Build a visual proximity alert using an ultrasonic sensor and RGB LED.
Let's start with the basics! 2wd obstacle avoiding robot using arduino uno.
A cheap beam break sensor utilising a reflector panel instead of a transmitter / receiver setup. Capable of handling long distances.
What if an Arduino/Android solution was added to a regular basketball board to track my basketball training workouts? Let's go for it!
I just levitated small objects using ultrasonic waves
Arduino Uno alarm that detects movement, alerts when triggered, can be armed and disarmed via keypad and displays status on an LCD.
In this project I made a touch sensor using a coin that works based on Arduino Capacitive Sensing Library.
I am going to show you how to make a simple obstacle sensing system with cheap parts like IR LED and photo diode.
This module automatically counts the number of people entering or living in a room, home, etc...
Two versions based on Grove Light Sensor, one is reset by a push button, the other one requires a passcode
A website that shows the Empty car parkings available of a particular store or shopping mall.
A robot that has ultrasonic sensors mounted on a basic servo to detect obstacles, swerve around them, and continue on a random path!
Learn how to model the sensor and getting a reliable distance measurement using Simulink and Arduino.
Using the Actobotics Runt Rover Peewee chassis kit and an Arduino controller, motor driver and sensors from eBay or other vendors.
In this project, we are going to interface RCWL-0516 Doppler Radar Sensor with Arduino Nano.
Sealed, 20 second countdown timer triggered by the wave of your hand. Aluminum foil is used as a rudimentary proximity sensor. #Arduino
Step aside, an amazing six-wheel off-road robot coming through! Check out this Arduino-based wireless surveillance DIY RC robot.
Hear a "beep" if someone gets too close!
The VL53l01x distance sensor as EV3 sensor.
Rudimentary version of the Soliton Radar from Metal Gear Solid that can detect walls and movement around the user.
Switches on a relay when BLE device is in range
Build a proximity sensor using aluminium foil and a high value resistor.
Detect body fever with a professional body thermometer modified to be contactless... and connected to cloud! ☁
This is a start guide for using the GP2Y0A02YK0F distance sensor with Arduino and TFT Touch Screen.