Jose Romaní
Published © LGPL

Entangled Qubits Simulator with Arduino

It is a visual representation of qubits entangled or not. Qubits are simulated with an Arduino firmware, by a biased randomness & collapsed.

IntermediateFull instructions provided1 hour2,744
Entangled Qubits Simulator with Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

ELK-COGITI Material Para Curso COGITI
ELK-COGITI Material Para Curso COGITI This is material for a course of collegiated engineers in Galicia (Spain) mainly. The kit cotaines a lot of components, not all necessary. In case someone prefers to buy components separately, I suggest the ones bellow
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
ELEGOO 130pcs Solderless Flexible Breadboard Jumper Wires 4 Different Lengths Male To Male
ELEGOO 130pcs Solderless Flexible Breadboard Jumper Wires 4 Different Lengths Male To Male
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
To stop/resume the firmaware qubits_six_OR_nov10_2020.ino
Resistor 221 ohm
Resistor 221 ohm
220-390 ohm
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


LEDs and button with Arduino Uno



The button does not work with this firmware. It is not necessary
/*qbits are in superposition and can be entangled (correlated)
 * We substitute superposition by biased randomness and entanglement by a depending equation
int aPercentOne, bPercentOne;
int aQubit, bQubit; //qubits
bool aCollapse, bCollapse;
String collapsed;
String entangled;
int correlated; //0: not correlated, 1: correlated, 2 error;
bool error;
#define doNothing 2
#define LEDq2 6 //they represent the state of qubits
#define LEDq1 7

void setup() {
  //ask parametres by Serial Monitor
  Serial.print("\nProbabillity of first qubit of being a 1.  0%-100%:");
  while (!Serial.available()) {};
  aPercentOne = Serial.readString().toInt();
  Serial.print("Probablillity of second qubit of being a 1.  0%-100%:");
  while (!Serial.available()) {};
  bPercentOne = Serial.readString().toInt();
  //qubits entangled
  do {
    Serial.print("Are those qubits entangled? Y/N:");
    while (!Serial.available()) {};
    entangled = Serial.readString();
    correlated = (entangled == "Y" || entangled == "y") ? 1 : ((entangled == "N" || entangled == "n") ? 0 : doNothing) ;
  } while (correlated == doNothing);
  Serial.print(" ");
  correlated ? Serial.println("Qubits ENTANGLED") : Serial.println("not entangled");
  if (correlated) {
    Serial.print("Both qubits are entangled. Which qubit collapses firts? A/B:");
    while (!Serial.available()) {};
    collapsed = Serial.readString();
    collapsed.trim(); //do not forget
    Serial.print(" ");
    aCollapse = collapsed == "a" ? 1 : 0;
    bCollapse = collapsed == "b" ? 1 : 0;

void loop() {
  //the following are the most interested formulas of the present firmware
  //collapse qubits and show with LEDs
  //entangled, use the same formula
  correlated ? (bQubit = aQubit = (aCollapse ? collapse(aPercentOne) : collapse(bPercentOne))) : (correlated = 0); //qubits entangled
  //not entangled, use different formulas
  !correlated ? aQubit = collapse(aPercentOne) : doNothing; //if not entangled collapse
  !correlated ? bQubit = collapse(bPercentOne) : doNothing; //if not entangled collapse
  //show by Serial Monitor
  Serial.print("ba = ");
  Serial.print(bQubit); digitalWrite(LEDq2, bQubit); //present the qubits by Serial Monitor and visually
  //show by LEDs
  Serial.println(aQubit); digitalWrite(LEDq1, aQubit);
//Ex. percent of be a one: 25%
bool collapse(int percentOne) {
  int percentZero = 100 - percentOne;
  return random(100 - percentZero, 100 + percentOne) > 100 ? 1 : 0;

void printQubit(int percentOne){
  //when qubits are |0> or |1>
  if (percentOne == 0 || percentOne == 100) {
    percentOne == 100 ? Serial.println("|1>") : doNothing;
    percentOne == 0 ? Serial.println("|0>") : doNothing;
  else {
  Serial.print(100-percentOne); //print percentages of first qubit
  Serial.print(")/10)|0> + ");


Makes operation with to groups of three qubits in superposition. Instead of quantum operation are use and OR or an AND operation, that can be choose inside the firmware. The button is used to stop/resume the firmware
/* OR (or AND) of six qubits (in subsets of 3,)without entanglemet, and that then they collapse
 *  Superposition is substituited by a biased random
 * Author: Jose Romaní, from Vigo (Galicia, Spain)
 * site:
 * for example:
 * q0 12% of being 1, 88% of being 0
 * q1 30% of being 1, 70% of being 0
 * q2 75% of being 1, 25% of being 0
 * q3 50% of being 1, 50% of being 0
 * q4 25% of being 1, 75% of being 0
 * q5 60% of being 1, 40% of being 0
 * find out the probabilities of every combination
 * test 100 or 1000 measures to see what happens
 * q52 q41 q30 measures=1000(OR)  measures=1000 (AND)
 * 0   0    0      2.7%                    44%
 * 0   0    1      1.6%                   2.0%
 * 0   1    0      0.9%                   2.9%
 * 0   1    1      1.5%                     0%
 * 1   0    0     27.6%                  46.1%
 * 1   0    1     20.4%                     2%
 * 1   1    0     25.6%                     3%
 * 1   1    1     19.7%                     0%

const int measures = 100; //number of loop repetitions. 100 Or 1000 for example.
int q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5; //Qubits
int q52, q41, q30; //q52 is the result of an OR between q5 and q2. It is only a notation of mine
int q52q41q30; //qubits resulting of the OR 
int percentOneQ0, percentOneQ1, percentOneQ2; //percentages
int percentOneQ3, percentOneQ4, percentOneQ5; //percentages
int j = 0;
//define a operation to apply
#define OPERATION_OR_bitwise |
#define OPERATION_AND_bitwise &
#define OPERATION OPERATION_OR_bitwise //for an AND substitute by OPERATION_AND_bit &
#define doNothing 2
int number000;
int number001;
int number010;
int number011;
int number100;
int number101;
int number110;
int number111;
#define LEDq52 6
#define LEDq41 7
#define LEDq30 8
#define BUTTON 2  //stop/resume the firmware
volatile bool state = false;
void setup() {
  pinMode(LEDq52, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LEDq41, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LEDq30, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(LEDq52, LOW); //LEDs OFF
  digitalWrite(LEDq41, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LEDq30, LOW);
  pinMode(BUTTON, INPUT_PULLUP); //stops/resume the firmware
  randomSeed(analogRead(A0)); //Inicialize random
  //Stop until a key is pressed
  Serial.println("Introduce any text to start and pulse key \"return\"\n");
  percentOneQ0 = 12; //12% of being 1
  percentOneQ1 = 30;
  percentOneQ2 = 75;
  percentOneQ3 = 50; //50% of being 1
  percentOneQ4 = 25;
  percentOneQ5 = 60;

  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BUTTON), changeState, RISING);
  state = false;//put after attachInterrupt, if not, it stops the firmware

void loop() {
  if (state){
    //switch off LEDs
    digitalWrite(LEDq30, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LEDq41, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LEDq52, LOW); 
  q0 = (random(percentOneQ0, 100 + percentOneQ0) > 100) ? 1 : 0; //qubit collapsed
  q1 = (random(percentOneQ1, 100 + percentOneQ1) > 100) ? 1 : 0;
  q2 = (random(percentOneQ2, 100 + percentOneQ2) > 100) ? 1 : 0;
  q3 = (random(percentOneQ0, 100 + percentOneQ3) > 100) ? 1 : 0; //qubit collapsed
  q4 = (random(percentOneQ1, 100 + percentOneQ4) > 100) ? 1 : 0;
  q5 = (random(percentOneQ2, 100 + percentOneQ5) > 100) ? 1 : 0;

  //OR between the two groups of qubits
  //Intention is that they do not collapse until now, with the randoms and percentages
  //A biased random is similar to a superposition
//q30 = q3 OPERATION q0
//q41 = q4 OPERATION q1
//q52 = q5 OPERATION q2
  q30 = ((random(percentOneQ0, 100 + percentOneQ3) > 100) ? 1 : 0) OPERATION ((random(percentOneQ0, 100 + percentOneQ0) > 100) ? 1 : 0);
  q41 = ((random(percentOneQ1, 100 + percentOneQ4) > 100) ? 1 : 0) OPERATION ((random(percentOneQ1, 100 + percentOneQ1) > 100) ? 1 : 0);
  q52 = ((random(percentOneQ2, 100 + percentOneQ5) > 100) ? 1 : 0) OPERATION ((random(percentOneQ2, 100 + percentOneQ2) > 100) ? 1 : 0);
  //final state
  q52q41q30 = (q30 | (q41 << 1)) | (q52 << 2); //all qubits together;
  //Show state with LED
  digitalWrite(LEDq30, q30);
  digitalWrite(LEDq41, q41);
  digitalWrite(LEDq52, q52);

  Serial.println(j); //number of loops
  if (j >= measures){ //repeat n times
    digitalWrite(LEDq52, LOW); //LEDs OFF
    digitalWrite(LEDq41, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LEDq30, LOW);
    while (1); //stop the process

void printQubits() {
  //print on serial monitor all the three collapsed qubits
  Serial.print(q52q41q30 >> 2);
  Serial.print((q52q41q30 & B010) >> 1);
  Serial.println(q52q41q30 & B001);

void printRepetitions(){ //counts number of collapsed qubits repetitions
  Serial.print("000: ");
  Serial.print("   ");
  Serial.print("001: ");
  Serial.print("   ");
  Serial.print("010: ");
  Serial.print("   ");
  Serial.print("011: ");
  Serial.print("   ");
  Serial.print("100: ");
  Serial.print("   ");
  Serial.print("101: ");
  Serial.print("   ");
  Serial.print("110: ");
  Serial.print("   ");
  Serial.print("111: ");

void addRepetitions() {
  q52q41q30 == B000 ? number000++ : doNothing;
  q52q41q30 == B001 ? number001++ : doNothing;
  q52q41q30 == B010 ? number010++ : doNothing;
  q52q41q30 == B011 ? number011++ : doNothing;
  q52q41q30 == B100 ? number100++ : doNothing;
  q52q41q30 == B101 ? number101++ : doNothing;
  q52q41q30 == B110 ? number110++ : doNothing;
  q52q41q30 == B111 ? number111++ : doNothing;

void changeState(){
  state = !state;


Jose Romaní
8 projects • 4 followers
Industrial Technical Engineer in Electronics and Automation
