Minimalistic Emergency ventilator with fine control over BPM, tidal volume and flow rate, with a digital interface.
Monitors soil moisture and weather forecasts to give plants just the water they need. Safe garden hose hookup for season long watering.
A smart home solution to all your separated "smart" devices that you can host yourself, customize, and add functionality to.
Emergêncy hospital Ventilator project to combat the COVID-19 Healy Crisis. Together we are stronger and together we will win💪 👉🌈.
MAX86150 puts ECG and SPO2 on a single chip, opening new opportunities for calculation of pulse transit time and indirect blood pressure.
LED strip controller, based on the NodeMCU, complete with a 3D printed enclosure and a PCB carrier board.
Bring up a base hardware design in Vivado and Vitis on the Eclypse Z7 with PMOD and ZMOD support.
Build a real, playable theremin music instrument. The theremin is played using two antennas without physical contact.
Relativty is an open-source project aimed to achieve VR democratization by the means of inexpensive hardware and abundant content.
In this project we show how we made a single-lead ECG monitor for heart-rate variability using the MAX30003 and an Arduino Uno.
The Pulse Express board makes it simple to get the three vital parameters - SpO2, Heartrate and Blood Pressure trending (BPT).
Shows you how you can connect ProtoCentral's MAX30100 breakout board to an Arduino for PulseOx and heart rate measurement and visualization.
Go beyond the Arduino with this customizable Uno template. Take your prototypes to the next level!
An easy to use graphical reflow controller for your toaster oven!
A pocket sized battery operatable and low power component tester which can test all the basic electronics components.
The Arduino Nano Quick Project: Develop everywhere!
A flat pack, open source, robot arm, that you can build with nothing but a screwdriver and enthusiasm.
Wireless Arduino sensor nodes and awesome home automation platform called OpenHAB. Know when your dog barks.
I experimented with changing the Ethernet MDI circuit design.
Let's put together this guitar shield for the Arduino!
Learn how to build a smartphone application and interact with Bluetooth hardware using HTML5/JS/CSS and Cordova!
A PCB Device that converts DC voltages to AC voltages to provide power to electronic devices.
A quick start guide to program STM32F407 Discovery Board with mbed online IDE.
Show how to use Tensil’s open-source accelerator, TensorFlow Lite and Xilinx PYNQ to run YOLO model on Avnet Ultra96 development board.