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Maker and IoT Ideas
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

Emergency Mouse - A project born out of necessity

This is a short show-and-tell of how I used modules I had on hand to solve the problem of a broken computer mouse late at night.

IntermediateWork in progress2 hours288
Emergency Mouse - A project born out of necessity

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Seeed XIAO RP2040
Seeed Studio Seeed XIAO RP2040

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Seeed Studio Fusion PCB/PCBA
Seeed Studio Fusion PCB/PCBA


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Schematic - Revision 1.0


Coding Documentation

Working examples and documentation on the subject of creating a working mouse with Circuitpython seems to be quite hard to find. I have, after quite a few hours, managed to get something that I am happy with, written on my own... I am still busy perfecting that, and as such, shall not be releasing that at the moment...


Maker and IoT Ideas

Maker and IoT Ideas

96 projects • 25 followers
I design custom PCB solutions, usually with an IoT or Automation twist, to solve problems in my daily life. Sometimes also for other people.
