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Lithium ION
Published © GPL3+

Minimal Component tester using Arduino

A pocket sized battery operatable and low power component tester which can test all the basic electronics components.

AdvancedFull instructions provided1 hour10,467
Minimal Component tester using Arduino

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Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free


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Gerber files


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Circuit diagram



//Test with program in 
  #include <avr/io.h>
	#include <util/delay.h>
	#include <avr/sleep.h>
	#include <stdlib.h>
  #include "stdint.h" //JLG
	#include <string.h>
	#include <avr/eeprom.h>
	#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
	#include <avr/wdt.h>
	#include <math.h>
	#define MAIN_C

	#include "Makefile.h" //JLG
	#include "Transistortester.h"
	#include "config.h"
	#include "part_defs.h"
	#include "lcd_routines.h"
	#include "lcd_defines.h"
	#include "wait1000ms.h"
	#include "autoconf.h"
	#include "tt_function.h"
  #include "tt_resistor.h"
  #include "bitmaps.h"
  #include "font.h"
  #include "24x32update_bitmaps.h"

/* defines global variables in RAM and EEprom from file tt_globals.h */
/* removed ifdef MAIN_C because always defined */
#define COMMON
#ifdef AUTO_CAL
  const int8_t RefDiff EEMEM = REF_R_KORR;	// correction of internal Reference Voltage

//  const uint16_t cap_null EEMEM = C_NULL;	// Zero offset of capacity measurement 
   const int16_t ref_offset EEMEM = REF_C_KORR;	// default correction of internal reference voltage for capacity measurement
   // the zero offset for capacity measurement for all pin combinations
  // LoPin:HiPin                        2:1    3:1    1:2                    marker  3:2                   1:3    2:3
   const uint8_t c_zero_tab[] EEMEM = { C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL+TP2_CAP_OFFSET,C_NULL+2,C_NULL+TP2_CAP_OFFSET,C_NULL,C_NULL }; //table of zero offsets
   // if the marker position of c_zero_tab is not equal the first position, the calibration has not run before
#ifdef SamplingADC
   const uint16_t c_zero_tab2_lo[] EEMEM = { C_NULL*100,C_NULL*100,C_NULL*100,C_NULL*100,C_NULL*100,C_NULL*100,C_NULL*100 };   // zero offsets for SamplingADC capacitance measurement, in 0.01 pF, lo voltage
   const uint16_t c_zero_tab2_hi[] EEMEM = { C_NULL*100,C_NULL*100,C_NULL*100,C_NULL*100,C_NULL*100,C_NULL*100,C_NULL*100 };   // same, hi voltage
#ifdef WITH_MENU
   const int8_t big_cap_corr EEMEM = C_H_KORR;	// default correction for big capacity measurement
  #ifndef FREQ_SCALER
   #define FREQ_SCALER 0		// 1<<0 = 1
  const uint8_t f_scaler EEMEM = FREQ_SCALER;	// default scaler for frequency measurement

  const uint8_t EE_ESR_ZEROtab[] EEMEM = {ESR_ZERO, ESR_ZERO, ESR_ZERO, ESR_ZERO};	// zero offset of ESR measurement
//  const uint8_t EE_RotarySwitch EEMEM = 0;	// rotation switch is not detected
#if ((LCD_ST_TYPE == 7565) || (LCD_ST_TYPE == 1306) || (LCD_ST_TYPE == 8812) || (LCD_ST_TYPE == 8814) || defined(LCD_DOGM))
  const uint8_t EE_Volume_Value EEMEM = VOLUME_VALUE;	// Volume Value for ST7565 controller 
  const uint8_t EE_BG_COLOR1 EEMEM = LCD_BG_COLOR & 0xff;	// lower bits of background color
  const uint8_t EE_BG_COLOR2 EEMEM = LCD_BG_COLOR >> 8;		// higher bits of background color 
  const uint8_t EE_FG_COLOR1 EEMEM = LCD_FG_COLOR & 0xff;	// lower bits of foreground color
  const uint8_t EE_FG_COLOR2 EEMEM = LCD_FG_COLOR >> 8;		// higher bits of foreground color 

struct Diode_t {
  uint8_t Anode[6];
  uint8_t Cathode[6];
  unsigned int Voltage[6];
COMMON struct Diode_t diodes;

struct Switch_t {

  union {
  unsigned long Pw;	// combined Mask
  uint8_t R[4];	// mask to switch a Pin with R_L,  mask to switch a Pin with R_H
  } Pin;


COMMON uint8_t NumOfDiodes;
COMMON uint8_t diode_sequence;

typedef struct {
  unsigned long hfe;		//current amplification factor 
  unsigned int uBE;		//B-E-voltage of the Transistor or RDS for E-MOS; Idss for JFET
  unsigned int current;		// current of Drain in 1uA
  unsigned int ice0;		// for BJT ICEO in 1uA; for FET cut-off voltage in mV
  unsigned int gthvoltage;	//Gate-threshold voltage 
  				// for bipolar gthvoltage is ICEs in 1uA
 #define ices gthvoltage
	// note: don't change the total size of the above fields, since the offsets of the following 3 fields are hard-coded in PinLayout.S
  uint8_t b,c,e;		//pins of the Transistor
  uint8_t count;

COMMON trans_t ptrans;		// parameters of P type transistor
COMMON trans_t ntrans;		// parameters of N type transistor
COMMON trans_t *_trans;		// pointer to trans_t structure

COMMON uint8_t tmpval, tmpval2;
COMMON unsigned int ref_mv;      //Reference-voltage  in mV units (as read with ADC)
COMMON unsigned int ref_mv_offs;       //Reference-voltage  in mV units with eeprom offset for C
COMMON unsigned int adc_internal_reference;  //internal reference voltage of ADC in mV units
COMMON unsigned int adc_vcc_reference;  // reference voltage of ADC,if switched to VCC in mV units
COMMON  unsigned int RHmultip;	// Multiplier for capacity measurement with R_H (470KOhm)

#ifdef WITH_MENU
COMMON union t_frq{
  unsigned long dw;
  uint16_t w[2];
  uint8_t b[4];
} ext_freq;	// external frequency
//COMMON unsigned long ext_period; 
COMMON unsigned int pinchange_count;
COMMON unsigned int pinchange_max;

COMMON struct cap_t {
  // Attention! If you change this structure, you must also change defines in GetESR.S !!!!
  unsigned long cval;		// capacitor value 
  unsigned long cval_max;	//capacitor with maximum value
  union t_combi{
  unsigned long dw;	// capacity value without corrections
  uint16_t w[2];
  } cval_uncorrected;

#if FLASHEND > 0x1fff
  unsigned int esr;		// serial resistance of C in 0.01 Ohm
  unsigned int v_loss;		// voltage loss 0.1%

  uint8_t ca, cb;		//pins of capacitor
  int8_t cpre;			//Prefix for capacitor value  -12=p, -9=n, -6=, -3=m
  int8_t cpre_max;		//Prefix of the biggest capacitor
} cap;
  unsigned int cell_mv[3];	//remaining load voltages after discharge cycle

 /* with sleep mode we need a global ovcnt16 */
COMMON volatile uint16_t ovcnt16;
COMMON volatile uint8_t unfinished;

COMMON int16_t load_diff;		// difference voltage of loaded capacitor and internal reference

COMMON uint8_t WithReference;		// Marker for found precision voltage reference = 1
COMMON uint8_t PartFound;	 	// type of the found part 
COMMON uint8_t PartMode;		// description of the found part
COMMON char outval[10];			// String for ASCII-output i2lcd, u2lcd
//COMMON char OutBuffer[10];		// String for ASCII-output DisplayValue
COMMON uint8_t empty_count;		// counter for max count of empty measurements
COMMON uint8_t mess_count;		// counter for max count of nonempty measurements

COMMON struct ADCconfig_t {
  uint8_t Samples;		// number of ADC samples to take
  uint8_t RefFlag;		// save Reference type VCC of IntRef
  uint16_t U_Bandgap;		// Reference Voltage in mV
  uint16_t U_AVCC;		// Voltage of AVCC
} ADCconfig;

#ifdef AUTO_CAL
COMMON uint8_t pin_combination;		// coded Pin-combination  2:1,3:1,1:2,x:x,3:2,1:3,2:3
COMMON uint16_t resis680pl;	// port output resistance + 680
COMMON uint16_t resis680mi;	// port output resistance + 680
COMMON uint16_t pin_rmi;	// port output resistance to GND side, 0.1 Ohm units
COMMON uint16_t pin_rpl;	// port output resistance to VCC side, 0.1 Ohm units
COMMON uint8_t UnCalibrated;	// 0, if the tester is calibrated

 #define ROT_MSK 0x03		/* must be power of two - 1: 3,7,15 */
struct Rotary_t {
 uint8_t state[(ROT_MSK+1)];	// coded state history of the rotatry switch, bit 0 == state of A-switch, bit 1 = state of B-switch
 uint8_t ind;		// index to the last entry of the state history (rotary switch)
 int8_t count;		// count of right steps, negative if left steps
 uint8_t incre;		// absolute value of step count
 // no rotary switch connected, UP and DOWN  key is present
 uint8_t a_state;	// history of switch A state for single UP switch
 uint8_t b_state;	// history of switch B state for single DOWN switch
COMMON struct Rotary_t rotary;
COMMON uint8_t rotary_switch_present;	// is set to 1, if rotary switch movement is detected
// COMMON  const uint8_t EE_RotarySwitch; 	// rotation switch is detected
#if FLASHEND > 0x1fff
COMMON uint8_t DC_Pwr_mode;

COMMON uint8_t lcd_text_line;
COMMON uint8_t _lcd_column;

COMMON uint8_t last_line_used;
//#if POWER_OFF+0 > 1
COMMON unsigned int display_time;	// display time of measurement in ms units
#if (LCD_ST_TYPE == 7920)
COMMON uint8_t lcd_bit_mem[64][16];
#if ((LCD_ST_TYPE == 7565) || (LCD_ST_TYPE == 1306) || defined(LCD_DOGM))
 COMMON const uint8_t EE_Volume_Value EEMEM;   // Volume Value for ST7565 controller 
COMMON union {
  uint16_t w;
  uint8_t b[2];
} lcd_bg_color;
#if defined(LCD_CHANGE_COLOR) || defined(LCD_ICON_COLOR)
COMMON union {
  uint16_t w;
  uint8_t b[2];
} lcd_fg_color;
#if defined(LCD_ICON_COLOR)
COMMON union {
  uint16_t w;
  uint8_t b[2];
} lcd_fg2_color;
/* END defines global variables in RAM and EEprom from file tt_globals.h */

	  // prepare sleep mode
        #if !defined(INHIBIT_SLEEP_MODE) || defined(SamplingADC)
	  // ADC_vect is always required by samplingADC()

***      begin of transistortester program
void setup() {
 Serial.begin(115200); // Serial Monitor

//#ifdef ARDUINO_UNO
// pinMode(A3,INPUT_PULLUP);// avoids external 10K Pullup
	  uint8_t ii;
	  unsigned int max_time;
	  unsigned long n_cval;		// capacitor value of NPN B-E diode, for deselecting the parasitic Transistor
	  int8_t n_cpre;		// capacitor prefix of NPN B-E diode
	  unsigned char options;
        uint8_t vak_diode_nr;		// number of the protection diode of BJT
        union {
        uint16_t pw;
        uint8_t pb[2];
        } rpins;
        uint8_t x, y, z;
	  //switch on
	  ON_DDR = (1<<ON_PIN);			// switch to output
	  ON_PORT = (1<<ON_PIN); 		// switch power on 
	  RST_PORT |= (1<<RST_PIN); 	// enable internal Pullup for Start-Pin
	  uint8_t tmp;
	  ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN) | AUTO_CLOCK_DIV;	//prescaler=8 or 64 (if 8Mhz clock)
	#ifdef __AVR_ATmega8__
	 #if FLASHEND > 0x3fff
	  // probably was a bootloader active, disable the UART
	  UCSR0B = 0;		// disable UART, if started with bootloader

	#if (PROCESSOR_TYP == 644) || (PROCESSOR_TYP == 1280)
	 #define BAUD_RATE 9600
//	  UBRR0H = (F_CPU / 16 / BAUD_RATE - 1) >> 8;
//	  UBRR0L = (F_CPU / 16 / BAUD_RATE - 1) & 0xff;
//	  UCSR0B = (1<<TXEN0);
//	  UCSR0C = (1<<USBS0) | (3<<UCSZ00);	// 2 stop bits, 8-bit
//	  while (!(UCSR0A & (1<<UDRE0))) { };	// wait for send data port ready 
         #ifdef SWUART_INVERT
          SERIAL_DDR |= (1<<SERIAL_BIT);

	  tmp = (WDRF_HOME & ((1<<WDRF)));	// save Watch Dog Flag
	  WDRF_HOME &= ~(1<<WDRF);	 	//reset Watch Dog flag
	  wdt_disable();			// disable Watch Dog
	  // switch off unused Parts
	 #if PROCESSOR_TYP == 644
          #ifdef PRUSART1
	  PRR0 = (1<<PRTWI) |  (1<<PRSPI) | (1<<PRUSART1);
	  PRR0 = (1<<PRTWI) |  (1<<PRSPI) ;
	//  PRR1 =  (1<<PRTIM3) ;
	 #elif PROCESSOR_TYP == 1280
	  PRR0 = (1<<PRTWI) |  (1<<PRSPI) | (1<<PRUSART1);
	  PRR1 = (1<<PRTIM5) | (1<<PRTIM4) | (1<<PRTIM3) | (1<<PRUSART3) | (1<<PRUSART2) | (1<<PRUSART3);
	  PRR = (1<<PRTWI) | (1<<PRSPI) | (1<<PRUSART0);
//	disable digital inputs of Analog pins, but TP1-3 digital inputs must be left enabled for VGS measurement
	  DIDR0 = ((1<<ADC5D) | (1<<ADC4D) | (1<<ADC3D) | (1<<ADC2D) | (1<<ADC1D) | (1<<ADC0D)) & ~((1<<TP3) | (1<<TP2) | (1<<TP1));	
	  TCCR2A = (0<<WGM21) | (0<<WGM20);		// Counter 2 normal mode
	  TCCR2B = CNTR2_PRESCALER;	//prescaler set in autoconf
	#endif		/* INHIBIT_SLEEP_MODE */
	  sei();				// enable interrupts
	  lcd_init();				//initialize LCD
	  if(tmp) { 
	     // check if  Watchdog-Event 
	     // this happens, if the Watchdog is not reset for 2s
	     // can happen, if any loop in the Program doen't finish.
             lcd_MEM_string(TestTimedOut);	//Output Timeout
	     wait_about3s();			// time to read the Timeout message
	     return 0;

	 #ifdef __AVR_ATmega8__
	  SFIOR = (1<<PUD);		// disable Pull-Up Resistors mega8
	  MCUCR = (1<<PUD);		// disable Pull-Up Resistors mega168 family

	//#if POWER_OFF+0 > 1
	  // tester display time selection
	#ifndef USE_EEPROM
	  EE_check_init();		// init EEprom, if unset
	//  rotary_switch_present = eeprom_read_byte(&EE_RotarySwitch);
	  rotary.ind = ROT_MSK+1;		//initilize state history with next call of check_rotary()
//	ii = 60;
	ii = 30;
	#if 1
	  for (ii=0; ii<60; ii++) {
		if (RST_PIN_REG & (1 << RST_PIN))
			break;	// button is released
	  ii = 0;
	  if (!(RST_PIN_REG & (1<<RST_PIN))) {
	     // key is still pressed
	     ii = wait_for_key_ms(700);	
	  display_time = OFF_WAIT_TIME;		// LONG_WAIT_TIME for single mode, else SHORT_WAIT_TIME
	  if (ii > 30) {
	     display_time = LONG_WAIT_TIME;	// ... set long time display anyway
	#if POWER_OFF+0 > 1
	  empty_count = 0;
	  mess_count = 0;
	  ADCconfig.RefFlag = 0;
	  Calibrate_UR();		// get Ref Voltages and Pin resistance
	#ifdef WDT_enabled
	  wdt_enable(WDTO_2S);		//Watchdog on
	#ifdef WITH_MENU
	  if (ii >= 60) {
		while(function_menu());		// selection of function

	//Entry: if start key is pressed before shut down
	#if ((LCD_ST_TYPE == 7565) || (LCD_ST_TYPE == 1306))
	  lcd_command(CMD_SET_ALLPTS_NORMAL);		// 0xa4
	  lcd_clear();			// clear the LCD
	  ADC_DDR = TXD_MSK;		// activate Software-UART 
          init_parts();			// reset parts info to nothing found
	  Calibrate_UR();		// get Ref Voltages and Pin resistance
	  lcd_line1();			// Cursor to 1. row, column 1
	#ifdef BAT_CHECK
	  // Battery check is selected
	  lcd_MEM_string(VERSION_str);		// if no Battery check, Version .. in row 1
	#endif	/* BAT_CHECK */

	  // begin tests
	#if FLASHEND > 0x1fff
	  if (WithReference) {
	     /* 2.5V precision reference is checked OK */
	 #if POWER_OFF+0 > 1
	     if ((mess_count == 0) && (empty_count == 0))
		 /* display VCC= only first time */
		 lcd_MEM_string(VCC_str);		// VCC=
		 Display_mV(ADCconfig.U_AVCC,3);	// Display 3 Digits of this mV units
		 lcd_refresh();			// write the pixels to display, ST7920 only
		 wait_about1s();		// time to read the VCC= message
	#ifdef WITH_VEXT
	  unsigned int Vext;
	  // show the external voltage
	  while (!(RST_PIN_REG & (1<<RST_PIN))) {
	     lcd_MEM_string(Vext_str);		// Vext=
	     ADC_DDR = 0;		//deactivate Software-UART
	     Vext = W5msReadADC(TPext);	// read external voltage 
	//     ADC_DDR = TXD_MSK;		//activate Software-UART 
	    uart_newline();		// MAURO replaced uart_putc(' ') by uart_newline(), 'Z'
	 #if EXT_NUMERATOR <= (0xffff/U_VCC)
	     Display_mV(Vext*EXT_NUMERATOR/EXT_DENOMINATOR,3);	// Display 3 Digits of this mV units
             DisplayValue((unsigned long)Vext*EXT_NUMERATOR/EXT_DENOMINATOR,-3,'V',3);  // Display 3 Digits of this mV units
	     lcd_refresh();		// write the pixels to display, ST7920 only
	     wait_about300ms();		// delay to read the Vext= message
	#endif /* WITH_VEXT */

	#ifndef DebugOut
	  lcd_line2();			//LCD position row 2, column 1
	  EntladePins();		// discharge all capacitors!
	  if(PartFound == PART_CELL) {
	    lcd_MEM_string(Cell_str);	// display "Cell!"
	#if FLASHEND > 0x3fff
	    lcd_line2();		// use LCD line 2
	    lcd_refresh();			// write the pixels to display, ST7920 only
	    AutoCheck(0x11);		// full Selftest with "Short probes" message
	    goto tt_end;

	 #ifdef AUTO_CAL
	  UnCalibrated = (eeprom_read_byte(&c_zero_tab[3]) - eeprom_read_byte(&c_zero_tab[0]));
	  if (UnCalibrated != 0) {
	     // if calibrated, both c_zero_tab values are identical! c_zero_tab[3] is not used otherwise
	 #ifdef WITH_MENU
	  AutoCheck(0x00);			//check, if selftest should be done, only calibration
	  AutoCheck(0x01);			//check, if selftest should be done, full selftest without MENU
	#if FLASHEND > 0x1fff
          lcd_clear_line2();			//LCD position row2, column 1
          lcd_line2();				//LCD position row2, column 1
	  lcd_MEM_string(TestRunning);		//String: testing...
	  lcd_refresh();			// write the pixels to display, ST7920 only
	 #ifdef WITH_UART
	    uart_putc(0x03);		// ETX, start of new measurement 
	    uart_newline();			 // MAURO Added
	  // check all 6 combinations for the 3 pins 
	//         High  Low  Tri
	  CheckPins(TP1, TP2, TP3);
	  CheckPins(TP2, TP1, TP3);

	  CheckPins(TP1, TP3, TP2);
	  CheckPins(TP3, TP1, TP2);

	  CheckPins(TP2, TP3, TP1);
	  CheckPins(TP3, TP2, TP1);

	  // Capacity measurement is only possible correctly with two Pins connected.
	  // A third connected pin will increase the capacity value!
	//  if(((PartFound == PART_NONE) || (PartFound == PART_RESISTOR) || (PartFound == PART_DIODE)) ) {
	  if(PartFound == PART_NONE) {
	     // If no part is found yet, check separate if is is a capacitor
#ifdef DebugOut
	     EntladePins();		// discharge capacities
	     //measurement of capacities in all 3 combinations
	     ReadCapacity(TP3, TP1);
#ifdef DebugOut
	#if DebugOut != 10
	     ReadCapacity(TP3, TP2);
#ifdef DebugOut
	     ReadCapacity(TP2, TP1);
#ifdef DebugOut

#ifdef WITH_UJT
// check for UJT
        if (PartFound==PART_DIODE       
            && NumOfDiodes==2                // UJT is detected as 2 diodes E-B1 and E-B2...
//            && ResistorsFound==1             // ...and a resistor B1-B2
            && diodes.Anode[0]==diodes.Anode[1]      // check diodes have common anode
//            && (unsigned char)(ResistorList[0]+diodes.Anode[0])==2    // and resistor is between cathodes
           // note: there also exist CUJTs (complementary UJTs); they seem to be (even) rarer than UJTs, and are not supported for now
#endif		/* defined WITH_UJT */

#ifdef WITH_XTAL
        if (PartFound==PART_NONE || ((PartFound==PART_CAPACITOR) && (cap.cpre_max == -12))) {
           // still not recognized anything? then check for ceramic resonator or crystal
           // these tests are time-consuming, so we do them last, and only on TP1/TP3

	  //All checks are done, output result to display

	#ifdef DebugOut 
	  // only clear two lines of LCD

	  lcd_clear();				// clear total display

	  _trans = &ntrans;			// default transistor structure to show
	  if (PartFound == PART_THYRISTOR) {
            lcd_draw_trans_pins(-8, 16);
            lcd_set_cursor(0,TEXT_RIGHT_TO_ICON);		// position behind the icon, Line 1
	    lcd_MEM_string(Thyristor);		//"Thyristor"
	    lcd_MEM_string(Thyristor);		//"Thyristor"
            PinLayout(Cathode_char,'G','A'); 	// CGA= or 123=...
            goto TyUfAusgabe;

  if (PartFound == PART_TRIAC) {
    lcd_draw_trans_pins(-8, 16);
    lcd_set_cursor(0,TEXT_RIGHT_TO_ICON);		// position behind the icon, Line 1
    lcd_MEM_string(Triac);		//"Triac"
    lcd_MEM_string(Triac);		//"Triac"
    PinLayout('1','G','2'); 	// CGA= or 123=...
    goto TyUfAusgabe;

#ifdef WITH_PUT
   if (PartFound == PART_PUT) {
      static const unsigned char PUT_str[] MEM_TEXT = "PUT";
      goto TyUfAusgabe;

#ifdef WITH_UJT
   if (PartFound == PART_UJT) {
      static const unsigned char UJT_str[] MEM_TEXT = "UJT";
 #ifdef SamplingADC
      static const unsigned char eta_str[] MEM_TEXT = " eta=";
      ResistorChecked[ntrans.e - TP_MIN + ntrans.c - TP_MIN - 1] = 0;	// forget last resistance measurement
      GetResistance(ntrans.c, ntrans.e);	// resistor value is in ResistorVal[resnum]
      DisplayValue(ResistorVal[ntrans.e - TP_MIN + ntrans.c - TP_MIN - 1],-1,LCD_CHAR_OMEGA,2);
      lcd_MEM_string(eta_str);		//"eta="
 #else /* ! SamplingADC */
      static const unsigned char R12_str[] MEM_TEXT = "R12=";
      lcd_MEM_string(R12_str);		//"R12="
      DisplayValue(ResistorVal[ntrans.e - TP_MIN + ntrans.c - TP_MIN - 1],-1,LCD_CHAR_OMEGA,2);
      DisplayValue(((RR680PL * (unsigned long)(ADCconfig.U_AVCC - ntrans.uBE)) / ntrans.uBE)-RRpinPL,-1,LCD_CHAR_OMEGA,3);
 #endif	 /* SamplingADC */
      goto tt_end;
#endif /* WITH_UJT */

  if (PartFound == PART_CAPACITOR) {
#if FLASHEND > 0x3fff
     if ((cap.ca + cap.cb) == (TP1 + TP3)) {
        show_Cap13();		// repeated capacity measurement
        goto shut_off;		// key was pressed or timeout
     show_cap(0);		// show capacity in normal way and measure additional parameters
     show_cap_simple();		// show capacity in normal way and measure additional parameters
     goto tt_end;
  } /* end PartFound == PART_CAPACITOR */

#ifdef WITH_XTAL
//      static const unsigned char cerres_str[] MEM_TEXT = "Cer.resonator  ";
      if (sampling_measure_xtal()) goto loop_start;
      goto tt_end;
  if (PartFound == PART_XTAL) {
//      static const unsigned char xtal_str[] MEM_TEXT = "Crystal  ";
      if (sampling_measure_xtal()) goto loop_start;
      goto tt_end;

  // ========================================
  if(PartFound == PART_DIODE) {
  // ========================================
     if(NumOfDiodes == 1) {		//single Diode
//        lcd_MEM_string(Diode);		//"Diode: "
#if FLASHEND > 0x1fff
        // enough memory (>8k) to sort the pins and additional Ir=
	GetIr(diodes.Cathode[0],diodes.Anode[0]);	// measure and output Ir=x.xuA
        // too less memory to sort the pins
        UfAusgabe(0x70);		// mark for additional resistor and output Uf= in line 2
#ifndef SamplingADC
        /* load current of capacity is (5V-1.1V)/(470000 Ohm) = 8298nA */
        ReadCapacity(diodes.Cathode[0],diodes.Anode[0]);	// Capacity opposite flow direction
        if (cap.cpre < -3) {	/* capacity is measured */
 #if (LCD_LINES > 2)
           lcd_line3();		// output Capacity in line 3
           lcd_MEM_string(Cap_str);	//"C="
#else  // SamplingADC
        cap.cval=sampling_cap(diodes.Cathode[0],diodes.Anode[0],0);   // at low voltage
        lcd_next_line_wait(0);		// next line, wait 5s and clear line 2
        cap.cval=sampling_cap(diodes.Cathode[0],diodes.Anode[0],1);   // at high voltage
        if (cap.cval < 0) cap.cval = 0;		// don't show negativ value
  #if LCD_LINE_LENGTH > 16
        lcd_MEM_string(AT05volt);	// " @0-5V"
        lcd_MEM_string(AT05volt+1);	// "@0-5V"
        uart_newline();			// MAURO Diode ('A')
  #warning Capacity measurement from high to low not possible for diodes without PULLUP_DISABLE option!
 #endif  /* PULLUP_DISABLE */
        goto end3;
     } else if(NumOfDiodes == 2) { // double diode
        lcd_MEM_string(Dioden);		//"diodes "
        if(diodes.Anode[0] == diodes.Anode[1]) { //Common Anode
           DiodeSymbol_CpinApin(0);	// 1-|<-2
           DiodeSymbol_ACpin(1);	//  ->|-3
#ifdef SamplingADC
           goto showdiodecap;   // double diodes are often varicap; measure capacitance of one of them
           goto end3;
        if(diodes.Cathode[0] == diodes.Cathode[1]) { //Common Cathode
           DiodeSymbol_ApinCpin(0);	// 1->|-2
           DiodeSymbol_CApin(1);	//  -|<-3
#ifdef SamplingADC
           goto showdiodecap;   // double diodes are often varicap; measure capacitance of one of them
           goto end3;
//        else if ((diodes.Cathode[0] == diodes.Anode[1]) && (diodes.Cathode[1] == diodes.Anode[0])) 
        if (diodes.Cathode[0] == diodes.Anode[1]) {
           // normaly two serial diodes are detected as three diodes, but if the threshold is high
           // for both diodes, the third diode is not detected.
           // can also be Antiparallel
           diode_sequence = 0x01;	// 0 1
           goto end3;
        if (diodes.Cathode[1] == diodes.Anode[0]) {
           diode_sequence = 0x10;	// 1 0
           goto end3;
     } else if(NumOfDiodes == 3) {
        //Serial of 2 Diodes; was detected as 3 Diodes 
        diode_sequence = 0x33;	// 3 3
        /* Check for any constellation of 2 serial diodes:
          Only once the pin No of anyone Cathode is identical of another anode.
          two diodes in series is additionally detected as third big diode.
			if (diodes.Cathode[0] == diodes.Anode[1]) {
           diode_sequence = 0x01;	// 0 1
			if (diodes.Anode[0] == diodes.Cathode[1]) {
           diode_sequence = 0x10;	// 1 0
			if (diodes.Cathode[0] == diodes.Anode[2]) {
           diode_sequence = 0x02;	// 0 2
			if (diodes.Anode[0] == diodes.Cathode[2]) {
           diode_sequence = 0x20;	// 2 0
			if (diodes.Cathode[1] == diodes.Anode[2]) {
           diode_sequence = 0x12;	// 1 2
			if (diodes.Anode[1] == diodes.Cathode[2]) {
           diode_sequence = 0x21;	// 2 1
//        if((ptrans.b<3) && (ptrans.c<3)) 
        if(diode_sequence < 0x22) {
           lcd_MEM_string(Dioden);	//"Diodes "
           goto end3;
     }  // end (NumOfDiodes == 3)
     lcd_MEM_string(Bauteil);		//"Bauteil"
     lcd_MEM_string(Unknown); 		//" unbek."
     lcd_line2(); //2. row 
     lcd_data(NumOfDiodes + '0');
     lcd_MEM_string(AnKat_str);		//"->|-"
     lcd_MEM_string(Detected);		//" detected"
     goto not_known;
     // end (PartFound == PART_DIODE)
  // ========================================
  } else if (PartFound == PART_TRANSISTOR) {
  // ========================================
    if ((ptrans.count != 0) && (ntrans.count !=0)) {
       // Special Handling of NPNp and PNPn Transistor.
       // If a protection diode is built on the same structur as the NPN-Transistor,
       // a parasitic PNP-Transistor will be detected. 
       ReadCapacity(ntrans.e, ntrans.b);	// read capacity of NPN base-emitter
       n_cval = cap.cval;			// save the found capacity value
       n_cpre  = cap.cpre;			// and dimension
       ReadCapacity(ptrans.b, ptrans.e);	// read capacity of PNP base-emitter
       // check if one hfe is very low. If yes, simulate a very low BE capacity
       if ((ntrans.hfe < 500) && (ptrans.hfe >= 500)) n_cpre = -16; // set NPN BE capacity to low value
       if ((ptrans.hfe < 500) && (ntrans.hfe >= 500)) cap.cpre = -16; // set PNP BE capacity to low value

       if (((n_cpre == cap.cpre) && (cap.cval > n_cval))
					|| (cap.cpre > n_cpre)) {
          // the capacity value or dimension of the PNP B-E is greater than the NPN B-E
          PartMode = PART_MODE_PNP;
       } else {
          PartMode = PART_MODE_NPN;
    }  /* end ((ptrans.count != 0) && (ntrans.count !=0)) */
    // not possible for mega8, change Pin sequence instead.
		if ((ptrans.count != 0) && (ntrans.count != 0)
				&& (!(RST_PIN_REG & (1 << RST_PIN)))) {
       // if the Start key is still pressed, use the other Transistor
#if 0
       if (PartMode == PART_MODE_NPN) {
          PartMode = PART_MODE_PNP;	// switch to parasitic transistor
       } else {
          PartMode = PART_MODE_NPN;	// switch to parasitic transistor
       PartMode ^= (PART_MODE_PNP - PART_MODE_NPN);

    lcd_set_cursor(0,TEXT_RIGHT_TO_ICON);			// position behind the icon, Line 1
    lcd_big_icon(BJT_NPN|LCD_UPPER_LEFT);	// show the NPN Icon at lower left corner
    if(PartMode == PART_MODE_NPN) {
//       _trans = &ntrans;  is allready selected a default
       lcd_MEM_string(NPN_str);		//"NPN "
       if (ptrans.count != 0) {
          lcd_data('p');		// mark for parasitic PNp
    } else {
       _trans = &ptrans;		// change transistor structure
       lcd_update_icon(bmp_pnp);	// update for PNP
       lcd_MEM_string(PNP_str);		//"PNP "
       if (ntrans.count != 0) {
          lcd_data('n');		// mark for parasitic NPn
#else 	/* only character display */
    if(PartMode == PART_MODE_NPN) {
//       _trans = &ntrans;  is allready selected a default
       lcd_MEM_string(NPN_str);		//"NPN "
       if (ptrans.count != 0) {
          lcd_data('p');		// mark for parasitic PNp
    } else {
       _trans = &ptrans;		// change transistor structure
       lcd_MEM_string(PNP_str);		//"PNP "
       if (ntrans.count != 0) {
          lcd_data('n');		// mark for parasitic NPn

    // show the protection diode of the BJT
    vak_diode_nr = search_vak_diode();
    if (vak_diode_nr < 5) {
    // no side of the diode is connected to the base, this must be the protection diode   
       options = 0;
       if (_trans->c != diodes.Anode[vak_diode_nr])
          options |= OPT_VREVERSE;
       lcd_update_icon_opt(bmp_vakdiode,options);	// show the protection diode right to the Icon
#else    /* only character display, show the diode in correct direction */    
       char an_cat;			// diode is anode-cathode type
       an_cat = 0;
 #ifdef EBC_STYLE
  #if EBC_STYLE == 321
       // Layout with 321= style
       an_cat = (((PartMode == PART_MODE_NPN) && (ntrans.c < ntrans.e)) ||
                 ((PartMode != PART_MODE_NPN) && (ptrans.c > ptrans.e)));
       // Layout with EBC= style
       an_cat = (PartMode == PART_MODE_NPN);
       // Layout with 123= style
       an_cat = (((PartMode == PART_MODE_NPN) && (ntrans.c > ntrans.e))
		|| ((PartMode != PART_MODE_NPN) && (ptrans.c < ptrans.e)));
       if (an_cat) {
          lcd_MEM_string(AnKat_str);	//"->|-"
       } else {
          lcd_MEM_string(KatAn_str);	//"-|<-"
#endif    /* !WITH_GRAPHICS */
    }  /* endif vak_diode_nr < 6 */

    lcd_draw_trans_pins(-7, 16);	// show the pin numbers
    lcd_next_line(TEXT_RIGHT_TO_ICON);	// position behind the icon, Line 2
    lcd_MEM_string(hfe_str);		//"B="  (hFE)

    lcd_next_line(TEXT_RIGHT_TO_ICON+1-LOW_H_SPACE); // position behind the icon+1, Line 3
    if (_trans->current >= 10000) {
       lcd_data('e');				// emitter current has 10mA offset
       _trans->current -= 10000;
    } else {
    lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
    DisplayValue16(_trans->current,-6,'A',2);	// display Ic or Ie current

    lcd_next_line(TEXT_RIGHT_TO_ICON); // position behind the icon, Line 4
    lcd_MEM_string(Ube_str);		//"Ube="
    last_line_used = 1;

 #ifdef SHOW_ICE
    if (_trans->ice0 > 0) {
       lcd_next_line_wait(TEXT_RIGHT_TO_ICON-1-LOW_H_SPACE); // position behind the icon, Line 4 & wait and clear last line
       lcd_MEM2_string(ICE0_str);		// "ICE0="
       DisplayValue16(_trans->ice0,-6,'A',2);	// display ICEO
    if (_trans->ices > 0) {
       lcd_next_line_wait(TEXT_RIGHT_TO_ICON-1-LOW_H_SPACE); // position behind the icon, Line 4 & wait and clear last line
       lcd_MEM2_string(ICEs_str);		// "ICEs="
       DisplayValue16(_trans->ices,-6,'A',2);	// display ICEs
#else		/* character display */
    PinLayout('E','B','C'); 		//  EBC= or 123=...
    lcd_line2(); //2. row 
    lcd_MEM_string(hfe_str);		//"B="  (hFE)
 #if FLASHEND > 0x1fff

    if (_trans->current >= 10000) {
       lcd_data('e');				// emitter current has 10mA offset
       _trans->current -= 10000;
    } else {
    lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
    DisplayValue16(_trans->current,-6,'A',2);	// display Ic or Ie current

 #if defined(SHOW_ICE)
    lcd_next_line_wait(0);		// next line, wait 5s and clear line 2
    lcd_MEM_string(Ube_str);		//"Ube=" 

    if (_trans->ice0 > 0) {
       lcd_next_line_wait(0);		// next line, wait 5s and clear line 2
       lcd_MEM2_string(ICE0_str);		// "ICE0="
    if (_trans->ices > 0) {
       lcd_next_line_wait(0);		// next line, wait 5s and clear line 2
       lcd_MEM2_string(ICEs_str);		// "ICEs="
#endif  /* WITH_GRAPHICS */
    if (vak_diode_nr < 5) {
       lcd_next_line_wait(0); 		// next line, wait 5s and clear line 2/4
       lcd_MEM_string(Uf_str);			//"Uf="
       uart_newline();			// MAURO not verified ('D')
    } /* end if (vak_diode_nr < 5) */
    PinLayoutLine('E','B','C'); 		//  Pin 1=E ...
    uart_newline();			// MAURO OK BJT ('E')
    goto tt_end;
    // end (PartFound == PART_TRANSISTOR)

  // ========================================
  } else if (PartFound == PART_FET) {	/* JFET or MOSFET */
  // ========================================
    unsigned char fetidx = 0;
    lcd_set_cursor(0,TEXT_RIGHT_TO_ICON);	// position behind the icon, Line 1
    if((PartMode&P_CHANNEL) == P_CHANNEL) {
       lcd_data('P');			//P-channel
       _trans = &ptrans;
       fetidx = 2;

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Lithium ION
55 projects • 36 followers
A passionate electronics DIY boy. Currently improving in Embedded systems, soldering and programming.


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