A Pi-Day Pendant powered by the RP2350A microcontroller that can change its LED behavior when a keyword like "Pi, " "3.14" is detected.
Simulate a traffic light using an Arduino and LEDs! This project is super cool to watch and easy to make!
UltrasonicEyes is a fun and quirky project you can place somewhere and watch as it looks at things moving around in front of it. Freaky!
You will learn how to use the RGB LED with Arduino to obtain different colors.
Mechanical tulip sculpture that blooms with just gentle touch and can shine into any color of a rainbow.
You will lean what PWM is and how you can get the PWM output from the digital pins of Arduino using analogwrite() function.
An ultimate tutorial for beginners on how to connect and use an ESP8266 via Arduino and program it to blink an LED using the Blynk app.
If there will be no traffic on the other signal, one shouldn’t wait for that signal. System will skip that signal and will move on next one.
In this tutorial, you are going to learn about interfacing the button with Arduino using the Arduino digitalRead function.
This is a simple project on virtual simulation of an Arduino.
LED strip controller, based on the NodeMCU, complete with a 3D printed enclosure and a PCB carrier board.
Build a simple LED throwie, then make it smart with an Arduino.
Use only 3 wires to control an infinite number of 7-segment single digit displays!
Light up an LED!
This project shows how to connect a DHT11 sensor with a NodeMCU and check temperature/humidity.
An 8x8x8 LED cube is a visual treat with 3D effects and patterns.
In this project I am going to guide you through connecting a relay with arduino and as an example blinking a bulb.
This is my try on a freeform circuit and this is inspired from the PCB version.
LED voltmeters are a cheap source of 7 segment displays and can easily be repurposed.
A real-time blink in a IoT platform that's easy to use and easy to understand.
Exploring the simplicity of the 555 timer through a simple astable mode circuit to make an LED flash.
How to blink multiple LEDs at different rates on Arduino-like boards using threads in just a few lines of code... the magic of Zerynth!
Using a SparkFun Badger, this converts a standard bicycle wheel into a spinning display of patterns
If you are looking for the definitive guide to start with WisBlock Kit, here it is. Doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a pro!