Relativty is an open-source project aimed to achieve VR democratization by the means of inexpensive hardware and abundant content.
A fully hackable VR headset and development kitThe first contribution we made to those ideals is Relativ an open-source VR headset buildable for $100 that anyone can contribute to, do you want to join the guild?
The Relativty project started in November 2017, and since then the community has grown slowly. After more then a year, we got a small active community, a fully working VR headset, and SteamVR compitability.
- Project website up & running
- Project wiki up & running
- Discord based discussion forums up & running
- VR headset STL files are 3D printer ready. (New 3D design will be released soon!)
- Arduino code for the tracker fully functional, OSVR plugins currently working on Windows, with Linux and Mac to be released shortly.
- SteamVR compitability
We use a 3D-printed frame to house the 2560x1440 LCD screen, along with a pair of 80mm Fresnel lenses to properly focus the image. Control is accomplished via an Arduino Due and an MPU-6050 accelerometer, which feeds head-tracking info to an external gaming system.
The next step?Relativty's current goals;
- Tracking system
- Upgrade to 9DOF IMU sensor
- Standalone VR headset
If you want to learn more about the technical side of our VR headset, or want to build one yourself, have a look at our site by clicking here.
We would like to hear from you, if you feel like joining the Relativ fellowship you can join our discord!
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