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Joyce Lin
Published © GPL3+

Presence detector with mmwave, Raspberry Pi 4, and Viam

Build a smart detector with the mmwave LD2410C to turn on and off the lights based on presence in a room.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour134
Presence detector with mmwave, Raspberry Pi 4, and Viam

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
mmwave LD2410C
CP2102 USB-TTL UART Serial Adapter
Tp-Link Kasa smart plug

Software apps and online services

Viam Platform
Viam Robotics Viam Platform


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Wiring diagram for LD2410C and Raspberry Pi 4


Use an mmwave sensor to detect presence to turn on and off a TP-link Kasa smart plug


Joyce Lin
4 projects • 3 followers
Head of developer relations at Viam


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