In this project, I'm going to build an IR sensor module using transistor, which can be used as an obstacle sensor and an Arduino to make a line following, obstacle avoiding module.
Reason for Project:I was building an wifi robot which has three modes :
- It can act as an line following robot
- It can act as a WiFi controlled robot
- It can act as an obstacle avoiding robot
Hence, to make line follower robot I needed line follower module and to make obstacle avoiding robot I needed ultrasonic sensor. But I did not have any of these so I thought of building my own line follower and obstacle sensor using ir leds. We can use an IR sensor module built into this project as an obstacle sensor instead of ultrasonic sensor.
In this project, you are going to learn how to build obstacle sensor using transistor (for those who doesn't know about arduino) and using an Arduino as well.
For learning how to use ultrasonic sensor to make distance measurement using sound you can visit below website with detiled explaination code and video Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
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