As part of my current project to add NeoPixels to the cabin of my car – as an upgrade to an old run-around vehicle, I had various ideas. One of these was to have pixels in multiple locations in the cabin, for example, next to the rear doors on each side, as well as in the current location of the current, sad old yellow light, in the centre of the cabin. These pixels should be controllable from a central location, on the front dash of the vehicle, or above the rearview mirror, as well as have local control.
CAN-BUS seemed the logical way to have central control over all of these, and as far as local control goes, I don’t necessarily want to go messing with the 20-odd-year-old wiring of the car, it is problematic already, and my interference could just potentially make things worse. ( living in super humid SE Asia takes its toll on the wiring, and local auto-electricians make more than a mess than fix anything – while still maintaining their “standard” of high-quality pricing for an ultra-low quality job – thus scrap that right from the beginning)
I have thus decided on a three-pushbutton approach, White light, on and off, Red light on and off, and increase/decrease intensity ( I really want the red cabin lights, as it helps to preserve night vision as opposed to white)
This project is not thus a less complicated version of this,which is the main controller PCB, minus a few components, for example:No Buck converter – just a single LDO regulatorNo Supply OR-Ing logic, as there will be only a single supplyNo Battery charger, and for that matter Boost converter.The board still uses the ATTiny1616 microcontroller ( I had a few in stock, and since I don’t need a lot of power for this, they are ideal). CAN-BUS support is provided with an MCP2515 and supporting circuitry.All GPIO’s on the ATTiny1616 and MCP2515 are broken out for easy access, so it is possible to really hack this board into anything needed within reason.The NeoPixels VCC line is also controlled via a P-MOS switch, to keep them totally switched off until actually needed, thus saving a few milliamps of battery power.
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Assembly is easy, if you use a stencil. The ATTiny 1616 QFN package will give you a hard time without a precise way to apply just the right amount of solder paste to the pads.
As far as testing goes, I am busy with the final firmware of this board.I will however go over a few things:The UPDI programming header functions as expected, using my own programmer, and the Arduino IDE.A standard blink sketch works as expected ( LED is on PIN_PA3)This is also the SPI SCK pin.The CAN BUS hardware functions as expected ( Using the MCPCan library)A small NEOPixel strip ( 8 pixels ) connected to the module and controlled with the Adafruit NeoPixel library functions as expected – Note here that you HAVE to enable power to the pixels by pulling PC0 ( PIN_PC0) HIGH to enable the P-MOS Switch. The Pixels themselves are connected to PIN_PA6.
The 3 pushbutton switches function as expected, and are connected on PIN_PC1 to PIN_PC3, each with an external 10k pullup resistor.
I shall update further progress on the project as it becomes available. I am currently working on firmware, as well as designing a suitable enclosure to be CNC cut from acrylic. Powering the modules in the actual vehicle shall also require some clever thinking, as I do not want them draining the car battery – I am thinking about either using the existing door-open switches or maybe an interface from the ignition to only power them when the ignition is switched on.
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