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Xavier Tan

Ground-Based Obstacle Avoiding Robot

A robot that has ultrasonic sensors mounted on a basic servo to detect obstacles, swerve around them, and continue on a random path!

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)5 hours24,007
Ground-Based Obstacle Avoiding Robot

Things used in this project


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main.cpp (Annotated with notes explaining robot's loop execution)

Close the circuit with the batteries and place on the flat and smooth surface with obstacles for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors to detect and avoid it accordingly
#include <AFMotor.h> 
#include <Servo.h>    
#include <NewPing.h>

#define TRIG_PIN A4 
#define ECHO_PIN A5
#define MAX_SPEED 150 // 
#define COLL_DIST 20 //the object is 20cm away from the sensor, this is defined to be the collision distance
#define TURN_DIST COLL_DIST+10  //we need to give the vehicle some allowance infront of it so that it may turn without bumping into obstacles. The distance of safe turn is 30cm away from obstacle

AF_DCMotor leftMotor(4, MOTOR12_8KHZ); 
AF_DCMotor rightMotor(3, MOTOR12_8KHZ); 
Servo neckControllerServoMotor;

int maxDist = 0;
int maxAngle = 0;
int maxRight = 0;
int maxLeft = 0;
int maxFront = 0;
int course = 0;
int curDist = 0;
String motorSet = "";
int speedSet = 0;

void setup() {
  neckControllerServoMotor.write(90); //sets the "eyes" to looking straight ahead
  motorSet = "FORWARD"; 

void loop() {

void checkPath() {
  int curLeft = 0;
  int curFront = 0;
  int curRight = 0;
  int curDist = 0;
  neckControllerServoMotor.write(144); //sets viewing angle to sweep from R to L, starting at 144 deg (i.e. looking at the LEFT)
  delay(120);                           //THE FUNCTION MAKES ANGLE DECREMENT 8 TIMES, EACH OF 18 DEGREES. i.e. Looking from R to L at 18 degree sweeps
  for(pos = 144; pos >= 36; pos-=18)
    checkForward();         //STARTS OFF MOVING FORWARD
    curDist = readPing(); //ASSIGNS curDist the distance in centimeters of the object ahead
    if (curDist < COLL_DIST) {  //this if condition, where curDist < collision dist will only be required on instances where the robot has just started
      checkCourse();            //OR WHILE IT IS SWEEPING, ENCOUNTERS ANOTHER OBJECT WHERE curDist is STILL LESS THAN COLLISION DISTANCE. checkCourse() will reverse and then head in another direction.
      break;                    //when it sweeps L to R in this 18 degree interval, it will reverse and call setCourse which causes it to turn in the direction away from the obstacle
                                //this occurs until curDist is NOT less than collision dist, the break will break out of the loop, re-run the curDist < COLL_DIST function again and backup/reverse 
                                //until curDist >= COLL_DIST

    if (curDist < TURN_DIST) {  //TURN_DIST proximity will always be maintained from the "eyes"   
      changePath();             //when TURN_DIST breached, vehicle will change path. NOTE THAT BOTH WHEELS STILL MOVING FORWARD. changePath will cause the OTHER WHEEL TO MOVE IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION
    if (curDist > curDist) {maxAngle = pos;}                    
    if (pos > 90 && curDist > curLeft) { curLeft = curDist;}  //WE ARE UPDATING DISTANCES LEFT FRONT AND RIGHT 
    if (pos == 90 && curDist > curFront) {curFront = curDist;}  //IF LOOKING eg. LEFTWARDS AND CURRENT DISTANCE GREATER THAN curLeft VARIABLE, THEN REASSIGN (I.E. UPDATE curLeft)
    if (pos < 90 && curDist > curRight) {curRight = curDist;}   //UPDATE curFront and curRight as well when gazing at any of these directions
  maxRight = curRight;
  maxFront = curFront;

void setCourse() {
    if (maxAngle < 90) {turnRight();}
    if (maxAngle > 90) {turnLeft();}
    maxLeft = 0;
    maxRight = 0;
    maxFront = 0;

void checkCourse() {

void changePath() {
  if (pos < 90) {lookLeft();} 
  if (pos > 90) {lookRight();}

int readPing() {
  unsigned int uS = sonar.ping(); //activating the sonar, it emits Ultrasound at 40kHz (Spd of Sound = 340 m/s or 0.0034cm/uS (microsecond))
  int cm = uS/US_ROUNDTRIP_CM;    //uS is asigned a value by the .ping function, which returns the time taken for soundwave to reach object and return to it
  return cm;                      //we take that time and divide it by the time taken per centimeter in order to get 2xdistance, in cm, of object away from Ultrasonic sensor
}                                 //ping returns distance of object (in centimeters) from ultrasonic sensor

void checkForward() { if (motorSet=="FORWARD") {leftMotor.run(FORWARD); rightMotor.run(FORWARD); } }

void checkBackward() { if (motorSet=="BACKWARD") {leftMotor.run(BACKWARD); rightMotor.run(BACKWARD); } }

void moveStop() {leftMotor.run(RELEASE); rightMotor.run(RELEASE);}

void moveForward() {
    motorSet = "FORWARD";
  for (speedSet = 0; speedSet < MAX_SPEED; speedSet +=2)

void moveBackward() {
    motorSet = "BACKWARD";
  for (speedSet = 0; speedSet < MAX_SPEED; speedSet +=2)

  motorSet = "RIGHT";
  motorSet = "FORWARD";

void turnLeft() {
  motorSet = "LEFT";
  motorSet = "FORWARD";

void lookRight() {rightMotor.run(BACKWARD); delay(400); rightMotor.run(FORWARD);}   
void lookLeft() {leftMotor.run(BACKWARD); delay(400); leftMotor.run(FORWARD);}


// Adafruit Motor shield library
// copyright Adafruit Industries LLC, 2009
// this code is public domain, enjoy!

#if (ARDUINO >= 100)
  #include "Arduino.h"
  #if defined(__AVR__)
    #include <avr/io.h>
  #include "WProgram.h"

#include "AFMotor.h"

static uint8_t latch_state;

#if (MICROSTEPS == 8)
uint8_t microstepcurve[] = {0, 50, 98, 142, 180, 212, 236, 250, 255};
#elif (MICROSTEPS == 16)
uint8_t microstepcurve[] = {0, 25, 50, 74, 98, 120, 141, 162, 180, 197, 212, 225, 236, 244, 250, 253, 255};

AFMotorController::AFMotorController(void) {
    TimerInitalized = false;

void AFMotorController::enable(void) {
  // setup the latch
  CLK_DDR |= _BV(CLK);
  SER_DDR |= _BV(SER);

  latch_state = 0;

  latch_tx();  // "reset"

  //ENABLE_PORT &= ~_BV(ENABLE); // enable the chip outputs!
  digitalWrite(MOTORENABLE, LOW);

void AFMotorController::latch_tx(void) {
  uint8_t i;

  digitalWrite(MOTORLATCH, LOW);

  //SER_PORT &= ~_BV(SER);
  digitalWrite(MOTORDATA, LOW);

  for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
    //CLK_PORT &= ~_BV(CLK);
    digitalWrite(MOTORCLK, LOW);

    if (latch_state & _BV(7-i)) {
      //SER_PORT |= _BV(SER);
      digitalWrite(MOTORDATA, HIGH);
    } else {
      //SER_PORT &= ~_BV(SER);
      digitalWrite(MOTORDATA, LOW);
    //CLK_PORT |= _BV(CLK);
    digitalWrite(MOTORCLK, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MOTORLATCH, HIGH);

static AFMotorController MC;

inline void initPWM1(uint8_t freq) {
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \
    // use PWM from timer2A on PB3 (Arduino pin #11)
    TCCR2A |= _BV(COM2A1) | _BV(WGM20) | _BV(WGM21); // fast PWM, turn on oc2a
    TCCR2B = freq & 0x7;
    OCR2A = 0;
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
    // on arduino mega, pin 11 is now PB5 (OC1A)
    TCCR1A |= _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(WGM10); // fast PWM, turn on oc1a
    TCCR1B = (freq & 0x7) | _BV(WGM12);
    OCR1A = 0;
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
    #if defined(PIC32_USE_PIN9_FOR_M1_PWM)
        // Make sure that pin 11 is an input, since we have tied together 9 and 11
        pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
        pinMode(11, INPUT);
        if (!MC.TimerInitalized)
        {   // Set up Timer2 for 80MHz counting fro 0 to 256
            T2CON = 0x8000 | ((freq & 0x07) << 4); // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=<freq>, T32=0, TCS=0; // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=0, T32=0, TCS=0
            TMR2 = 0x0000;
            PR2 = 0x0100;
            MC.TimerInitalized = true;
         // Setup OC4 (pin 9) in PWM mode, with Timer2 as timebase
        OC4CON = 0x8006;    // OC32 = 0, OCTSEL=0, OCM=6
        OC4RS = 0x0000;
        OC4R = 0x0000;
    #elif defined(PIC32_USE_PIN10_FOR_M1_PWM)
        // Make sure that pin 11 is an input, since we have tied together 9 and 11
        pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
        pinMode(11, INPUT);
        if (!MC.TimerInitalized)
        {   // Set up Timer2 for 80MHz counting fro 0 to 256
            T2CON = 0x8000 | ((freq & 0x07) << 4); // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=<freq>, T32=0, TCS=0; // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=0, T32=0, TCS=0
            TMR2 = 0x0000;
            PR2 = 0x0100;
            MC.TimerInitalized = true;
         // Setup OC5 (pin 10) in PWM mode, with Timer2 as timebase
        OC5CON = 0x8006;    // OC32 = 0, OCTSEL=0, OCM=6
        OC5RS = 0x0000;
        OC5R = 0x0000;
        // If we are not using PWM for pin 11, then just do digital
        digitalWrite(11, LOW);
   #error "This chip is not supported!"
    #if !defined(PIC32_USE_PIN9_FOR_M1_PWM) && !defined(PIC32_USE_PIN10_FOR_M1_PWM)
        pinMode(11, OUTPUT);

inline void setPWM1(uint8_t s) {
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \
    // use PWM from timer2A on PB3 (Arduino pin #11)
    OCR2A = s;
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
    // on arduino mega, pin 11 is now PB5 (OC1A)
    OCR1A = s;
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
    #if defined(PIC32_USE_PIN9_FOR_M1_PWM)
        // Set the OC4 (pin 9) PMW duty cycle from 0 to 255
        OC4RS = s;
    #elif defined(PIC32_USE_PIN10_FOR_M1_PWM)
        // Set the OC5 (pin 10) PMW duty cycle from 0 to 255
        OC5RS = s;
        // If we are not doing PWM output for M1, then just use on/off
        if (s > 127)
            digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(11, LOW);
   #error "This chip is not supported!"

inline void initPWM2(uint8_t freq) {
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \
    // use PWM from timer2B (pin 3)
    TCCR2A |= _BV(COM2B1) | _BV(WGM20) | _BV(WGM21); // fast PWM, turn on oc2b
    TCCR2B = freq & 0x7;
    OCR2B = 0;
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
    // on arduino mega, pin 3 is now PE5 (OC3C)
    TCCR3A |= _BV(COM1C1) | _BV(WGM10); // fast PWM, turn on oc3c
    TCCR3B = (freq & 0x7) | _BV(WGM12);
    OCR3C = 0;
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
    if (!MC.TimerInitalized)
    {   // Set up Timer2 for 80MHz counting fro 0 to 256
        T2CON = 0x8000 | ((freq & 0x07) << 4); // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=<freq>, T32=0, TCS=0; // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=0, T32=0, TCS=0
        TMR2 = 0x0000;
        PR2 = 0x0100;
        MC.TimerInitalized = true;
    // Setup OC1 (pin3) in PWM mode, with Timer2 as timebase
    OC1CON = 0x8006;    // OC32 = 0, OCTSEL=0, OCM=6
    OC1RS = 0x0000;
    OC1R = 0x0000;
   #error "This chip is not supported!"

    pinMode(3, OUTPUT);

inline void setPWM2(uint8_t s) {
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \
    // use PWM from timer2A on PB3 (Arduino pin #11)
    OCR2B = s;
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
    // on arduino mega, pin 11 is now PB5 (OC1A)
    OCR3C = s;
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
    // Set the OC1 (pin3) PMW duty cycle from 0 to 255
    OC1RS = s;
   #error "This chip is not supported!"

inline void initPWM3(uint8_t freq) {
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \
    // use PWM from timer0A / PD6 (pin 6)
    TCCR0A |= _BV(COM0A1) | _BV(WGM00) | _BV(WGM01); // fast PWM, turn on OC0A
    //TCCR0B = freq & 0x7;
    OCR0A = 0;
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
    // on arduino mega, pin 6 is now PH3 (OC4A)
    TCCR4A |= _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(WGM10); // fast PWM, turn on oc4a
    TCCR4B = (freq & 0x7) | _BV(WGM12);
    //TCCR4B = 1 | _BV(WGM12);
    OCR4A = 0;
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
    if (!MC.TimerInitalized)
    {   // Set up Timer2 for 80MHz counting fro 0 to 256
        T2CON = 0x8000 | ((freq & 0x07) << 4); // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=<freq>, T32=0, TCS=0; // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=0, T32=0, TCS=0
        TMR2 = 0x0000;
        PR2 = 0x0100;
        MC.TimerInitalized = true;
    // Setup OC3 (pin 6) in PWM mode, with Timer2 as timebase
    OC3CON = 0x8006;    // OC32 = 0, OCTSEL=0, OCM=6
    OC3RS = 0x0000;
    OC3R = 0x0000;
   #error "This chip is not supported!"
    pinMode(6, OUTPUT);

inline void setPWM3(uint8_t s) {
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \
    // use PWM from timer0A on PB3 (Arduino pin #6)
    OCR0A = s;
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
    // on arduino mega, pin 6 is now PH3 (OC4A)
    OCR4A = s;
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
    // Set the OC3 (pin 6) PMW duty cycle from 0 to 255
    OC3RS = s;
   #error "This chip is not supported!"

inline void initPWM4(uint8_t freq) {
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \
    // use PWM from timer0B / PD5 (pin 5)
    TCCR0A |= _BV(COM0B1) | _BV(WGM00) | _BV(WGM01); // fast PWM, turn on oc0a
    //TCCR0B = freq & 0x7;
    OCR0B = 0;
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
    // on arduino mega, pin 5 is now PE3 (OC3A)
    TCCR3A |= _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(WGM10); // fast PWM, turn on oc3a
    TCCR3B = (freq & 0x7) | _BV(WGM12);
    //TCCR4B = 1 | _BV(WGM12);
    OCR3A = 0;
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
    if (!MC.TimerInitalized)
    {   // Set up Timer2 for 80MHz counting fro 0 to 256
        T2CON = 0x8000 | ((freq & 0x07) << 4); // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=<freq>, T32=0, TCS=0; // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=0, T32=0, TCS=0
        TMR2 = 0x0000;
        PR2 = 0x0100;
        MC.TimerInitalized = true;
    // Setup OC2 (pin 5) in PWM mode, with Timer2 as timebase
    OC2CON = 0x8006;    // OC32 = 0, OCTSEL=0, OCM=6
    OC2RS = 0x0000;
    OC2R = 0x0000;
   #error "This chip is not supported!"
    pinMode(5, OUTPUT);

inline void setPWM4(uint8_t s) {
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \
    defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \
    // use PWM from timer0A on PB3 (Arduino pin #6)
    OCR0B = s;
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
    // on arduino mega, pin 6 is now PH3 (OC4A)
    OCR3A = s;
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
    // Set the OC2 (pin 5) PMW duty cycle from 0 to 255
    OC2RS = s;
   #error "This chip is not supported!"

AF_DCMotor::AF_DCMotor(uint8_t num, uint8_t freq) {
  motornum = num;
  pwmfreq = freq;


  switch (num) {
  case 1:
    latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR1_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR1_B); // set both motor pins to 0
  case 2:
    latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR2_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR2_B); // set both motor pins to 0
  case 3:
    latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR3_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR3_B); // set both motor pins to 0
  case 4:
    latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR4_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR4_B); // set both motor pins to 0

void AF_DCMotor::run(uint8_t cmd) {
  uint8_t a, b;
  switch (motornum) {
  case 1:
    a = MOTOR1_A; b = MOTOR1_B; break;
  case 2:
    a = MOTOR2_A; b = MOTOR2_B; break;
  case 3:
    a = MOTOR3_A; b = MOTOR3_B; break;
  case 4:
    a = MOTOR4_A; b = MOTOR4_B; break;
  switch (cmd) {
  case FORWARD:
    latch_state |= _BV(a);
    latch_state &= ~_BV(b); 
  case BACKWARD:
    latch_state &= ~_BV(a);
    latch_state |= _BV(b); 
  case RELEASE:
    latch_state &= ~_BV(a);     // A and B both low
    latch_state &= ~_BV(b); 

void AF_DCMotor::setSpeed(uint8_t speed) {
  switch (motornum) {
  case 1:
    setPWM1(speed); break;
  case 2:
    setPWM2(speed); break;
  case 3:
    setPWM3(speed); break;
  case 4:
    setPWM4(speed); break;


AF_Stepper::AF_Stepper(uint16_t steps, uint8_t num) {

  revsteps = steps;
  steppernum = num;
  currentstep = 0;

  if (steppernum == 1) {
    latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR1_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR1_B) &
      ~_BV(MOTOR2_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR2_B); // all motor pins to 0
    // enable both H bridges
    pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

    // use PWM for microstepping support

  } else if (steppernum == 2) {
    latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR3_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR3_B) &
      ~_BV(MOTOR4_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR4_B); // all motor pins to 0

    // enable both H bridges
    pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(6, HIGH);

    // use PWM for microstepping support
    // use PWM for microstepping support

void AF_Stepper::setSpeed(uint16_t rpm) {
  usperstep = 60000000 / ((uint32_t)revsteps * (uint32_t)rpm);
  steppingcounter = 0;

void AF_Stepper::release(void) {
  if (steppernum == 1) {
    latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR1_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR1_B) &
      ~_BV(MOTOR2_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR2_B); // all motor pins to 0
  } else if (steppernum == 2) {
    latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR3_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR3_B) &
      ~_BV(MOTOR4_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR4_B); // all motor pins to 0

void AF_Stepper::step(uint16_t steps, uint8_t dir,  uint8_t style) {
  uint32_t uspers = usperstep;
  uint8_t ret = 0;

  if (style == INTERLEAVE) {
    uspers /= 2;
 else if (style == MICROSTEP) {
    uspers /= MICROSTEPS;
    steps *= MICROSTEPS;
    Serial.print("steps = "); Serial.println(steps, DEC);

  while (steps--) {
    ret = onestep(dir, style);
    delay(uspers/1000); // in ms
    steppingcounter += (uspers % 1000);
    if (steppingcounter >= 1000) {
      steppingcounter -= 1000;
  if (style == MICROSTEP) {
    while ((ret != 0) && (ret != MICROSTEPS)) {
      ret = onestep(dir, style);
      delay(uspers/1000); // in ms
      steppingcounter += (uspers % 1000);
      if (steppingcounter >= 1000) {
	steppingcounter -= 1000;

uint8_t AF_Stepper::onestep(uint8_t dir, uint8_t style) {
  uint8_t a, b, c, d;
  uint8_t ocrb, ocra;

  ocra = ocrb = 255;

  if (steppernum == 1) {
    a = _BV(MOTOR1_A);
    b = _BV(MOTOR2_A);
    c = _BV(MOTOR1_B);
    d = _BV(MOTOR2_B);
  } else if (steppernum == 2) {
    a = _BV(MOTOR3_A);
    b = _BV(MOTOR4_A);
    c = _BV(MOTOR3_B);
    d = _BV(MOTOR4_B);
  } else {
    return 0;

  // next determine what sort of stepping procedure we're up to
  if (style == SINGLE) {
    if ((currentstep/(MICROSTEPS/2)) % 2) { // we're at an odd step, weird
      if (dir == FORWARD) {
	currentstep += MICROSTEPS/2;
      else {
	currentstep -= MICROSTEPS/2;
    } else {           // go to the next even step
      if (dir == FORWARD) {
	currentstep += MICROSTEPS;
      else {
	currentstep -= MICROSTEPS;
  } else if (style == DOUBLE) {
    if (! (currentstep/(MICROSTEPS/2) % 2)) { // we're at an even step, weird
      if (dir == FORWARD) {
	currentstep += MICROSTEPS/2;
      } else {
	currentstep -= MICROSTEPS/2;
    } else {           // go to the next odd step
      if (dir == FORWARD) {
	currentstep += MICROSTEPS;
      } else {
	currentstep -= MICROSTEPS;
  } else if (style == INTERLEAVE) {
    if (dir == FORWARD) {
       currentstep += MICROSTEPS/2;
    } else {
       currentstep -= MICROSTEPS/2;

  if (style == MICROSTEP) {
    if (dir == FORWARD) {
    } else {
      // BACKWARDS

    currentstep += MICROSTEPS*4;
    currentstep %= MICROSTEPS*4;

    ocra = ocrb = 0;
    if ( (currentstep >= 0) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS)) {
      ocra = microstepcurve[MICROSTEPS - currentstep];
      ocrb = microstepcurve[currentstep];
    } else if  ( (currentstep >= MICROSTEPS) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*2)) {
      ocra = microstepcurve[currentstep - MICROSTEPS];
      ocrb = microstepcurve[MICROSTEPS*2 - currentstep];
    } else if  ( (currentstep >= MICROSTEPS*2) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*3)) {
      ocra = microstepcurve[MICROSTEPS*3 - currentstep];
      ocrb = microstepcurve[currentstep - MICROSTEPS*2];
    } else if  ( (currentstep >= MICROSTEPS*3) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*4)) {
      ocra = microstepcurve[currentstep - MICROSTEPS*3];
      ocrb = microstepcurve[MICROSTEPS*4 - currentstep];

  currentstep += MICROSTEPS*4;
  currentstep %= MICROSTEPS*4;

  Serial.print("current step: "); Serial.println(currentstep, DEC);
  Serial.print(" pwmA = "); Serial.print(ocra, DEC); 
  Serial.print(" pwmB = "); Serial.println(ocrb, DEC); 

  if (steppernum == 1) {
  } else if (steppernum == 2) {

  // release all
  latch_state &= ~a & ~b & ~c & ~d; // all motor pins to 0

  //Serial.println(step, DEC);
  if (style == MICROSTEP) {
    if ((currentstep >= 0) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS))
      latch_state |= a | b;
    if ((currentstep >= MICROSTEPS) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*2))
      latch_state |= b | c;
    if ((currentstep >= MICROSTEPS*2) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*3))
      latch_state |= c | d;
    if ((currentstep >= MICROSTEPS*3) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*4))
      latch_state |= d | a;
  } else {
    switch (currentstep/(MICROSTEPS/2)) {
    case 0:
      latch_state |= a; // energize coil 1 only
    case 1:
      latch_state |= a | b; // energize coil 1+2
    case 2:
      latch_state |= b; // energize coil 2 only
    case 3:
      latch_state |= b | c; // energize coil 2+3
    case 4:
      latch_state |= c; // energize coil 3 only
    case 5:
      latch_state |= c | d; // energize coil 3+4
    case 6:
      latch_state |= d; // energize coil 4 only
    case 7:
      latch_state |= d | a; // energize coil 1+4

  return currentstep;


// Adafruit Motor shield library
// copyright Adafruit Industries LLC, 2009
// this code is public domain, enjoy!

 * Usage Notes:
 * For PIC32, all features work properly with the following two exceptions:
 * 1) Because the PIC32 only has 5 PWM outputs, and the AFMotor shield needs 6
 *    to completely operate (four for motor outputs and two for RC servos), the
 *    M1 motor output will not have PWM ability when used with a PIC32 board.
 *    However, there is a very simple workaround. If you need to drive a stepper
 *    or DC motor with PWM on motor output M1, you can use the PWM output on pin
 *    9 or pin 10 (normally use for RC servo outputs on Arduino, not needed for 
 *    RC servo outputs on PIC32) to drive the PWM input for M1 by simply putting
 *    a jumber from pin 9 to pin 11 or pin 10 to pin 11. Then uncomment one of the
 *    two #defines below to activate the PWM on either pin 9 or pin 10. You will
 *    then have a fully functional microstepping for 2 stepper motors, or four
 *    DC motor outputs with PWM.
 * 2) There is a conflict between RC Servo outputs on pins 9 and pins 10 and 
 *    the operation of DC motors and stepper motors as of 9/2012. This issue
 *    will get fixed in future MPIDE releases, but at the present time it means
 *    that the Motor Party example will NOT work properly. Any time you attach
 *    an RC servo to pins 9 or pins 10, ALL PWM outputs on the whole board will
 *    stop working. Thus no steppers or DC motors.
// <BPS> 09/15/2012 Modified for use with chipKIT boards

#ifndef _AFMotor_h_
#define _AFMotor_h_

#include <inttypes.h>
#if defined(__AVR__)
    #include <avr/io.h>

    //#define MOTORDEBUG 1

    #define MICROSTEPS 16                       // 8 or 16

    #define MOTOR12_64KHZ _BV(CS20)             // no prescale
    #define MOTOR12_8KHZ _BV(CS21)              // divide by 8
    #define MOTOR12_2KHZ _BV(CS21) | _BV(CS20)  // divide by 32
    #define MOTOR12_1KHZ _BV(CS22)              // divide by 64

    #define MOTOR34_64KHZ _BV(CS00)             // no prescale
    #define MOTOR34_8KHZ _BV(CS01)              // divide by 8
    #define MOTOR34_1KHZ _BV(CS01) | _BV(CS00)  // divide by 64
    #define DC_MOTOR_PWM_RATE   MOTOR34_8KHZ    // PWM rate for DC motors
    #define STEPPER1_PWM_RATE   MOTOR12_64KHZ   // PWM rate for stepper 1
    #define STEPPER2_PWM_RATE   MOTOR34_64KHZ   // PWM rate for stepper 2
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
    //#define MOTORDEBUG 1
    // Uncomment the one of following lines if you have put a jumper from 
    // either pin 9 to pin 11 or pin 10 to pin 11 on your Motor Shield.
    // Either will enable PWM for M1
    //#define PIC32_USE_PIN9_FOR_M1_PWM
    //#define PIC32_USE_PIN10_FOR_M1_PWM

    #define MICROSTEPS 16       // 8 or 16

    // For PIC32 Timers, define prescale settings by PWM frequency
    #define MOTOR12_312KHZ  0   // 1:1, actual frequency 312KHz
    #define MOTOR12_156KHZ  1   // 1:2, actual frequency 156KHz
    #define MOTOR12_64KHZ   2   // 1:4, actual frequency 78KHz
    #define MOTOR12_39KHZ   3   // 1:8, acutal frequency 39KHz
    #define MOTOR12_19KHZ   4   // 1:16, actual frequency 19KHz
    #define MOTOR12_8KHZ    5   // 1:32, actual frequency 9.7KHz
    #define MOTOR12_4_8KHZ  6   // 1:64, actual frequency 4.8KHz
    #define MOTOR12_2KHZ    7   // 1:256, actual frequency 1.2KHz
    #define MOTOR12_1KHZ    7   // 1:256, actual frequency 1.2KHz

    #define MOTOR34_312KHZ  0   // 1:1, actual frequency 312KHz
    #define MOTOR34_156KHZ  1   // 1:2, actual frequency 156KHz
    #define MOTOR34_64KHZ   2   // 1:4, actual frequency 78KHz
    #define MOTOR34_39KHZ   3   // 1:8, acutal frequency 39KHz
    #define MOTOR34_19KHZ   4   // 1:16, actual frequency 19KHz
    #define MOTOR34_8KHZ    5   // 1:32, actual frequency 9.7KHz
    #define MOTOR34_4_8KHZ  6   // 1:64, actual frequency 4.8KHz
    #define MOTOR34_2KHZ    7   // 1:256, actual frequency 1.2KHz
    #define MOTOR34_1KHZ    7   // 1:256, actual frequency 1.2KHz
    // PWM rate for DC motors.
    #define DC_MOTOR_PWM_RATE   MOTOR34_39KHZ
    // Note: for PIC32, both of these must be set to the same value
    // since there's only one timebase for all 4 PWM outputs
    #define STEPPER1_PWM_RATE   MOTOR12_39KHZ
    #define STEPPER2_PWM_RATE   MOTOR34_39KHZ

// Bit positions in the 74HCT595 shift register output
#define MOTOR1_A 2
#define MOTOR1_B 3
#define MOTOR2_A 1
#define MOTOR2_B 4
#define MOTOR4_A 0
#define MOTOR4_B 6
#define MOTOR3_A 5
#define MOTOR3_B 7

// Constants that the user passes in to the motor calls
#define FORWARD 1
#define BACKWARD 2
#define BRAKE 3
#define RELEASE 4

// Constants that the user passes in to the stepper calls
#define SINGLE 1
#define DOUBLE 2
#define INTERLEAVE 3
#define MICROSTEP 4

#define LATCH 4

#define CLK_DDR DDRD
#define CLK 4

#define ENABLE 7

#define SER 0
#define SER_DDR DDRB

// Arduino pin names for interface to 74HCT595 latch
#define MOTORLATCH 12
#define MOTORCLK 4
#define MOTORDATA 8

class AFMotorController
    void enable(void);
    friend class AF_DCMotor;
    void latch_tx(void);
    uint8_t TimerInitalized;

class AF_DCMotor
  AF_DCMotor(uint8_t motornum, uint8_t freq = DC_MOTOR_PWM_RATE);
  void run(uint8_t);
  void setSpeed(uint8_t);

  uint8_t motornum, pwmfreq;

class AF_Stepper {
  AF_Stepper(uint16_t, uint8_t);
  void step(uint16_t steps, uint8_t dir,  uint8_t style = SINGLE);
  void setSpeed(uint16_t);
  uint8_t onestep(uint8_t dir, uint8_t style);
  void release(void);
  uint16_t revsteps; // # steps per revolution
  uint8_t steppernum;
  uint32_t usperstep, steppingcounter;
  uint8_t currentstep;


uint8_t getlatchstate(void);



// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewPing Library - v1.8 - 07/30/2016
// Created by Tim Eckel - teckel@leethost.com
// Copyright 2016 License: GNU GPL v3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
// Project home: https://bitbucket.org/teckel12/arduino-new-ping/wiki/Home
// Blog: http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,106043.0.html
// This software is furnished "as is", without technical support, and with no 
// warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for any purpose.
// When I first received an ultrasonic sensor I was not happy with how poorly
// it worked. Quickly I realized the problem wasn't the sensor, it was the
// available ping and ultrasonic libraries causing the problem. The NewPing
// library totally fixes these problems, adds many new features, and breaths
// new life into these very affordable distance sensors. 
// * Works with many different ultrasonic sensors: SR04, SRF05, SRF06, DYP-ME007, URM37 & Parallax PING))).
// * Compatible with the entire Arduino line-up (and clones), Teensy family (including $19 96Mhz 32 bit Teensy 3.2) and non-AVR microcontrollers.
// * Interface with all but the SRF06 sensor using only one Arduino pin.
// * Doesn't lag for a full second if no ping/echo is received.
// * Ping sensors consistently and reliably at up to 30 times per second.
// * Timer interrupt method for event-driven sketches.
// * Built-in digital filter method ping_median() for easy error correction.
// * Uses port registers for a faster pin interface and smaller code size.
// * Allows you to set a maximum distance where pings beyond that distance are read as no ping "clear".
// * Ease of using multiple sensors (example sketch with 15 sensors).
// * More accurate distance calculation (cm, inches & uS).
// * Doesn't use pulseIn, which is slow and gives incorrect results with some ultrasonic sensor models.
// * Actively developed with features being added and bugs/issues addressed.
//   NewPing sonar(trigger_pin, echo_pin [, max_cm_distance])
//     trigger_pin & echo_pin - Arduino pins connected to sensor trigger and echo.
//       NOTE: To use the same Arduino pin for trigger and echo, specify the same pin for both values.
//     max_cm_distance - [Optional] Maximum distance you wish to sense. Default=500cm.
//   sonar.ping([max_cm_distance]) - Send a ping and get the echo time (in microseconds) as a result. [max_cm_distance] allows you to optionally set a new max distance. 
//   sonar.ping_in([max_cm_distance]) - Send a ping and get the distance in whole inches. [max_cm_distance] allows you to optionally set a new max distance.
//   sonar.ping_cm([max_cm_distance]) - Send a ping and get the distance in whole centimeters. [max_cm_distance] allows you to optionally set a new max distance.
//   sonar.ping_median(iterations [, max_cm_distance]) - Do multiple pings (default=5), discard out of range pings and return median in microseconds. [max_cm_distance] allows you to optionally set a new max distance.
//   NewPing::convert_in(echoTime) - Convert echoTime from microseconds to inches (rounds to nearest inch).
//   NewPing::convert_cm(echoTime) - Convert echoTime from microseconds to centimeters (rounds to nearest cm).
//   sonar.ping_timer(function [, max_cm_distance]) - Send a ping and call function to test if ping is complete. [max_cm_distance] allows you to optionally set a new max distance.
//   sonar.check_timer() - Check if ping has returned within the set distance limit.
//   NewPing::timer_us(frequency, function) - Call function every frequency microseconds.
//   NewPing::timer_ms(frequency, function) - Call function every frequency milliseconds.
//   NewPing::timer_stop() - Stop the timer.
// 07/30/2016 v1.8 - Added support for non-AVR microcontrollers. For non-AVR
//   microcontrollers, advanced ping_timer() timer methods are disabled due to
//   inconsistencies or no support at all between platforms. However, standard
//   ping methods are all supported. Added new optional variable to ping(),
//   ping_in(), ping_cm(), ping_median(), and ping_timer() methods which allows
//   you to set a new maximum distance for each ping. Added support for the
//   ATmega16, ATmega32 and ATmega8535 microcontrollers. Changed convert_cm()
//   and convert_in() methods to static members. You can now call them without
//   an object. For example: cm = NewPing::convert_cm(distance);
// 09/29/2015 v1.7 - Removed support for the Arduino Due and Zero because
//   they're both 3.3 volt boards and are not 5 volt tolerant while the HC-SR04
//   is a 5 volt sensor.  Also, the Due and Zero don't support pin manipulation
//   compatibility via port registers which can be done (see the Teensy 3.2).
// 06/17/2014 v1.6 - Corrected delay between pings when using ping_median()
//   method. Added support for the URM37 sensor (must change URM37_ENABLED from
//   false to true). Added support for Arduino microcontrollers like the $20
//   32 bit ARM Cortex-M4 based Teensy 3.2. Added automatic support for the
//   Atmel ATtiny family of microcontrollers. Added timer support for the
//   ATmega8 microcontroller. Rounding disabled by default, reduces compiled
//   code size (can be turned on with ROUNDING_ENABLED switch). Added
//   TIMER_ENABLED switch to get around compile-time "__vector_7" errors when
//   using the Tone library, or you can use the toneAC, NewTone or
//   TimerFreeTone libraries: https://bitbucket.org/teckel12/arduino-toneac/
//   Other speed and compiled size optimizations.
// 08/15/2012 v1.5 - Added ping_median() method which does a user specified
//   number of pings (default=5) and returns the median ping in microseconds
//   (out of range pings ignored). This is a very effective digital filter.
//   Optimized for smaller compiled size (even smaller than sketches that
//   don't use a library).
// 07/14/2012 v1.4 - Added support for the Parallax PING))) sensor. Interface
//   with all but the SRF06 sensor using only one Arduino pin. You can also
//   interface with the SRF06 using one pin if you install a 0.1uf capacitor
//   on the trigger and echo pins of the sensor then tie the trigger pin to
//   the Arduino pin (doesn't work with Teensy). To use the same Arduino pin
//   for trigger and echo, specify the same pin for both values. Various bug
//   fixes.
// 06/08/2012 v1.3 - Big feature addition, event-driven ping! Uses Timer2
//   interrupt, so be mindful of PWM or timing conflicts messing with Timer2
//   may cause (namely PWM on pins 3 & 11 on Arduino, PWM on pins 9 and 10 on
//   Mega, and Tone library). Simple to use timer interrupt functions you can
//   use in your sketches totally unrelated to ultrasonic sensors (don't use if
//   you're also using NewPing's ping_timer because both use Timer2 interrupts).
//   Loop counting ping method deleted in favor of timing ping method after
//   inconsistent results kept surfacing with the loop timing ping method.
//   Conversion to cm and inches now rounds to the nearest cm or inch. Code
//   optimized to save program space and fixed a couple minor bugs here and
//   there. Many new comments added as well as line spacing to group code
//   sections for better source readability.
// 05/25/2012 v1.2 - Lots of code clean-up thanks to Arduino Forum members.
//   Rebuilt the ping timing code from scratch, ditched the pulseIn code as it
//   doesn't give correct results (at least with ping sensors). The NewPing
//   library is now VERY accurate and the code was simplified as a bonus.
//   Smaller and faster code as well. Fixed some issues with very close ping
//   results when converting to inches. All functions now return 0 only when
//   there's no ping echo (out of range) and a positive value for a successful
//   ping. This can effectively be used to detect if something is out of range
//   or in-range and at what distance. Now compatible with Arduino 0023.
// 05/16/2012 v1.1 - Changed all I/O functions to use low-level port registers
//   for ultra-fast and lean code (saves from 174 to 394 bytes). Tested on both
//   the Arduino Uno and Teensy 2.0 but should work on all Arduino-based
//   platforms because it calls standard functions to retrieve port registers
//   and bit masks. Also made a couple minor fixes to defines.
// 05/15/2012 v1.0 - Initial release.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef NewPing_h
#define NewPing_h

#if defined (ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
	#include <Arduino.h>
	#include <WProgram.h>
	#include <pins_arduino.h>

#if defined (__AVR__)
	#include <avr/io.h>
	#include <avr/interrupt.h>

// Shouldn't need to change these values unless you have a specific need to do so.
#define MAX_SENSOR_DISTANCE 500 // Maximum sensor distance can be as high as 500cm, no reason to wait for ping longer than sound takes to travel this distance and back. Default=500
#define US_ROUNDTRIP_CM 57      // Microseconds (uS) it takes sound to travel round-trip 1cm (2cm total), uses integer to save compiled code space. Default=57
#define US_ROUNDTRIP_IN 146     // Microseconds (uS) it takes sound to travel round-trip 1 inch (2 inches total), uses integer to save compiled code space. Defalult=146
#define ONE_PIN_ENABLED true    // Set to "false" to disable one pin mode which saves around 14-26 bytes of binary size. Default=true
#define ROUNDING_ENABLED false  // Set to "true" to enable distance rounding which also adds 64 bytes to binary size. Default=false
#define URM37_ENABLED false     // Set to "true" to enable support for the URM37 sensor in PWM mode. Default=false
#define TIMER_ENABLED true      // Set to "false" to disable the timer ISR (if getting "__vector_7" compile errors set this to false). Default=true

// Probably shouldn't change these values unless you really know what you're doing.
#define NO_ECHO 0               // Value returned if there's no ping echo within the specified MAX_SENSOR_DISTANCE or max_cm_distance. Default=0
#define MAX_SENSOR_DELAY 5800   // Maximum uS it takes for sensor to start the ping. Default=5800
#define ECHO_TIMER_FREQ 24      // Frequency to check for a ping echo (every 24uS is about 0.4cm accuracy). Default=24
#define PING_MEDIAN_DELAY 29000 // Microsecond delay between pings in the ping_median method. Default=29000
#define PING_OVERHEAD 5         // Ping overhead in microseconds (uS). Default=5
#define PING_TIMER_OVERHEAD 13  // Ping timer overhead in microseconds (uS). Default=13
#if URM37_ENABLED == true
	#define US_ROUNDTRIP_CM 50  // Every 50uS PWM signal is low indicates 1cm distance. Default=50
	#define US_ROUNDTRIP_IN 127 // If 50uS is 1cm, 1 inch would be 127uS (50 x 2.54 = 127). Default=127

// Conversion from uS to distance (round result to nearest cm or inch).
#define NewPingConvert(echoTime, conversionFactor) (max(((unsigned int)echoTime + conversionFactor / 2) / conversionFactor, (echoTime ? 1 : 0)))

// Detect non-AVR microcontrollers (Teensy 3.x, Arduino DUE, etc.) and don't use port registers or timer interrupts as required.
#if (defined (__arm__) && defined (TEENSYDUINO))
	#define PING_OVERHEAD 1
	#define DO_BITWISE true
#elif !defined (__AVR__)
	#define PING_OVERHEAD 1
	#define TIMER_ENABLED false
	#define DO_BITWISE false
	#define DO_BITWISE true

// Disable the timer interrupts when using ATmega128 and all ATtiny microcontrollers.
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega128__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny24__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny44__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny84__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny25__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny45__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny85__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny261__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny461__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny861__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny43U__)
	#define TIMER_ENABLED false

// Define timers when using ATmega8, ATmega16, ATmega32 and ATmega8535 microcontrollers.
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega8__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega16__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega32__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega8535__)
	#define OCR2A OCR2
	#define TIMSK2 TIMSK
	#define OCIE2A OCIE2

class NewPing {
		NewPing(uint8_t trigger_pin, uint8_t echo_pin, unsigned int max_cm_distance = MAX_SENSOR_DISTANCE);
		unsigned int ping(unsigned int max_cm_distance = 0);
		unsigned long ping_cm(unsigned int max_cm_distance = 0);
		unsigned long ping_in(unsigned int max_cm_distance = 0);
		unsigned long ping_median(uint8_t it = 5, unsigned int max_cm_distance = 0);
		static unsigned int convert_cm(unsigned int echoTime);
		static unsigned int convert_in(unsigned int echoTime);
#if TIMER_ENABLED == true
		void ping_timer(void (*userFunc)(void), unsigned int max_cm_distance = 0);
		boolean check_timer();
		unsigned long ping_result;
		static void timer_us(unsigned int frequency, void (*userFunc)(void));
		static void timer_ms(unsigned long frequency, void (*userFunc)(void));
		static void timer_stop();
		boolean ping_trigger();
		void set_max_distance(unsigned int max_cm_distance);
#if TIMER_ENABLED == true
		boolean ping_trigger_timer(unsigned int trigger_delay);
		boolean ping_wait_timer();
		static void timer_setup();
		static void timer_ms_cntdwn();
#if DO_BITWISE == true
		uint8_t _triggerBit;
		uint8_t _echoBit;
		volatile uint8_t *_triggerOutput;
		volatile uint8_t *_echoInput;
		volatile uint8_t *_triggerMode;
		uint8_t _triggerPin;
		uint8_t _echoPin;
		unsigned int _maxEchoTime;
		unsigned long _max_time;



// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Created by Tim Eckel - teckel@leethost.com
// Copyright 2016 License: GNU GPL v3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
// See "NewPing.h" for purpose, syntax, version history, links, and more.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "NewPing.h"

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewPing constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

NewPing::NewPing(uint8_t trigger_pin, uint8_t echo_pin, unsigned int max_cm_distance) {
#if DO_BITWISE == true
	_triggerBit = digitalPinToBitMask(trigger_pin); // Get the port register bitmask for the trigger pin.
	_echoBit = digitalPinToBitMask(echo_pin);       // Get the port register bitmask for the echo pin.

	_triggerOutput = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(trigger_pin)); // Get the output port register for the trigger pin.
	_echoInput = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(echo_pin));         // Get the input port register for the echo pin.

	_triggerMode = (uint8_t *) portModeRegister(digitalPinToPort(trigger_pin)); // Get the port mode register for the trigger pin.
	_triggerPin = trigger_pin;
	_echoPin = echo_pin;

	set_max_distance(max_cm_distance); // Call function to set the max sensor distance.

#if (defined (__arm__) && defined (TEENSYDUINO)) || DO_BITWISE != true
	pinMode(echo_pin, INPUT);     // Set echo pin to input (on Teensy 3.x (ARM), pins default to disabled, at least one pinMode() is needed for GPIO mode).
	pinMode(trigger_pin, OUTPUT); // Set trigger pin to output (on Teensy 3.x (ARM), pins default to disabled, at least one pinMode() is needed for GPIO mode).

#if defined (ARDUINO_AVR_YUN)
	pinMode(echo_pin, INPUT);     // Set echo pin to input for the Arduino Yun, not sure why it doesn't default this way.

#if ONE_PIN_ENABLED != true && DO_BITWISE == true
	*_triggerMode |= _triggerBit; // Set trigger pin to output.

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Standard ping methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

unsigned int NewPing::ping(unsigned int max_cm_distance) {
	if (max_cm_distance > 0) set_max_distance(max_cm_distance); // Call function to set a new max sensor distance.

	if (!ping_trigger()) return NO_ECHO; // Trigger a ping, if it returns false, return NO_ECHO to the calling function.

#if URM37_ENABLED == true
	#if DO_BITWISE == true
		while (!(*_echoInput & _echoBit))             // Wait for the ping echo.
		while (!digitalRead(_echoPin))                // Wait for the ping echo.
			if (micros() > _max_time) return NO_ECHO; // Stop the loop and return NO_ECHO (false) if we're beyond the set maximum distance.
	#if DO_BITWISE == true
		while (*_echoInput & _echoBit)                // Wait for the ping echo.
		while (digitalRead(_echoPin))                 // Wait for the ping echo.
			if (micros() > _max_time) return NO_ECHO; // Stop the loop and return NO_ECHO (false) if we're beyond the set maximum distance.

	return (micros() - (_max_time - _maxEchoTime) - PING_OVERHEAD); // Calculate ping time, include overhead.

unsigned long NewPing::ping_cm(unsigned int max_cm_distance) {
	unsigned long echoTime = NewPing::ping(max_cm_distance); // Calls the ping method and returns with the ping echo distance in uS.
	return (echoTime / US_ROUNDTRIP_CM);              // Call the ping method and returns the distance in centimeters (no rounding).
	return NewPingConvert(echoTime, US_ROUNDTRIP_CM); // Convert uS to centimeters.

unsigned long NewPing::ping_in(unsigned int max_cm_distance) {
	unsigned long echoTime = NewPing::ping(max_cm_distance); // Calls the ping method and returns with the ping echo distance in uS.
	return (echoTime / US_ROUNDTRIP_IN);              // Call the ping method and returns the distance in inches (no rounding).
	return NewPingConvert(echoTime, US_ROUNDTRIP_IN); // Convert uS to inches.

unsigned long NewPing::ping_median(uint8_t it, unsigned int max_cm_distance) {
	unsigned int uS[it], last;
	uint8_t j, i = 0;
	unsigned long t;
	uS[0] = NO_ECHO;

	while (i < it) {
		t = micros();                  // Start ping timestamp.
		last = ping(max_cm_distance);  // Send ping.

		if (last != NO_ECHO) {         // Ping in range, include as part of median.
			if (i > 0) {               // Don't start sort till second ping.
				for (j = i; j > 0 && uS[j - 1] < last; j--) // Insertion sort loop.
					uS[j] = uS[j - 1];                      // Shift ping array to correct position for sort insertion.
			} else j = 0;              // First ping is sort starting point.
			uS[j] = last;              // Add last ping to array in sorted position.
			i++;                       // Move to next ping.
		} else it--;                   // Ping out of range, skip and don't include as part of median.

		if (i < it && micros() - t < PING_MEDIAN_DELAY)
			delay((PING_MEDIAN_DELAY + t - micros()) / 1000); // Millisecond delay between pings.

	return (uS[it >> 1]); // Return the ping distance median.

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Standard and timer interrupt ping method support functions (not called directly)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

boolean NewPing::ping_trigger() {
#if DO_BITWISE == true
	#if ONE_PIN_ENABLED == true
		*_triggerMode |= _triggerBit;  // Set trigger pin to output.

	*_triggerOutput &= ~_triggerBit;   // Set the trigger pin low, should already be low, but this will make sure it is.
	delayMicroseconds(4);              // Wait for pin to go low.
	*_triggerOutput |= _triggerBit;    // Set trigger pin high, this tells the sensor to send out a ping.
	delayMicroseconds(10);             // Wait long enough for the sensor to realize the trigger pin is high. Sensor specs say to wait 10uS.
	*_triggerOutput &= ~_triggerBit;   // Set trigger pin back to low.

	#if ONE_PIN_ENABLED == true
		*_triggerMode &= ~_triggerBit; // Set trigger pin to input (when using one Arduino pin, this is technically setting the echo pin to input as both are tied to the same Arduino pin).

	#if URM37_ENABLED == true
		if (!(*_echoInput & _echoBit)) return false;            // Previous ping hasn't finished, abort.
		_max_time = micros() + _maxEchoTime + MAX_SENSOR_DELAY; // Maximum time we'll wait for ping to start (most sensors are <450uS, the SRF06 can take up to 34,300uS!)
		while (*_echoInput & _echoBit)                          // Wait for ping to start.
			if (micros() > _max_time) return false;             // Took too long to start, abort.
		if (*_echoInput & _echoBit) return false;               // Previous ping hasn't finished, abort.
		_max_time = micros() + _maxEchoTime + MAX_SENSOR_DELAY; // Maximum time we'll wait for ping to start (most sensors are <450uS, the SRF06 can take up to 34,300uS!)
		while (!(*_echoInput & _echoBit))                       // Wait for ping to start.
			if (micros() > _max_time) return false;             // Took too long to start, abort.
	#if ONE_PIN_ENABLED == true
		pinMode(_triggerPin, OUTPUT); // Set trigger pin to output.
	digitalWrite(_triggerPin, LOW);   // Set the trigger pin low, should already be low, but this will make sure it is.
	delayMicroseconds(4);             // Wait for pin to go low.
	digitalWrite(_triggerPin, HIGH);  // Set trigger pin high, this tells the sensor to send out a ping.
	delayMicroseconds(10);            // Wait long enough for the sensor to realize the trigger pin is high. Sensor specs say to wait 10uS.
	digitalWrite(_triggerPin, LOW);   // Set trigger pin back to low.

	#if ONE_PIN_ENABLED == true
		pinMode(_triggerPin, INPUT);  // Set trigger pin to input (when using one Arduino pin, this is technically setting the echo pin to input as both are tied to the same Arduino pin).

	#if URM37_ENABLED == true
		if (!digitalRead(_echoPin)) return false;               // Previous ping hasn't finished, abort.
		_max_time = micros() + _maxEchoTime + MAX_SENSOR_DELAY; // Maximum time we'll wait for ping to start (most sensors are <450uS, the SRF06 can take up to 34,300uS!)
		while (digitalRead(_echoPin))                           // Wait for ping to start.
			if (micros() > _max_time) return false;             // Took too long to start, abort.
		if (digitalRead(_echoPin)) return false;                // Previous ping hasn't finished, abort.
		_max_time = micros() + _maxEchoTime + MAX_SENSOR_DELAY; // Maximum time we'll wait for ping to start (most sensors are <450uS, the SRF06 can take up to 34,300uS!)
		while (!digitalRead(_echoPin))                          // Wait for ping to start.
			if (micros() > _max_time) return false;             // Took too long to start, abort.

	_max_time = micros() + _maxEchoTime; // Ping started, set the time-out.
	return true;                         // Ping started successfully.

void NewPing::set_max_distance(unsigned int max_cm_distance) {
	_maxEchoTime = min(max_cm_distance + 1, (unsigned int) MAX_SENSOR_DISTANCE + 1) * US_ROUNDTRIP_CM; // Calculate the maximum distance in uS (no rounding).
	_maxEchoTime = min(max_cm_distance, (unsigned int) MAX_SENSOR_DISTANCE) * US_ROUNDTRIP_CM + (US_ROUNDTRIP_CM / 2); // Calculate the maximum distance in uS.

#if TIMER_ENABLED == true && DO_BITWISE == true

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Timer interrupt ping methods (won't work with non-AVR, ATmega128 and all ATtiny microcontrollers)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

void NewPing::ping_timer(void (*userFunc)(void), unsigned int max_cm_distance) {
	if (max_cm_distance > 0) set_max_distance(max_cm_distance); // Call function to set a new max sensor distance.

	if (!ping_trigger()) return;         // Trigger a ping, if it returns false, return without starting the echo timer.
	timer_us(ECHO_TIMER_FREQ, userFunc); // Set ping echo timer check every ECHO_TIMER_FREQ uS.

boolean NewPing::check_timer() {
	if (micros() > _max_time) { // Outside the time-out limit.
		timer_stop();           // Disable timer interrupt
		return false;           // Cancel ping timer.

#if URM37_ENABLED == false
	if (!(*_echoInput & _echoBit)) { // Ping echo received.
	if (*_echoInput & _echoBit) {    // Ping echo received.
		timer_stop();                // Disable timer interrupt
		ping_result = (micros() - (_max_time - _maxEchoTime) - PING_TIMER_OVERHEAD); // Calculate ping time including overhead.
		return true;                 // Return ping echo true.

	return false; // Return false because there's no ping echo yet.

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Timer2/Timer4 interrupt methods (can be used for non-ultrasonic needs)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Variables used for timer functions
void (*intFunc)();
void (*intFunc2)();
unsigned long _ms_cnt_reset;
volatile unsigned long _ms_cnt;
#if defined(__arm__) && defined(TEENSYDUINO)
	IntervalTimer itimer;

void NewPing::timer_us(unsigned int frequency, void (*userFunc)(void)) {
	intFunc = userFunc; // User's function to call when there's a timer event.
	timer_setup();      // Configure the timer interrupt.

#if defined (__AVR_ATmega32U4__) // Use Timer4 for ATmega32U4 (Teensy/Leonardo).
	OCR4C = min((frequency>>2) - 1, 255); // Every count is 4uS, so divide by 4 (bitwise shift right 2) subtract one, then make sure we don't go over 255 limit.
	TIMSK4 = (1<<TOIE4);                  // Enable Timer4 interrupt.
#elif defined (__arm__) && defined (TEENSYDUINO) // Timer for Teensy 3.x
	itimer.begin(userFunc, frequency);           // Really simple on the Teensy 3.x, calls userFunc every 'frequency' uS.
	OCR2A = min((frequency>>2) - 1, 255); // Every count is 4uS, so divide by 4 (bitwise shift right 2) subtract one, then make sure we don't go over 255 limit.
	TIMSK2 |= (1<<OCIE2A);                // Enable Timer2 interrupt.

void NewPing::timer_ms(unsigned long frequency, void (*userFunc)(void)) {
	intFunc = NewPing::timer_ms_cntdwn;  // Timer events are sent here once every ms till user's frequency is reached.
	intFunc2 = userFunc;                 // User's function to call when user's frequency is reached.
	_ms_cnt = _ms_cnt_reset = frequency; // Current ms counter and reset value.
	timer_setup();                       // Configure the timer interrupt.

#if defined (__AVR_ATmega32U4__) // Use Timer4 for ATmega32U4 (Teensy/Leonardo).
	OCR4C = 249;           // Every count is 4uS, so 1ms = 250 counts - 1.
	TIMSK4 = (1<<TOIE4);   // Enable Timer4 interrupt.
#elif defined (__arm__) && defined (TEENSYDUINO)  // Timer for Teensy 3.x
	itimer.begin(NewPing::timer_ms_cntdwn, 1000); // Set timer to 1ms (1000 uS).
	OCR2A = 249;           // Every count is 4uS, so 1ms = 250 counts - 1.
	TIMSK2 |= (1<<OCIE2A); // Enable Timer2 interrupt.

void NewPing::timer_stop() { // Disable timer interrupt.
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega32U4__) // Use Timer4 for ATmega32U4 (Teensy/Leonardo).
	TIMSK4 = 0;
#elif defined (__arm__) && defined (TEENSYDUINO) // Timer for Teensy 3.x
	TIMSK2 &= ~(1<<OCIE2A);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Timer2/Timer4 interrupt method support functions (not called directly)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

void NewPing::timer_setup() {
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega32U4__) // Use Timer4 for ATmega32U4 (Teensy/Leonardo).
	timer_stop(); // Disable Timer4 interrupt.
	TCCR4B = (1<<CS42) | (1<<CS41) | (1<<CS40) | (1<<PSR4); // Set Timer4 prescaler to 64 (4uS/count, 4uS-1020uS range).
	TIFR4 = (1<<TOV4);
	TCNT4 = 0;    // Reset Timer4 counter.
#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega8__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega16__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega32__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega8535__) // Alternate timer commands for certain microcontrollers.
	timer_stop();                 // Disable Timer2 interrupt.
	ASSR &= ~(1<<AS2);            // Set clock, not pin.
	TCCR2 = (1<<WGM21 | 1<<CS22); // Set Timer2 to CTC mode, prescaler to 64 (4uS/count, 4uS-1020uS range).
	TCNT2 = 0;                    // Reset Timer2 counter.
#elif defined (__arm__) && defined (TEENSYDUINO)
	timer_stop(); // Stop the timer.
	timer_stop();        // Disable Timer2 interrupt.
	ASSR &= ~(1<<AS2);   // Set clock, not pin.
	TCCR2A = (1<<WGM21); // Set Timer2 to CTC mode.
	TCCR2B = (1<<CS22);  // Set Timer2 prescaler to 64 (4uS/count, 4uS-1020uS range).
	TCNT2 = 0;           // Reset Timer2 counter.

void NewPing::timer_ms_cntdwn() {
	if (!_ms_cnt--) {            // Count down till we reach zero.
		intFunc2();              // Scheduled time reached, run the main timer event function.
		_ms_cnt = _ms_cnt_reset; // Reset the ms timer.

#if defined (__AVR_ATmega32U4__) // Use Timer4 for ATmega32U4 (Teensy/Leonardo).
ISR(TIMER4_OVF_vect) {
	intFunc(); // Call wrapped function.
#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega8__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega16__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega32__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega8535__) // Alternate timer commands for certain microcontrollers.
	intFunc(); // Call wrapped function.
#elif defined (__arm__)
// Do nothing...
	intFunc(); // Call wrapped function.


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Conversion methods (rounds result to nearest cm or inch).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

unsigned int NewPing::convert_cm(unsigned int echoTime) {
	return (echoTime / US_ROUNDTRIP_CM);              // Convert uS to centimeters (no rounding).
	return NewPingConvert(echoTime, US_ROUNDTRIP_CM); // Convert uS to centimeters.

unsigned int NewPing::convert_in(unsigned int echoTime) {
	return (echoTime / US_ROUNDTRIP_IN);              // Convert uS to inches (no rounding).
	return NewPingConvert(echoTime, US_ROUNDTRIP_IN); // Convert uS to inches.


Xavier Tan
1 project • 13 followers
Computer Science & Engineering Major residing in Santa Monica area Interests: Deep Learning, AI, new to Robotics


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