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Kenan Paralija
Published © CERN-OHL

Multi-Functional 2WD driving Straight Robot Car

Design and Building of Electronic Control Units for Robotic Cars with movement and camera control, using chassis kits and accessories, which

IntermediateFull instructions provided4 hours372
Multi-Functional 2WD driving Straight Robot Car

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298
SparkFun Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298
SG90 Micro-servo motor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
Linear Regulator (7805)
Linear Regulator (7805)
9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Multitool, Screwdriver
Multitool, Screwdriver


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It is based on open source hardware Arduino and offers a plurality of communication possibilities, like USB, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, serial PC radio control or Bluetooth.



My solution uses MPU 6050 and corresponding software to correct the motor's hardware imperfection that prevents the robot car from not going straight. The commands for control of modul are defined as a standard.
   tutorial Making a 2WD Arduino Vehicle Drive Straight  available on site  
   use the GY-521 module (MPU-6050 Board) to make a 2WD robotcar drive in a straight
  include variable direktion for direktion correktion

#include "Wire.h"
#include "I2Cdev.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>   //verwende die 'Serial' Library

#include <Servo.h>  //servo library
  Servo myservoH;      // create servo object to control servo
  int posH;
  Servo myservoV;      // create servo object to control servo
  int posV;
  int EndDown=50; //End Position for ServoV
  int EndUp=130;  //End Position for ServoV
  bool schkVU;
  bool schkVD;
  bool schkHR;
  bool schkHL;
  bool mov90 ;
  bool goF;
  bool goB;
  int t=40; //time used to adjust the servo speed
#define MPU6050_ADDR 0x68 // Alternatively set AD0 to HIGH  --> Address = 0x69

//define DRIVE module IO Pin
  #define STBY 3  // STBY  <  ENR || ENL 
  #define IN1 8   //Left
  #define ENL 6   //PWML

  #define IN3 7   //Right
  #define ENR 5   //PWMR
  int highspeed=255;
  int lowspeed=10;
  int mySpeed = 200;   // speed
  int corrSpeedL;       //Left Motor
  int corrSpeedR;       //Right Motor
  char getstr;
  int direktion;

  //***** MPU6050 **********
  //A5 - SCL ;  A4 - SDA; interupt 2;
  #define MPU6050_RA_GYRO_ZOUT_H      0x47
  //uint8_t buffer[14];
  float gyroZ; // Raw register values  gyroscope
  unsigned long lastTime = 0;
  float dt;      //Differential time
  long gyroZ0;  //Gyro offset = mean value
  float yaw;
  float yawOld;
  float gyroAngleZ; //Angle variable


//before execute loop() function, 
void setup() {
  pinMode(IN1,OUTPUT);//before useing io pin, pin mode must be set first 
  Wire.write(0x6B); // PWR_MGMT_1 register
  Wire.write(0); // wake up!

  myservoH.attach(10,700,2400);  // attach servo on pin 10 to servo object
  myservoV.attach(11,700,2400);  // attach servo for Kopf on pin 11 to servo object
  Serial.print("   ***   2WD_22 ****");
  direktion =5;
  schkVU= LOW;
  schkVD= LOW;
  schkHR= LOW;
  schkHL= LOW;
  mov90 = LOW;
  goF =LOW;
  // Call this function if you need to get the IMU error values for your module
void loop() { 
    // control getspeed=mySpeed, gerDirection0forward/back
  if(Serial.available())   // if receive the data
    getstr=Serial.read();    // read the received data
    case 'A': goF=HIGH; break; // execute the corresponding function when receive the value
    //Option: may be followed by a number indicating how much throttle (mySpeed) the corresponding motor should give. 
    case 'D': goB=HIGH;   break;
    case 'B': left(mySpeed);   break;
    case 'C': right(mySpeed);  break;
    case 'E': halt();   break;
    case '1': stp(); schkVU=1; break; // Option kamera svenk up-down
    case '2': stp(); schkHL=1; break; //Option kamera svenk left-right
    case '3': stp(); schkHR=1; break; //Option kamera svenk left-right
    case '4': stp(); schkVD=1; break; // Option kamera svenk up-down
    case '5': stp(); mov90=1; break;  //set Camera Zero Position
    // V or H case string for Servo
    case 'V': posV = Serial.parseInt();movToV();break; //now holds posV
    case 'H': posH = Serial.parseInt();movToH();break;   //now holds posH and mov()
    default:  break;


  int16_t getRotationZ() {
    uint8_t buffer[14];
  I2Cdev::readBytes(MPU6050_ADDR, MPU6050_RA_GYRO_ZOUT_H, 2, buffer);
  return (((int16_t)buffer[0]) << 8) | buffer[1];
  //routine from MPU6050.cpp
  void calibration()
  //Here we do 100 readings for gyro sensitiv Z-axis output -gyroZ, we sum them and divide them by 100.
  // gyrZ0 mean value of gyroZ raw register values in 100 ms
  unsigned short times = 100; //Sampling times
  for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
    gyroZ = getRotationZ();     // gyroZ - Raw register values gyroscope Z axis
    gyroZ0 += gyroZ; //sum all measured values gyroZ
  gyroZ0 /= times; 

 void calcYaw(){
  unsigned long currentTime = millis();   //current time(ms)
  //get the current timestamp in Milliseconds since epoch time which is
  dt = (currentTime - lastTime) / 1000.0; //Differential time(s)
  lastTime = currentTime;                 //Last sampling time(ms)

  gyroZ = getRotationZ();
  float angularZ = (gyroZ - gyroZ0) / 131.0 * dt; //angular z: =t
  if (fabs(angularZ) < 0.05) //
    angularZ = 0.00;
  gyroAngleZ += angularZ; //returns the absolute value of the z-axis rotazion integral 
  yaw = - gyroAngleZ;

  Serial.print(" | GyZo = "); Serial.print(toStr(gyroZ0));
  Serial.print(" | GyroAngle = "); Serial.print (gyroAngleZ);

  void driveStraight(int speed){
  static unsigned long onTime;
   //to compute corrSpeed(A/B) The yaw data is acquired at the first startup, and the data is updated every ten millisecundes.
  if (millis() - onTime > 10){
  onTime = millis();  
  void corrSpeed(int myspeed){
  int  kp= 15; ////Add proportional constant - p( ???)
  //if drive direktion changes: corrSpeedA = mySpeedA - (yawOld - yaw) * kp;
  corrSpeedR = mySpeed + (yaw-yawOld)*kp; //maintain speed by speeding up right motor
  if (corrSpeedR > highspeed)
    corrSpeedR = highspeed;
  else if (corrSpeedR < lowspeed)
    corrSpeedR = lowspeed;
  //if drive direktion changes:corrSpeedB = mySpeedB + (yawOld - yaw) * kp;
  corrSpeedL = mySpeed - (yaw-yawOld)*kp; //if error is positive, slow down left motor
  if (corrSpeedL > highspeed)
    corrSpeedL = highspeed;
  else if (corrSpeedL < lowspeed)
    corrSpeedL = lowspeed;

   void forward(int is_speed){ 
   if (direktion != 1) //
    yawOld = yaw;
   if (goF==HIGH ) {
    //go forward

  // A ... LEFT
  digitalWrite(IN1,HIGH); //set IN1 hight level enable A channel CW 
  analogWrite(ENL,corrSpeedL);  //set EN for A RIGHT side speed
  //  B ... RIGHT
  digitalWrite(IN3,HIGH);  //set IN3 hight level enable B channel CW 
  analogWrite(ENR,corrSpeedR); //set EN for B LEFT side speed
  //Serial.println("Forward");//send message to serial monitor
  direktion = 1;


void back(int is_speed){
      if (direktion != 4) //
    yawOld = yaw;
  if (goB==HIGH ) {
    //go back
   // A ... LEFT 
  digitalWrite(IN1,LOW); //set IN1 LOW level enable A channel CCW 
  analogWrite(ENL,corrSpeedR);  //set EN for A RIGHT side speed
  //  B ... RIGHT
  digitalWrite(IN3,LOW);  //set IN3 hight level enable B channel CCW 
  analogWrite(ENR,corrSpeedL); //set EN for B LEFT side speed
  //Serial.println("Back");//send message to serial monitor
   direktion = 4;


void left(int is_speed){
  //  A ... LEFT 
  digitalWrite(IN1,LOW); //set IN1 hight level enable 
  analogWrite(ENL,is_speed);  //set EN for A RIGHT side speed
     // B ... RIGHT
  digitalWrite(IN3,HIGH);  //set IN3 hight level enable 
  analogWrite(ENR,is_speed); //set EN for B LEFT side speed
   direktion = 2;

void right(int is_speed){
  //  A ... LEFT
  digitalWrite(IN1,HIGH); //set IN1 LOW level enable A channel CCW 
  analogWrite(ENL,is_speed);  //set EN for A RIGHT side speed
   // B ... RIGHT
  digitalWrite(IN3,LOW);  //set IN3 hight level enable B channel CW 
  analogWrite(ENR,is_speed); //set EN for B LEFT side speed
   direktion = 3;

void halt(){
     stp();  //all servo stop
  analogWrite(ENL,0);  //set A side speed 0
  analogWrite(ENR,0); //set B side speed 0

  direktion = 5;

 // ++++++
 void stp() {
  schkVU= LOW;
  schkVD= LOW;
  schkHR= LOW;
  schkHL= LOW;

// myservoV for Kopf and schvenk in arbeit
void schvenkH(){
    // camera svenk PANORAM
     // left Right
      posH=myservoH.read();    // read the angle value of each servo
     if(schkHR==HIGH)  // if push 3 the right
      if (posH>10)  myservoH.write(posH);  // servo 1 (H) operates the motion, the head move slowly right
    if(schkHL==HIGH)  // if push the left 2 
      if (posH<170)  myservoH.write(posH);  // servo 1 operates the motion, the head move slowly left

    void schvenkV(){
  // TILT a Head turn  down
    posV= myservoV.read();    // read the angle value of each servo
      if(schkVD==HIGH)  // if push 4 the right
      if (posV>EndDown)   myservoV.write(posV);  // servo 1 (V) operates the motion, 
      //the head move slowly down- min 50
      delay(t);   //t=40ms
    if(schkVU==HIGH)  // if push the up 1 
      if (posV<130)      myservoV.write(posV);  // servo 1 operates the motion, 
      //the head move slowly up
  void mov()
    if (mov90==HIGH)
    //pos V ------

    //pos H-----------

void movToV()
    //++++++++++++++ A Head Vertikal turn to posV
      if (posV<EndDown)  posH=EndDown;
      if (posV>EndUp)  posH=EndUp;
    delay(t);      // delay 40/5msused to adjust the servo speed    
  void movToH()
    // ++++++++++++ A Head Horizontal turn to posH
      if (posH<10)  posH=10;
      if (posH>170)  posH=170;
    delay(t);      // delay 20/5msused to adjust the servo speed    


Kenan Paralija
8 projects • 8 followers
I started my career by designing analog and digital circuits, moved to telecommunication and finally as a IT/TK lecturer.


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