Maker and IoT Ideas
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ESP32-S Dev Board - Rev 2.0

This is Hardware Revision 2.0 of my ESP32-S Dev board. I made some subtle changes and added some components to make it easier to use.

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ESP32-S Dev Board - Rev 2.0

Things used in this project

Hardware components

PCBWay Custom PCB
PCBWay Custom PCB


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Coding Instructions

This device does NOT require any special coding. You can use either the Arduino IDE, PlatformIO, ESP-IDF or even ESPHome, which is what I use on it most of the time.

What is important though, it that I tell you about some of the "quirks" that you may encounter while uploading code to this device...

On the Rev.1.0 hardware, I wanted a very streamlined, minimalistic device, with no unneccesary stuff anywhere. That included no DC barrel jack connector, and definitely no power LED's and USB-to-Serial circuitry - I felt that, since I usually upload via OTA anyway, that USB circuitry would 

1) waste space on the PCB
2) use power, even when not in use

A few months passed, and the PCB saw a lot of use, and I saw a few things that could be better, thus this revesion 2.0 PCB

Uploading CODE:

You can still use the flash/reset buttons to get the ESP32 into flash mode.
I have however added the standard 2-transistor auto flash/reset circuit to the PCB, and all of this is now available on a 6 way male box header, at the right top side of the PCB

The Pinouts are as follows:

 2 (Rx)  4(RST)   6(GND)
 1 (TxD) 3(GPIO0  5(+3V)
Please note that the Rx and Tx on the header should be connected to the SAME pins on the external USB-to-Serial Device - DO NO Switch them around:

THE SILKSCREEN was labeled in such a way as to make things easier and faster for me

Pin 4 should be connected to the RTS pin on the Serial adapter
Pin 3 should be connected to the DTR pin on the Serial adapter

Powering the device

The ESP32-S ( or ESP32 WROOM32 for that matter ) is quite a power hungry chip. 
If you are going to use ANY WiFi or BLUETOOTH at all, I suggest that you power the entire board from an external adapter, either with 7.2v to 12v DC via the barrel jack connector, or with 3.3v DC directly on any _3v and ground pins on the PCB.

In this case, please do not connect the VCC pin on the USB-to-Serial converter to the PCB;

That way, you can have a pleasant uploading experience while using your IDE of choice, with automatic reset and flashing...


Maker and IoT Ideas
97 projects • 25 followers
I design custom PCB solutions, usually with an IoT or Automation twist, to solve problems in my daily life. Sometimes also for other people.


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