An Arduino UNO-based classic kitchen timer with LCD display and buzzer
This is how to make your own LCD timer, just with an Arduino, a LCD screen and some hook-up wires.
Full featured, low cost DIY. race controller and lap timer, ideal for slot cars or individual racer gate drone racing.
This alarm clock and timer work without the help of a computer. All the settings can be done on the clock itself and stored in the EEPROM.
A 3D printed clock in the form of the Star Wars R2D2 droid. Featuring Internet time, Alarm, Time format and Timer with prerecorded sounds
Use an Arduino Nano to make a simple stopwatch!
A 60-second timer (adjustable) countdown clock.
Replacement for broken mechanical timer of a washing machine with electronic timer.
Tobers Timeswitch is a multifunctional time switch software for ESP8266 including twilight modes, a countdown timer and a Master/Client mode
ElBanquos Kitchen Timer - having 4 channels to keep track of multiple countdowns during food preparation. Easy to operate with 2 fingers.
For beginner Arduino programmers wanting to learn other AVR chips. The relative simplicity of the ATtiny85 is a great place to start!
This solar powering unit is a time-switching, battery-powered, solar-charged circuit for Arduino.
Distraction... Begone!!
A connected protective visor which helps to respect preventive measures against COVID-19.
Measure how fast your Hot Wheels car moves at different points on your track or use it to tell how fast your race was.
Create amazingly long delays using this super low power 555 timer.
Race start sequence, then show winner for Hot Wheels diecast cars. Displays race time, both car real speed and winning difference in ms.
A one button interface for a "Hour" countdown timer that uses a 3 digit binary number to select times other than an hour.
Come and design a traffic light system on your own!!
My first PCB design project was to create a wearable, soldering practice project in the form of Digilent's loveable Turbo.
DIY an alarm using Arduino UNO R3 board.
This features gen4-uLCD-35DT which will be used as a secondary display for a Raspberry Pi project, the Kitchen Timer.
You will learn how to create an hour meter with the Arduino and store the hours on the SD Card.
All credit for original code/design go to NashBoss100. Small difference between this and the original. Remade to be easier to understand.