Maker and IoT Ideas
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Variable voltage breadboard power module

A revision of my breadboard power module, to which I have added multiple voltages, selectable with a few jumpers.

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours68
Variable voltage breadboard power module

Things used in this project

Hardware components

PCBWay Custom PCB
PCBWay Custom PCB


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Setup Instructions

This is to be used AFTER assembly but BEFORE you actually use the module...

This module provides multiple voltages to a set of breadbord power rails. 
5 possible voltages are avaialable, being 3.3v 5.0v 7.2v 9.0v and Vinput.

Please not that all of these are ONLY available if you power the module with 12v

After assembly, you have to setup the module. This usually only needs to be done once, unless you happen to tamper with the trimpots...

There are 6 sets of jumper on the PCB

2 x [2x4] jumpers, labelled "Select voltage" and marked 3.3v 5.0v 7.2v 9.0v
2 x [1x3] jumpers, labelled "RAIL VOLTAGE" and marked VCC | V Select
2 x [1x3] jumpers, close to the RAIL ACTIVE LED, and marked ON OFF

The "RAIL ACTIVE" jumpers acts as a switch, supplying power to the rail ( top or bottom )
only when the jumper is in the "ON position.

The "RAIL VOLTAGE" jumper allows you to choose which voltage to apply to the specific power rail, top of bottom. 

VCC means that it will pass the VInput voltage, for example 12v STRAIGHT THROUGH to the rail.

VSelect means that the Vinput voltage will be down regulated to a preset, selected with the "Select Voltage" jumper.

Before use, the various presets needs to be calibrated by adjusting the value of the relevant "trimpots" for that voltage and rail.

This procedure is relatively easy, and requires a multimeter, a small terminal screwdriver, and a bench power supply or similar, with a barrel connector, set to 12v, to be connected to the module.

Using multimeter leads with clips, if available, attache them to the output of the top rail, noting the polarity, Neg(-) should be connected to the Negative (black) lead of your multimeter, and Pos(+) to the Positive (Red) lead.

With the "Rail Select" jumper in the VCC position, you should measure 12v at the output (if indeed you have connected 12v to the module, it is switched on, and the "Rail Active" jumper is in the ON position.

Repeat this with the bottom rail, noting that you have to move the Positive lead of the multimeter to the positive output of the bottom rail.

The ground is commoned, so no need to move the black lead as well.

If both rails measure correctly, go back to the top Rail, and place the "Rail voltage" jumper in the "V Select" position. 

You will now get a voltage slightly below Vinput. Place the "Select voltage" for the top rail on the 3.3v position, and adjust VR1 (Top Left, 1st from the top) anti-clockwise until you reach 3.3v.

Change the jumper to 5.0v, and adjust VR2 anti-clockwise until you reach 5.0v
Change the jumper to 7.2v and adjust VR3,
Change the jumper to 9.0v and adjust VR4.

You have now setup the top rail. Repeat the procedure on the bottom rail.

VR5 sets 3.3v
VR6 sets 5.0v
VR7 sets 7.2v
VR8 sets 9.0v

Remember to change the "Rail voltage" jumper for the bottom rail to the "V Select" position, as well as to move the multimeter positive (red) lead to the positive outout for the bottom Rail.

Verify each voltage set one more time, fine tuning as needed.
You may now use a drop of "locktight" or similar to lock the trimpots in position if required.


It is easy to use the mosule, just select a suitable voltage for the rail you need using the jumper, apply 12v DC and you are done. 

It is however good practice to check the voltage you selected with a Multimeter BEFORE connecting anything to the power module, just in case.

Enjoy :)


Maker and IoT Ideas

Maker and IoT Ideas

93 projects • 24 followers
I design custom PCB solutions, usually with an IoT or Automation twist, to solve problems in my daily life. Sometimes also for other people.
