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Maker and IoT Ideas
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Atmega328P PWM Controller

A sort of "NEXT step" closer to the actual product, In this, I combined the two working prototypes into a single board PCB,

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours255
Atmega328P PWM Controller

Things used in this project

Hardware components

PCBWay Custom PCB
PCBWay Custom PCB


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Schematics, in zip format


Code for the rotary encoder

This is my way to control the rotary encoder on this PCB. It may not be the best, and is definitely not the only way to do it. it does however work well for my application, and there are no double counts.
const int encFWD = 8;
const int encREV = 7;
int aState;
int aLastState;
int encDir;
int encTurned = LOW;
int encLastState;
int encValue = 0;
int lastEncValue;
const int encInc = 10;

unsigned long lastEncDebounce = 0;
unsigned encDebounceDelay = 50;
const int encBtn = 9;
int encButtonState;
int lastEncBtnState = LOW;
int EncBtnValue = LOW;
int encBtnState;

void setup() {
  //Rotary Encoder
  encTurned = LOW;
  encLastState = digitalRead(encFWD);
  //Status LED on D13

void loop() {
  lastEncValue = encValue;
 //Handle the Encoder Push Button
 encBtnState = digitalRead(encBtn);
 if (encBtnState != lastEncBtnState) {
    lastEncDebounce = millis();
 if ((millis() - lastEncDebounce) > encDebounceDelay) {
    if (encBtnState != encButtonState) {
        encButtonState = encBtnState;
        if (lastEncBtnState == LOW) {
          EncBtnValue = !EncBtnValue;
 lastEncBtnState = encBtnState;
 // Handle the Rotary Encoder Dial
 aState = digitalRead(encFWD);
 if (aState != aLastState) {
    if (digitalRead(encREV) != aState) {
       if (encTurned == LOW) {
          encLastState = encTurned;
          encTurned = HIGH;
       } else {
          encTurned = LOW;
       if ((encValue < 300) && (encDir == 0)){
          if ((encLastState == LOW) && (encTurned == HIGH)){
            encValue = encValue + encInc;
            encDir = 1;
    } else {
      if (encTurned == LOW) {
        encLastState = encTurned;
        encTurned = HIGH;  
      } else {
        encTurned = LOW;
      if ((encValue > 0) && (encDir == 0)){
          if ((encLastState == LOW) && (encTurned == HIGH)){
            encValue = encValue - encInc;
            encDir = 2;
    encLastState = encTurned;
aLastState = aState;
encDir = 0;
// Print Some Status
if (encValue != lastEncValue) {
  Serial.print("Encoder Value Changed from ");
  Serial.print(" to ");



Maker and IoT Ideas
97 projects • 25 followers
I design custom PCB solutions, usually with an IoT or Automation twist, to solve problems in my daily life. Sometimes also for other people.


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