Are you interested in make an alarmyourself? It can help you get up early in the morning. This project give aguidance for building an alarm.
Arduino UNO board includes timersand EEPROM. The library of "Time.h" and "EEPROM.h"are easy to be used. I do not add any external timer, so I have to setup timewhen I reset my Arduino board. Thanks the EEPROM on the board, I do not need tosetup time all the time. However, if the Arduino is out of power, the EEPROMcan only store the time of last power on. I need the alarm can be setup, sothat it can turn on buzzer at the alarm time.
I use IR remote to setup time. Thealarm includes three states: normal timer, setup timer and setup alarm. Thelibrary is "IRremote.h". Here is a good tutor for using IR remote.
LCD is 20x4. Arduino have easylibrary for the LCD to use. I use "LCD.h" and"LiquidCrystal_I2C.h". I follow the Arduino info to learn. I leave the five leftcolumn to display some else. I will upload another project to show.
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