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Christian Kratky
Published © GPL3+

Home Automation using Raspberry Pi 2 (Windows 10 IoT Core)

A Home Automation system using a Raspberry Pi 2 and Windows 10 IoT Core including an App.

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Home Automation using Raspberry Pi 2 (Windows 10 IoT Core)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
HSRel5 - I²C-Bus-Relaisplatine
Relay board with 5 relays, 3 GPIOs and I2C connection, supports mounting at power distributors, based on PCF8574.
HSRel8(+8) - 8fach-Relaisplatine
Relay board with 8 relays, 8 GPIOs and I2C connection, supports mounting at power distributors, based on MAX7311.
I2C-Port 16 HS 16Bit-Porterweiterung
Port expander board with 16 GPIOs and I2C connection, supports mounting at power distributors, based on MAX7311.
DR-60-12 Hutschienen Netzteil 12V / 54W
12V power supply for all devices
Hutschienen Netzteil 15W 5V 3A ; MeanWell, DR-30-5
5V power supply for all devices
Prototyping Shield for Raspberry Pi
Used to add a LED for status indication and a protected interrupt input for the input boards. Also provides 3-pole screw terminal for reliable connections.
I2C-Buffer HS
I2C level shifter including the required pull-up resistors etc, supports mounting at power distributors, based on P82B96.
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
Used as a bridge between DHT22 sensors and the I2C bus.
433Mhz Sender & Receiver
For support of wireless relays.

Software apps and online services

Visual Studio 2015
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
Arduino Software (IDE)


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433Mhz receiver

This is the circuit which us required to read the 433Mhz codes from the remote control.

DHT22 sensor

The sketch contains the circuit board of the DHT22 sensor which is mounted at every room.

Pi2 shield

The shield contains a status LED and screw terminals for the I2C bus and the interrupt.

DHT22 sensor and 433Mhz sender

This is a regular temperature and humidity sensor which conains a 433Mhz sender. Only one is required for the entire home.



This repository contains the complete solution including the SDK, WebApp and my personal configuration.


Christian Kratky

Christian Kratky

4 projects • 196 followers
I am a software developer from Germany with a focus on Microsoft technologies.
