You will learn how to interface Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 with Arduino. It can be an Ultrasonic Range Sensor or any purposes.
This is a smart wheelchair
In this video, I am going to use an ultrasonic sensor to calculate the car's distance from the garage wall and display it using green, blue,
This kind of system is the fastest growing safety feature in automotive industries.
Protect your flying machine!
My first attempt at building an autonomous RC car with a Raspberry Pi 3.
This project will teach you guys from basics to build an ultrasonic radar sensor system at home using Arduino IDE and Processing IDE.
Distance measurement using an Arduino and ultrasonic sensor is a very easy project for measuring shorter distances precisely.
I am back again with another Arduino based home automation project.
A robot that has ultrasonic sensors mounted on a basic servo to detect obstacles, swerve around them, and continue on a random path!
SPACS is an invisible shield for pedestrians designed as an extra safety measure in case of collision or vehicle malfunction.
A beginner to mid-level project utilising an inexpensive ultrasonic sensor, an Arduino and some intermediate code language.
A sense2goL pulse board is used to make a blind spot detector that can be mounted on the back of a bicycle to alert the rider from behind.
Safety first! Upgrade any vehicle with this state-of-the-art safety technology that is designed to help you be a better driver.
WTB for people who are blind is an innovation that helps blind people to navigate with speed and confidence by detecting the nearby obstacle
In this project, we will learn to build an IR sensor module with transistor and an Arduino as well.
Today in this tutorial, I have made a SELF-BALANCING robot with ARDUINO. I hope this article will help the beginners to make it properly
I'm really excited to show you my first real standalone Arduino project. An ultrasonic distance indicator with LED lights and a buzzer.
Learn how to get started with HCSR04 Ultrasonic readings using the Raspberry Pi Pico and MicroPython
Simple setup of a Seeed Studio Grove ultrasonic sensor (not HC-SR04) in Arduino.
A smart embedded system for the visually impaired so that they no longer have to rely on walking sticks or canes
Controlling LEGO Mindstorms NXT motors and sensors from a myRIO using LabVIEW to create a robot base.
An assistant for visually impaired people. The user will be notified when he is getting too close to a dangerous object.
A few weeks ago, I received an email asking if I would review a new robot being put on market for Elegoo. I said sure. A PenguinBot?!