 //Message from CPU: I'M BORED!!


Kevin Gagnon

Kevin Gagnon

3 projects • 33 followers
Tinkerer and maker of things.
