This project was completed to check for viability of online monitored motion detection for security purposes. Security for a multi-resident home is not easy and, not having a way to monitor when a room is being accessed has caused problems for me. This project is the first step to the creation of a new personal smart security system that will be cheap and easy enough to be implanted by anyone, including a college student. The motion detector publishes through IFTTT to a mobile device, allowing remote monitoring of a location with a WIFI signal.
The motion detector was constructed using a microcontroller, and a PIR sensor. A Particle brand microcontroller was used for the project, this microcontroller has very simple Internet connection ability. The passive infrared sensor or PIR sensor from adafruit passes full voltage when motion is sensed. With the Particle powered with 5V and 1 amp, the system was able to pull power from the 3.3V port on the Particle to power the PIR sensor. Shown below is the initial wiring diagram of the system. With the power for the system setup, the output of the PIR sensor was ran to a digital read port (D0) on the Particle. The code for the system then loops to check if D0 shows a high voltage reading, and publishes through IFTTT to a mobile device.
With these easy to find components purchased, The circuit can easily be setup according to the diagram below. To check the circuit, use the tinker app from particle to see if the D0 pin reads high voltage when a motion is created in front of the sensor.
If the above test works as it should then the code in the below section should be flashed to the Particle. After the code is running in the particle, the onboard LED should flash when a motion is made in front of the sensor. When the code is checked then IFTTT recipes can be made to send the notifications.