When my teacher Jean Noel showed us his first version of the Arduino based slot recorder, a project he did years ago, we thought it was very cool and I decided to work on V3. This new version will have improvements mainly on the man-machine interface to make it more user-friendly.
For example, it will no longer be necessary to download a new Arduino sketch to update the playlist, you can do it directly by naming your .mp3 files on the SD card.
We also add an RGB LCD screen to give information to the user and make bright animations.
We add Bluetooth so that you can express yourself by listening to your favorite music from the music platform of your choice.
The record player becomes an essential object of your evenings.
Our plan is to make it as an easy to make DIY electronic kit and sell it on a large scale on Tindie.com.
We also want to launch a crowdfunding campaign, on Indiegogo or Kickstarter.
They talk about our project: Arduino Team https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/07/21/playing-record-covers-instead-of-the-vinyl
They talk about our project: Seeed Studio https://www.linkedin.com/posts/seeedstudio_projectspotlight-project-arduino-activity-6957218402998390784-filY
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