I've tried using an HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor for this project, but due to space constraints (Yes, I do have a small room), it's just not the right component to use because its shortest sensing distance is just 3 meters which is a little bit too much.
Every time I, or my dog move when trying to sleep, the Motion Sensor would trigger the light to turn on and that's just annoying.
So I opted to use a sensor that's not movement-reliant.
By using an Ultrasonic Sensor, the light would only turn on if I'm close to where I set it to.
I think this project can be used as an example on how effortless it is to merge or interface two or more components together and make them work according to our preference.
It is indeed the lazy way to do it.
But, for the purpose that it’s going to serve, I think it’s fine.
Helpful Links:Analog In-Out Serial Sample Code
FastLED Github Library Basic Usage
Ultrasonic Sensor Github Library
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