"Unplugging Capitalism" is a VR experience powered by the Earth, where becoming a tree frees you from the demands of productivity.
A Home Automation system using a Raspberry Pi 2 and Windows 10 IoT Core including an App.
Relativty is an open-source project aimed to achieve VR democratization by the means of inexpensive hardware and abundant content.
You have an Oculus Quest and want to use some of the Oculus Rift games? Buy a Gaming PC and a Link cable. Or accept some latency.
An assistive belt with GPS and obstacles detector that can guide blind people.
An accelerometer/gyro goes onto an Arduino board and transmits the angular motion of the board via bluetooth to a virtual reality app.
Developing discovery-based learning applications
Wear the hat, get transported to a different 360° VR experience.
Ever wanted to build your own Lightsaber? You can create your own LightSaber controller in VR using Photon to learn the Jedi ways.
Virtual Reality on the Raspberry Pi, in Python.
Motion capture made yours.
Arduino Snow Globe hosting a Virtual Reality Website. Play w/ snow in VR via HTC Vive, Tilt the Snow Globe and snow starts falling.
Combining the power of Littlebits with Augmented Reality, this project creates a head moving talking Augmented Reality Robot.
A tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning.
Hack your existing skateboard with Arduino to create a responsive VR controller for a truly immersive experience in your living room!
Why have a real light switch when you could have a virtual one?
In Virtual Reality, between the moon and earth, control your Earth Rover and explore. This project uses all web technologies.
Tip the snow globe over to make it snow in VR or press the temperature sensor to raise the temp and experience smog/haze in VR.
Arduino Nano & 3-axis MEMS sensor (MPU-6050) takes real-time motion data and controls an orientation of virtual 3D cube in Processing IDE.
Posture Recognition device using Azure Machine Learning and Kinect Sensors. Visualization in Virtual Reality Web.
Relativty, an open-source VR headset with a 2K 120FPS display, SteamVR support, and experimental room-scaling. You can build it for $200.
In Hololens, overlay as-built BIM model over Real World. Turn on/off content. IoT Integration for temperature, light switch and fan switch.
This project about tracking object by image processing, and use 360 radar technology (developed by A. Karkon) and status alert system.
Have Amazon Echo control your Virtual Reality App. Teleportation tool in VR. You can say: Alexa, tell VR Controller to take me to the gym.