Blynk was supported BLE (beta).
I use the BLE equipped microcomputer Adafruit Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE and the motor driver DRV8835 to control the rotation of the two motors by Blynk.
Latest library is located in the following.
Adafruit Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE. is used. So, Arduino code is generated in reference to the following.
[Example] -> [Blynk] -> [Boards_BLE]-> [Adafruit_Feather_32u4_BLE]
Setting the Blynk- [1-1] Create a new project . Select the Arduino UNO in hardware, because there is no Adafruit Feather 32u4 BLE yet. AUTH TOKEN will make a note so you use at the time of Arduino code generation ( or to send mail ) .
- [1-2] Place the BLE widget and the joystick widget.
- [1-3] Joystick setting. The values of the two-axis are output in virtual pin V0. The values of X and Y are -255 to 255, respectively.
- [2-1] Click on the BLE widget of the project.
- [2-2] Click on the "Connect BLE device".
- [2-3] Then, conect to "Adafruit Bluefruit LE" by clicking "OK".
I can easily using Blynk!! Yattaaaaa!